Lookie here Sugar Pies!
It’s my New Summertime E-Book!
Ya Hoooo!
“Watermelon and Fireflies”
51 Farm Fresh Ideas
For Celebrating
the Good Ol’ Summertime

My oh my! Sugar Pies, are you ready for a sun-drenched, farm fresh, sweet-as-corn-on-the-cob adventure to the good ol’ summertime? Well, this E-Book will take you there! This is more than a E-Book with words, each page is decorated in full color with vintage images, photos, charming quotes and of course 51 farm fresh ideas including family fun tips, recipes, decorating ideas, encouragement for homemakers and so much more! Darlins’, “Watermelon and Fireflies” is just drippin’ with sweet southern nostalgia like honey from a honeycomb!
Take a peek at a couple sample pages…
There are tools at the bottom to view the pages: Find the arrows to flip the pages ahead or to go back. There is also a tool make the image and text larger.
I can’t wait for you to see all of the ideas I’ve gathered to bless your heart! Here are some of the idea titles;
- Breakfast in a Bucket
- Rise and Shine!
- Come and Get it!
- Sunshine Fresh
- Diner Pie
- Meet Me At The Fair!
- Gathering Joy!
- Farm-girl Treasure Hunt
- Dreamy Strawberry Butter
- Jingle Bells in July
- Fresh Farm Style
- Have a Summer Pie Party
- Golden Moments
- Yankee Doodle Macaroni Salad
- Sweet Wonderful You!
- Have a Cow! (moo!)
- Fresh as a Daisy
- A Splashing Good Time!
- Going on a Picnic!
Plus so many more! I’ve even included my recipe for Oh My Stars! Fresh Peach Pie…it’s the best pie EV-AH and everyones favorite…and when you taste it you’ll squeal “OH MY STARS!”
Just so there’s no confusion, I want all my sistas to know that this is a PDF document that you can download, view and print on your computer. This is NOT a printed book that you’ll be receiving by mail. Due to the fact that this is a digital download, I won’t be able to accept any refunds. If you have any questions about your order you can contact my son Dusty at auntruthie@sugarpiefarmhouse.com
Understand that he has a full time job and he will answer your emails as quickly as he can.
There’s more! I’ve also included 14 of my Sugar Pie Sistas Summertime ideas! Remember when I first announced that I was writing a E-Book about summer I asked y’all for your favorite ideas and memories? Well, the response was overwhelming…I received over 200 comments! They were all so wonderful! Oh my goodness! I loved your stories! I could just feel the warm summer breeze flow across my face and taste the juicy fresh blueberry pie reading your memories! I could almost hear Grandma humming an old hymn as she hung her linens on the line…the wind snappin’ the sheets…the bees a-buzzin’. It was too hard to choose! I had to have my Editor, Marla Robison help me make the final selections…I wanted them all!
As promised, the Sugar Pie Sistas that were selected to have their summertime ideas and memories added to my E-Book will receive a free download of “Watermelon and Fireflies.” Here are the Winners:
- Amanda Venegas
- Oklahoma Granny-okgranny.blogspot.com
- Shelley Petrosino
- Kimberly Bastin- bluegrassandgreentomatoes.blogspot.com
- Jen Bartlett – pairofbartletts.typepad.com
- Miss Merry -missmerry-s.blogspot.com
- Leah Fiandt – lovegrowsbest.com
- Stefanie – lifeatthetriplep.blogspot.com
- Alicia
- Katie Barber – harringtonhouse.typepad.com
- Amy O’quinn – homeschoolblogger.com/picketfencemom
- Betty McIntyre – country-charm.blogspot.com
- Nicky Crayton
- Elizabeth Furry – loaganranch.blogspot.com
Congratulations Gals! Hang tight, you will be receiving an email with a link to your free download shortly.
Here’ what a couple of my dear friends said about “Watermelon and Fireflies”…
Linda said…
“I can’t imagine a better way to spend a Summer day than to relax in a cooling afternoon breeze with an iced cold glass of sweet tea, a jar of yummy “Farm Wife Banana Pudding” and Ruthann’s new e-book Watermelon and Fireflies. Jam-packed with the best that Sugar Pie Farmhouse has to offer, it’s a joy to read and sparks the imagination quicker than fireflies at sunset. It is charming, homey and conveys in the sweetest possible terms Ruthann’s love for home and family and it will inspire you to make the most of this summer with your family. It’s at the top of my summer reading list.”
Linda Lee
Sister-in-Law to sweet Ruthann
Marla Said…
“What an incredibly delightful read! From the beautifully decorated pages to the precious stories and funny anecdotes, Watermelon and Fireflies makes your heart sing and reminds you of all of the beauty of sweet summertime. Aunt Ruthie shares so many of her wonderful and creative ideas that inspire one to not let the season go by without “making a memory.” I’m excited to purchase this southern jewel for each of my grandmas, aunts, mom and sister and look forward to taking a little walk down memory lane with the women who were such an integral part of the summers of my childhood. Thank you Ruthann for sharing your amazing heart with your Sugar Pie Sistas!
Marla Robison (Editor)
Your Kindred Sista
To all of my sweet blogging Sugar Pie Sistas I’m celebrating with a give away! I’ve gathered a few of my favorite goodies that make my heart squeal with joy! Take a look…
Apricots and Cream Body Lotion:
My most favorite lotion for summertime! It smells so good I want to eat it!
A refreshing body spritz that matches the scent of the Apricots and Cream lotion. Keep it in the refrigerator and cool yourself off on a hot summer day!
Three of my favorite Homestead Blessings DVD’s! Talk about down-home farm-girl style! These gals have the sweetest southern way about them! They live on a farm in Tennessee, and make everything from scratch…so inspiring! These wonderful DVD’s are from Franklin Springs Family Media. They produce wonderful films that honor God and Family!
One adorable gal is going to win them all!
To enter in the drawing to win these goodies, all you need to do is talk about my new book on your blog with a link to SugarPieFarmhouse.com, then let me know by leaving a comment on this blog post. I will draw one name and announce the winner on my next post! This will help get the word out about “Watermelon and Fireflies.” Summer is here and my book is ripe for the pickin’!
I’m so excited to tell you that a portion of the proceeds from this book will go to “Samaritans Purse” (A relief organization founded by Billy Graham’s son Franklin Graham) and “Feed The Children.” What an incredible opportunity to help support these two amazing organizations in their efforts to relieve human suffering around the world.
I just want to make sure y’all understand that this E-Book is one that you will download on your computer. You will be able to read it at your computer or you can print it out. If you choose to print it out, you can slip the pages in plastic page protectors and then put them in a notebook, that’s what I have done with other E-books that I have purchased.
So Sugar Pies, pour a tall glass of something ice-cold and yummy to drink. Relax and settle yourself into a comfy spot as you embark on this armchair adventure filled with delightful vintage charm and old fashioned fun!
Just so there’s no confusion, I want all my sistas to know that this is a PDF document that you can download, view and print on your computer. This is NOT a printed book that you’ll be receiving by mail. Due to the fact that this is a digital download, I won’t be able to accept any refunds. If you have any questions about your order you can contact my son Dusty at auntruthie@sugarpiefarmhouse.com
Understand that he has a full time job and he will answer your emails as quickly as he can.
Oh my goodness…I’m SO excited and can’t wait to read your ebook. And I’m just thrilled and honored beyond words to be included. :o)
When I’m feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, I always click over here to Sugar Pie Farmhouse to get recharged and inspired…and BLESSED.
I know this sweet summertime treasure will be a joy to all who partake!
Thanks, sweet Ruthann!
Love and hugs,
Amy O/picketfencemom
BTW, Homeschool Blogger did a big make-over and change-over to a new system, and I have some work to do to clean up and re-vamp my blog. It’s looking a little dusty over there. LOL I lost my sweet little template and lots of my posts. :-(
Cant wait to read it
Can’t wait to step out on my front porch with my new “Watermelon And Fireflies” and a glass of fresh iced lemon water!!! Aunt Ruthie is like a mother to so many of us little farmgirls! Congratulations on your new E-Book, Aunt Ruthie!
Aunt Ruthie! So thrilled to see you finished your new ebook! Just bought mine and waiting for the my email and password so I can get ready to print! Just looking at the sample pages, I know it is going to be something we are all going to enjoy! I realize you are probably just coming up from air on finishing your summer book, but have you given any thought to a fall book? Winter? Spring? I’m sorry, I just love your creative and wonderful ideas and outlook on life! I don’t mean to overwhelm you, just wondering? :) Take a rest now, enjoy that new grandbaby, and have a great “watermelon and fireflies” summer!!!!!
Ok, missy! ya gotta a customer down here in Sedalia! Ya all take care and give the family a big bear hug…. except little Johnny give him a baby bear hug! See ya soon
OOOH Aunt Ruthie I can’t wait to load up on some of your summertime goodness ideas! Your book looks adorable! Thanks for helping us homemakers live to the fullest. I’m glad some portions are going to Samaritan’s Purse – what a great organization. We’ve done the shoeboxes for them. That apricot lotion looks scrumptous. Happy Summer! XO Ann
Aunt Ruthie,
I am just so excited to read the book! I’ve been overjoyed ever since you told us you were writing a book. You have such a sweet, loving, creative heart, and it shows through each blog post. I’m sure the book is goin to be a favorite of many. It will be one if mine for sure. God bless you and your family, and congradulations on little Jonny! He is such a cuty!
God bless,
Sarah Miriam
Can’t wait to get your new book! But first…..I need to get a new ink cartridge!!! I better hurry! Best of luck to you with your new book.
OK, I’ve been neglecting my blog, but you just gave me an excuse to post! Ruthie, thank you so much for creating such an insiprational book! I can’t wait to read it and plan my summer fun.
Oh, I am so excited to sit on my patio with a nice tall glass of tea and read your new book!!! Congratulations Aunt Ruthie!!
Hey Ruthann,
I’m very excited to download your new book. I just love everything about your site. I’ll keep this short. I don’t find the price for the download anywhere…may just be me, but I can’t seem to find it.
Thanks and many blessings to you,
So sorry, I found it…eureka!!! Here we go with the download and thanks for the discount!!! can’t wait.
A highlight of my summer!! :0) Got it ordered and waiting to download it! So excited. You make every season fun and exciting…but this book will be FABULOUS I’m sure. Can’t wait!!! Thank you….thank you…thank you….and Congratulations on your efforts and hard work!!
OMG.. I just love your site and I’m so excited about your new e-book. I posted about your giveaway on my blog. I would sooooo love to be your neighbor.. lol. Thank you for being you, you are an inspiration!!
Big Hugs,
Wow, how exciting!
Enter me in your giveaway too–I blogged about it here
Ohhhhhh Honey! I’ve already downloaded it and, let me tell you! I cannot wait to get at this book as soon as I’m off work! WHOOOO HOOOOOO! Summertime is here! Thank you, Aunt Ruthie. God bless you!
I am SOOOOO excited about the new book, can’t wait to download it! I don’t have a blog so can’t post this, is there another way I can enter the give away???? I am blessed to feel a part of your sweet blog! XO, Pinky
This is so cool!
I wish my dad would let me use my card online.. =(
So cute! I wish it was in a real book form!! I’d get extras for gifts!
My book is printing right now!! I am so excited. I adore your blog and I know I will love this book. Funny about the timing…. today is my anniversary and my hubby and I married and had our honeymoon in Branson!!!!! Thank you for all the time, effort and love that I know went into this little book!!!!
It sounds wonderful… I can’t wait to dig in!
Just ordered it, Ruth Ann. I can’t wait to get it…I know it truly will bless my heart. And, if your recipes are anything like the one you shared with me for the killer apple pie, I know each one will become my family’s favorite. So excited for you, and all of us!! xoxo Lidy
I just took the gals at willowwell.com down summer lane with a peak into your highly anticipated book. I can’t wait to read it myself! Thank you for opening your heart and filling a treasure trove of summertime goodies and goodness for us to relish in!
Aunt Ruthie!
I am so excited to be a part of “Watermelon and Fireflies”. It’s so ironic….when I took our little dog out last night, the fireflies were AMAZING. Didn’t dream that I would wake up today and see this sweet blessing from you in the form of Watermelon and Fireflies!
You are an inspiration! I cannot WAIT to read it…and I will most certainly be working on a post at A Pair of Bartletts!
Much love and many hugs,
Oh, my goodness me! I’m so honored to have my summertime idea included in Watermelon & Fireflies.
I’m downloading the cookbook right now and can’t wait to see what new things I’ll be including in my summertime meal planning.
You better believe I’m blogging about your new book! Count me in and thank you for the giveaway chance!!
I’m so happy!! I am absolutely blogging about it as soon as I get off this comment!
Congratulations on your new e-book! I am thrilled for you! I love coming to your blog for inspiration! I can’t wait to download this book, I know I will enjoy every single bit of it!
Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with all of us!
I did a blog post about this and I hope it sends some readers your way!! Everyone needs to partake of this e-book and your blog!
Okay I just added your link to my post today! Now I’m going to have to check out the e-book soon! Thanks Aunt Ruthie!
Congratulations Ruthie! it’s going to be an awesome read :)
I’ve been looking forward to this!! What a treat!!
Just linked to your website from my blog, and posted about your new book! I love it, Aunt Ruthie! Thanks for all your hard work, it’s a fabulous book that I’ll recommend to others!
Hi Aunt Ruthie~
What a cute book! I wish it was in hard copy! Maybe one day?
I blogged about your wonderful e-book and linked back to your giveaway!
I love the cover…..its at the top of my post!
Though I pray to wiln ALL the goodies (I have been wanting to get/watch the West Ladies DVD’s)…….I pray more so that word gets out about you sweet new e-book and that folks line up to get their copy download!
Love and Blessings,
eeek! I’m so excited! Thank you Aunt Ruthie for choosing my story, can’t wait to download it! Wooooooot Woooooooot!
Just looking at the cover photo makes me remember my childhood summers… sigh Hand cranking the ice cream maker, while the adults sat rocking in those colorful metal lawn chairs…drinking iced tea from aluminum tumblers that always formed cold, misty moisture on the outside and dripped in your lap. Can’t wait to read the book~
Hello Sweet Ruthann,
Oh my goodness! I love your E~Book and purchased it as soon as I read your email! I can’t wait to print it out and put them in liners as you suggested! Ruthann, you are a inspiration to all and have blessed our lives! Thank you for sharing all that you do about home and the Lord.
I just made a fun post on my blog about your E~Book and used that cute picture of the two of us at In n’ Out!
Love ya sista!
I don’t have a blog or website but I do enjoy your site. I have watched some of the West ladies’ DVD and have also enjoyed them. Your book looks cute and I hope to be able to purchase it when the Lord blesses me with some money. Thanks!
What asweet keepsake you have created Ruthann!
I LOVE it!
I just bought it!!!
I can hardly wait to read it!!!
Thanks for all your inspiring posts!
You were an answer to prayer on a few occasions ;0)
I love your e-book. In fact I purchased it today and have enjoyed reading it. I have also posted about it on my blog and put a link to your site so I would love to be entered to win the lovely goodies you have for your giveaway. Have a great day.
What a wonderful surprise to find out you picked my entry….=)
I always love coming to your site and leave refreshed and renewed. I love how you encourage all of us girls to be better wives, mothers and home makers. God has truly blessed you with the gift of encouragement.
Blessings to you,
I have been waiting for this! I posted about your blog and new e-book on my blog. I hope you’re thinking of another e-book for fall!
I’ve been reading through the e-book this afternoon and I just have to say…..WOW!!
Now I want to sew an apron, hang a clothesline, pull out my mason jars and buy a big bag of lemons!
I LOVE this ‘book’.
Thank you!
Just downloaded the new e-book and cannot wait to dig into all the goodies! You website always brightens my day and your faith encourages and blesses me! Thank you for being such a light!
When you talk about watermelons, I can’t help but think of the cutest basket I’ve ever seen that Longaberger has on sale for two days this week. It’s called the Watermelon Medium Market Day basket. Check out my website to see it! Aunt Ruthie, if you would like this basket, I have a special $10 off coupon for you! Just let me know on Wednesday or Thursday!
Signing off to read and relax and just go back in time! Sure do miss my sweet Mamaw’s who are both with Jesus now! Have a wonderful week!
Love the book. Printed it off this afternoon, and I have thoroughly enjoyed pouring over the pages. What a refreshing read and such a fun book for the good ole’ summertime!!! Thanks for sharing your heart with us. God bless you and your precious family.
Your blog is great! Nostalgic but still in the now!
Hi Ruthie! I posted about your blog and ebook on my blog :). here – http://klynnedesigns.blogspot.com/2010/06/hi-guys.html I am so excited to download your book and I just love your blog! f the prizes in the giveaway look so amazing and I’d love to be entered in :)
Aunt Ruthie!
You didn’t have to ask me to talk about it…I wanted to jump up and down on my blog and tell people about it! Thank you again for your kindness of including my favorite memory. In return, I have written a post about the new book. The post will automatically update at midnight, but I’m leaving you the permalink here.
Much love and many hugs,
Jen Bartlett
Looking forward to reading your new book! I think you are awesome.
I am so excited to be included in your new book!
I have already downloaded and flipping through “Watermelon and Fireflies”… Adorable and so, so sweet. I just had to share it with all of my family and friends!
You can check out my post about your site and e-book on my blog!
my dear sweet friend!!!!! oh my heart! i know what a labor of love this has been and i am so excited to see it is here! I wrote about it on my blog and hope all the kittens grab it! How blessed they will be! Mommy Disneyland!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to see ya doll! Give me a call…God bless you! love ya sugar…Cat
Great book! I heard about this on the vintage housewife’s blog and have now signed up for your emails. I also blogged about this.
So happy to have found you! I am off to enjoy your site. Nice to “meet” you!
All the best from Long Island, NY,
Congrats and I wish you many sweet rewards from all your hard work creating such a blessed book. :)
Aunt Ruthie, thank you somuch for the preview of your new book. I hope to one day be able to purchase it and see what more lies between the covers. You have been so inspirational to me, a stay at home mom of 5. I get such joy from visiting your blog and can just smell the yumminess that comes from your home without even being there. I have posted on my blog about your new book and hope that it will inspire my friends and family to come visit you as well. If you would be so kind to include me in the drawing for the lotion I would appreciate it. Thank you! Nicole
I have to say I read your book and absolutely LOVE IT!!! It is so refreshing and I am inspired to create a really lovely summer for the boys and I. All I have to do is buy some yellow ink to be able to print it out. I adore all the graphics =))
Aunt Ruthie, I had so much fun reading your e book today.I was only going to read a few pages a day but started on it and had to read it all . I drop in and read your blog and I’m always BLESSED. I look forward to your next post.
I bought the ebook and it is super cute! You could frame every page! Now the only thing left for me to do is get more colored ink for my printer so I can have it in my hands. In fact I think I will rotate pages in a frame it would go perfectly on my desk in the kitchen and give me some inspiration. The only problem is I keep using a southern accent while Im reading, but bless my heart Im from Texas and cant help it. Your the best Aunt Ruthie!
I purchased the e-book and it is delightful Ruthie. I just love it! Like Laura, I want to print it out, but it will have to be one page at a time over a long period of time of course! I spread the news about it on my own blog. I think it’s just wonderful. Good luck to your winner whoever it may be! (Please, let it be me! haha)
I posted about your e-book this morning on my blog and can’t wait to take it to the copy place to have it printed off for me to grab on a whim!
Many Blessings,
plese add me to the drawing, I just posted about your book on my blog. Interesting book, might have to have one, my birthday is the end of June.
have a great summer day!
I mentioned you!
Can i be added to the drawing even though i don’t have a blog? i’m a regular reader! :)
Dear Aunt Ruthie,
Oh my, the book is wonderful! I just couldn’t wait to read it in the morning on the porch. I stayed up late and read every colorful and inspirational page. Believe me, I loved it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the countless hours you spent putting it together for all your Sugar Pies. I hope that now you can enjoy summer with your sweet family and rock little Johnny boy.
Lots of love,
Hello Ruthie!
I have been a lurker for quite a while now, but promise to start commenting. I love your posts, especially since you glorify our Father in Heaven and have the most beautiful quotes. I really enjoy reading about your home and your life, and tell you that your home is very beautiful. Our father has really blessed you.
I previewed your ebook, as soon as I saw it in my mailbox, and love it! When I get some extra cash (as I am a student) I am going to order it! In the meantime, I made your butter recipe, and it was delicious! I also made a variation of adding a little honey in my second batch, and might make some later on with garlic in it. I will definitely order it as soon as I can, as I can, as I also loved your banana pudding idea, and loved all the pretty pictures and details.
I also added the ebook to my blog, even though I don’t get much traffic yet, and it’s still fairly young.
Thank you!
Kimberly ♥
Love, Love, Love your blog! And I’ve posted a link to it on mine!
I just blogged about this! Looks great!
Wow! I’m in my daughters car on a busy Seattle freeway so I need to remember to download this when I get home. It sounds wonderful and will be a timeless gift to pass down with my other treasures. Thanks Aunt Ruthie and God Bless!
Left a message on my blog – I love the fact that you are donating some of the profits to two great organizations!
What an wonderful E Book! I blogged about it here, http://thisdecoratedlifeblog.com/?p=332! And what a wonderful giveaway! I have been eyeing those Homestead Blessings videos for sometime now. :)
God Bless,
I just ordered your ebook & can’t wait to read it! That gorgeous picture of the Iced tea was enough to convince me that I needed to buy it now! I enjoy your blog so much keep up the great work.
Aunt Ruthie..I have posted this last week on my blog..Rick-Rack and Gingham..I do adore everything about your ideas of family and memories, decorating and of course food!!
I did a lot of followup on the Franklin media. Thank you so much for this info. I love them .My daughters and I are going to share the DVD’s. I have been dehydrating all week..as we will be hitting the road in a 40 ft rv..and space is at a minimal..lol
Apricot..I adore! It and lavender are the only 2 scents I put on myself.
Even if I don’t win..I have one with the findings of the Franklin media..and of course your book.I can’t wait to have some extra funds to purchase it!!
Hugs from one old fashion gal to another..
Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Congrats on your book.
LOVE the book!!!
I hope you write one for each season!!!
Perfect! I was just eating left over pie n squeezing in a quick shot of Aunt Ruthie inspiration when I saw this fun announcement… Congratulations !!! It looks adorable and I love that it benefits such worthy causes. My daughter, Sarah Rose, and I always enjoy all you share here – Thank you. Hope you and your beautiful family have a wonderful summer!
Hi Ruth Ann: My computer crashed and I no longer have your email address. I think I’m going to pass through your way in October. We are driving from Omaha to Eureka Springs. We live in Arizona and I would love to ask you some questions about the area. I met your sweet sister at a Domestic Bliss event this past year. If you get a chance, please email me at cbakeman@cox.net.
Ruthie! I don’t have a blog! I don’t have time to do a blog! But I so badly want to win all of the things you’re giving away! Ha ha! I’ve been reading all about the West sisters for some time now and my 8 year old LOVES their videos. I love Philosphy’s products, so yummy. You still inspire me daily and many aspects of my life have changd (home organization, loving on my husband and daughter more, etc) since “meeting” your blog. Congrats to whoever is the lucky gal who takes all of this home!
Ruthie, I have just discovered you! I am off to explore your awesome site and read your blog posts. We share some of the same goals and values! Thanks for sharing.
I love your new book-I have enjoyed reading it and I am looking forward to reading it again and again-I even printed it off as a mini book and put in in my kitchen for a quick reference.
I would love to be entered in the drawing and I did a little snippet on my blog about your book as well. Thank you so much for being a blessing and inspiration to me! Blessings to you, Tress
I just wrote a post about it on my blog Oldhousekitchen.blogspot.com!
I can’t wait to read the e-book…I’m going to go order it now!
P.S….I agree with an above commenter…I’m sure it would be beautiful in hard copy form.
I thought I had left a message to enter! I can’t find it though :( But please enter me! I’ve soooo wanted to check out these videos for the longest now! Can’t wait to read your book!!! LOVE it! -Jennifer
Hi Ruthie! I posted about your blog and ebook on my blog :). here – http://klynnedesigns.blogspot.com/2010/06/hi-guys.html I am so excited to download your book and I just love your blog! f the prizes in the giveaway look so amazing and I’d love to be entered in :)
Hi Aunt Ruthie,
Ordered the book and got my Pay pal confirmation but didn’t get the download instructions. I DID get the second email about some things being cut off and Dusty getting them corrected but did not get the first one or download. Can you check it out for me? Thanks so much. It is ordered under my other email (tanmadtro@hotmail.com) That’s my paypal account one. Looking forwarding to some great summer reading!
Hey Aunt Ruthie! I just popped on over to see what was new in your world like I do from time to time. Your blog is just soo much fun! I can never get enough. Anyways, just wanted to let ya know I mentioned ya over at my blog and about your E-Book and Give Away! Hope all is well in The Ozarks! I keep trying to get my hubby to take us there but so far no go. I think the boys would just love it!
Wow, for some reason my heart is pounding with excitement over this project of yours! An E-book that can be in my hands the minute I click a button? Too cool! I’m so inspired and feeling especially blessed this first day of summer: the sun came out in Oregon today! Blessings! ~Heidi
I just love to come by and visit your farmhouse. I always leave inspired and refreshed. I am so glad that I now have “Watermelon & Fireflies” to keep me going even when I’m not around the computer. Thanks for all of your tips, and encouragement and for sharing your love of your family and the Lord. Praying God’s blessings on your book, family and all future adventures that you take :) Hugs!
Aunt Ruthie,
I just bought your ebook through Paypal under the included email.
I’m not sure if you know how to get a hold of me so that I can receive my copy it so I am leaving you this message.
Please hurry and send my copy! I can’t wait to read your book!!! (:
Okay Aunt Ruthie, I not only ordered your wonderful blue ribbon book above BUT I put a nice review on my blog too. NOT because I want the gifts (okay, who doesn’t!) but because I one hundred percent believe in your book, your site, and YOU and also the review just looks so darn good on my blog. (: ……If you can see fit to throw my name in the bucket, please do otherwise your book will honestly be prize enough!
Thanks, Sista!
Visiting your blog has always been such a heart-warming pleasure, Ruthann! Thank you so very much for all the care and thought with which you craft each post.
I was a bride and a rookie homemaker 3 years ago when I first came across Warm Pie Happy Home, and I was hooked and inspired by your Beulah story, your zeal for God, and your commitment to homemaking. Also, I was not that much of a computer fan….so it was really a step for me 2 months ago when I began my own little blog. I began the blog so I could be more of a part of this wonderful homemaking community of bloggers.
Congratulations on your new e-book, Aunt Ruthie! I’ve written about it on my blog and hope you have great success with your book. And I’d love to enter your giveaway. Thanks!
Sincerely, Heather
LOVE LOVE LOVE “Watermelons and Fireflys”!!! Your E-book is just beautiful!! It really made my day:) I love everything about your blog. In fact, I’m fighting w/my teenage daughter over the computer because I can’t get enough of your blog!! And I really really love your songlist. I thought I was the only person that appreciated movie soundtracks. I wish you lots of success with your book. May God keep you in his care.
Sincerely, Janice
P.S.- Hardcopy would be even better:)
Hi Ruth Ann,
Oh, I just love your book! I was so excited to read it but I wanted to wait until a perfect summers day was here. Then I sat on my swing with a cool glass of leamonade and read it cover to cover!
The pictures are wonderful…infact the whole lay it is just perfect. I would love to see you do a book for each season!
And…a big thank you for the discount you made available. It was so thoughtful.
God Bless you as much as you have Blessed others with your beautiful book.
i’ve paid through pay pal and got a e-mail saying paid but no where to download the book. what should i do?
yeah, i got my e-mail with the book inside!!! :-)
Blogged about your new e-book! I would love to see you do one each Season!
yad da yad da YA!
I’ve been wanting to create a blog for over a year now. Helping promote a book for a woman that has been a continual source of encouragement and inspiration was all the incentive I needed! Thanks!
Sugar Pies,, is it wrong to already be wanting it to be Fall already..
looking forward to some of those good fall recipes.. and looking forward to redecorating my blog, http://glassofsweettea.blogspot.com/
with all the beautiful oranges and reds.. For this Summer, it is all beach and sand.. Since I am new to your site and new to blogging, i cant wait to see what you do this fall..
Auntie – So disappointed to learn that you will only accept payment by checking or savings account through Paypal. I don’t have a problem using Paypal, but I won’t submit my checking or savings account info to make purchases, when I can usually make Paypal purchases with a credit card. Also, please consider using “Lulu.com” to make your book available in published form for those who prefer a bound book. Anyone who wanted to print it themselves still could at a lower price, but those of us who would prefer a professionally bound book could pay the extra to do so.
R. Mullet, NC
what an awesome giveaway! i posted about your giveaway. congratulations. you are a wonderful inspiration to us all. your love for the Lord inspires me.
Howwwww Deee! there.
Can’t wait to read the whole “Watermelon and Fireflie” book.
Opened up my e-book…. Speechless (that’s not easy for a big mouth Sicilian). Very pleased and “I too wish it were published”. Great!
I am jumping in ver late here – but wondering if you will be doing a fall/winter book? I would sooo love that!!!
I am jumping in very late here – but wondering if you will be doing a fall/winter book? I would sooo love that!!!
I was wondering how I could download the copies of your e-books I am new here but going back I absoluetly adore the watermelon and fireflies. please let me know how to get it.
How can I get a copy of the E-book? I would love to purchase one.
Thank you.
The link to purchase your ebook does not work. I click on the link and the big pink button and it just takes me to a graphic that says you cart is empty. I wanted to purchse as copy and I cannot locate your email or contact info on you site.
I also just found your absolutely beautiful blog recently! I was so excited when I found this link to your e-book but was sad to see that it was no longer available. With summer coming up soon, would you consider re-offering it for purchase? I would absolutely love to buy it. Your website is such an encouragement and inspiration to me, and it truly does look like an absolutely lovely e-book. Thank you for considering!
Darn it, too bad I don’t have a blog. Oh well… Happy Mother’s Day!
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I am jumping in ver late here – but wondering if you will be doing a fall/winter book? I would sooo love that!!!
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