Well howdy Sugar Pie Gals! Come on into the Farmhouse and let’s have ourselves a little chat. On my last post I invited all of your questions and I received an overwhelming response! Thank you! Today I’m going to answer a few of them and then continue answering more in future posts. But first I wanted to give you an update on my Summertime book! The bulk of the book is completed! Whew!! I just have a little editing left and a few other loose ends to tie up. Then my son Dusty (my fabulous Web Site Designer!) will transform it into digital form so you will be able to download it instantly at your computer and print it out if you would like. My editor is still trying to choose and narrow down the fabulous entries for the Summer Ideas and memories contest. There were 199 submissions! They’re all so delightful it’s very hard to choose! I do have to say, having my Sugar Pie Sistas ideas, tips and memories included in my book will be the sweet cherry on top!
Regarding the music that I play on my blog….it’s been there all the time! If you are not hearing it, click on the “BLOG” button at the top to refresh the page and it should start! Hope that helps!
Now let’s get started with your questions!
Q. How did you happen to become an author?

A. Well, several years ago I developed a series of “Home Life” products that promoted communication in families. I guess you can say that I was “discovered” at the Christian Booksellers Convention by Harvest House Publishers. I was a vendor at CBA selling my products at wholesale to Christian Bookstores and other retail businesses.( I ran my business at home and had other Cottage Industry Moms manufacture the products for me.) Anyhoo, I was approached about writing a book which turned into four books that I co-authored with my wonderful sister-in-law Linda. It was a blessing indeed! As you can see from the picture above, the character of my first book was named after my son Dusty. My other sis-in-law Mara did the amazing illustrations for Dusty’s Beary Tales. Wow is she ever an awesome artist!! Click here to see her blog and learn how to watercolor! Be sure to tell her I sent ya! Unfortunaltely, my books are no longer in print but you can still find them on Amazon.
Q. I’m excited for your upcoming book. I know you mentioned that it will be available to download. I would love to have it in real book form. I think you said that it would be available as a regular book at some point, didn’t you?
A. My Summer book will only be available to download. I did say “At some point in the future I hope to have it published and available on Amazon”, but “hope” is the key word. As for now I don’t have any plans for that unless I get “discovered” again!
Q. Can we see more pictures of your home?

A. I actually got a lot of requests to show the other rooms of my home. I seem to share more pictures of my kitchen or fireplace mantels because that is where I change my decor more often. Here are a few photos of some of my other rooms. It’s funny how our tastes change. When we built our home almost 5 years ago I was going for a mostly “Lodge” look. While I still like a cabin feel, I am now more drawn to Farmhouse style. So if it was in my budget to change the decor, colors and all, I would go more farmhouse-y. For now I call my decor Farmhouse Lodge. I also want to share that with the exception of the sofa’s, upholstered chairs and mattresses, everything else I purchase to decorate my home I buy at discount, second hand, or antique stores. I also shop at Target for cute stuff too! It’s easier on the budget, and it’s much more fun to hunt and find unique pieces at good prices. My headboard cost $125.00 in the bargin room at the back of the furniture store. Not bad eh?

Master Bath

Summer’s Homework nook and library

Ozark Hillbilly Bathroom
Q. I guess I’d like to know how you came about your parenting and homemaking skills. Did you learn from your mom? grandma? friend/mentor? All by yourself?
A. I would have to say I learned from several women. Certainly my mom was a great example. She kept a tidy home, and had a scrumptious supper on the table every night at 5:30 when my dad came home from work. She is very creative and always decorated for Christmas in a big way! Our home turned into a Christmas wonderland….and for me as a child it was so delightful. I gleaned tips from my aunts who had the gift of hospitality and my mother-in-law who is an amazing cook and always sets a beautiful candlelit table. Another huge influence was from Emilie Barnes. She is an amazing woman and author of several homemaking books. As a young wife and mother I had the privelege of going to several of her homemaking and Christmas Seminars. I learned about how to get organized so I could have “More Hours In My Day’. I learned about the importance of making happy family traditions and memories. I was honored when Emilie began selling my homelife products at her seminars. She became a dear friend along with her hubby Bob. Emilie’s dear friend and co-author Sheri Torelli is now giving the seminars. They have a web site at emiliebarnes.com. As a young mama, I read everything I could get my hands on about homemaking, getting organized and how to raise a happy family. Emilie Barnes is the go-to gal for getting inspired and motivated! I don’t consider myself an expert… I’m still learning stuff!

If you are overwhelmed with all that you have to do The 15 Minute Organizer is a book that will help you gain control of the chaos in little 15 minute chunks of time.

15 Minute Family Tradititions and Memories:Can I say that I love this book!! I have read and re-read it a million times! Emilie just knows how to inspire us gals into getting excited about making fun and heartwarming memories with our families!
Q. Is this (the house you are in now) the last home you will build?

A. No, “if the good Lord’s willin’ and the creek don’t rise” we will build another home. My husband is in the home building/ property development business, so he gets itchin’ to build every few years. We want to build a smaller home in a true white clapboard farmhouse style just like the one pictured above. I would love to have a kitchen garden just outside the kitchen door and a chicken house with about 6 chickens….and one rooster named Jim-Bob. We are waiting for the economy to turn around before we move forward.
Q. My 12-year old son wants a cell phone so he can text his friends, and maybe download apps. We already have internet access & computer time limits, but they always want more! It’s great our kids are learning so much, and I do love the computer & reading blogs, but wanted your thoughts about balancing a happy home life & the pull of technology. And I’m concerned about things he may see “accidentally”.
A. I hear ya on that one! My daughter Summer (almost 12) wants a cell phone. But we are holding off for now. All of her friends have a phone but we are not ready for her to have one yet. Too often kids get so immersed in the world of texting that it can easily take away from time with family along with homework and household jobs. The only reason that I can think of for her to have one is for emergencies. I did not have to face that situation with my older kids because they were already teenagers when cell phones came about, and by then I wanted them to have one so they could call me if they were going to be late or to tell me they got to their destination safely. When we do allow Summer to have a phone, it will come with limitations. As far as being exposed to inappropriate things on the internet I recommend the resources found on Focus On The Family-Internet Filters and Mobile Accountablility . Click here for more info.
In fact any parenting/marriage and family questions you have can most likely be answered at the Focus On The Family Web Site. They are among the best when it comes to getting information about home and family.
Q. My question is what is the light that you have in your pantry? Did you get that from the Somethin’ different website. I just love the ones they have in Cracker Barrel and they are almost identical to the ones you have in your pantry. Also, I’d love to know what kind of dishes you have that have the pretty white scroll work on the edges. I’ve seen them in many of your posts.

A. I’m thrilled that my light fixture reminds you of Cracker Barrel! That’s one of my favorite place to go eat!! They have yummy Chicken ‘n’ Dumplin’s!! Anyhoo I got the hanging lamp from Irvin’s Country Tinware. They have a catalog and an online store. Lots of fun stuff!!

My dishes with the white scroll work come from T.J. Max. I can often find dessert plates and creamy white pitchers there for just a few dollars!

You might be interested in looking at the Jaclyn Smith Traditions dishes from K-Mart, they come in white (and a few other colors) and have a pretty scroll design pictured above.

Q. Where did you get that cute cupcake apron?
A. From Heavenly Hostess! They have lots of fabric choices!
Well, thank you for stopping by for pie y’all! I’ll be answering more questions in future posts! As always I am so blessed by your kind comments! You girls are sweet as cherry pie!!
Lots of hugs!
Aunt Ruthie
My husband has self-published a book named “Journey into Spirit LIfe” and also makes several different gospel-inspired lotions. Would CBA be a place for him to market these items?
Loved reading all about these questions and answers…Sounds like you are a bust lady. Good luck with your book and projects, I’m sure they will turn out great! Hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day. Come say hi :D
I meant to type (busy lady0…sorry! LOL
Thanks for another great post…and for answering one of MY questions!!!! So exciting!!!
Can you give us information, when your book comes out, on the best way to print it? Is there special paper we could use? Should we take it to a printing place???? I ‘m so excited for this to come out!!
You have blessed me in so many ways!!!
Have a wonderful week!
Wonderful Q & A’s!
Love your home. I understand the desire to build again though. We seem to move every few years and now that my husband can retire, we are looking to move to Missouri, or Kentucky or North Carolina, or South Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee or maybe Louisiana. We are just trying to learn a bit about each place and find out what makes it special.
Thanks for being such a generous, happy hearted gal and sharing your beautiful surroundings with us :)
Thanks for answering all the questions, Aunt Ruthie! It’s so much fun to learn more about you and see all the inspiring pictures of your home. It is lovely.
Howdy, sista-in-law! I was raised in the country and my dad said “howdy” but I never did…’til today. Thanks for mentioning me in your Q & A post! Your home looks warm & lovely. Hope we get back there to visit before before you rebuild and move! Looking forward to your book!
Love, -Mara
Oh you will be discovered all right. Just remember us “little folks” when you are a huge celebrity!
Jennifer in Boise
Oh my goodness!! I am speechless!! Dusty’s Beary Tales was one of my daughter’s favourite books EVER!!! We used to sign it out all the time from our local Christian family library, in fact, I think we had it out so much, not many other people had a chance to sign it out! Robyn is 17 now, and still remembers that book, I did try to order it at one point, but no luck. I did write down a couple of the recipes, which we still use. Thanks so much for putting together such an awesome book for kids and moms too! Love your website and your blog, and your home is gorgeous!
You’ve got the best blog I’ve seen such a long time. It reminds me of a cookbook with photos and more!!! I’m sure you already know that, but I’m just tossing my 2 cents worth in. :-)
Thanks for sharing! I especially loved seeing the pictures of more of your home. I can’t imagine why you would ever want to move from there. Your home is beautiful and the views are amazing! I hope you will continue to share more pictures in the future. I look forward to yours encouraging words and ideas!
thanks for the Q&A! Loved seeing pics of the master bath, just gorgeous!!
Aunt Ruthie, Thanks for all the “girl talk” from all of our questions. I love the hillbilly bathroom! It reminds me of Silver Dollar City. I’ve been coming to SDC for a long long time. My first visit was while I was in high school, and latter as an artist I sold my art on Main ST. I remember there were only 4 places to eat in Branson on that first visit. Can you believe that!!!! When I walk out on Main Street of SDC it makes me feel like I’m getting close to “grandmas house”. I bet you know what I mean? I get that same feeling when I see a new post from Sugarpie! You are No.1 on my favorites list!
Bless You, Becky
Wow you are so inspirational…I always love reading your blog in the Holiday season! Looking forward to seeing your book : ) If any of you get a chance take a peek at my blog http://musings-of-a-gem.blogspot.com/ .
Gemma X
Thanks for the Q&A. I, too, love Emilie Barnes and have all her books. I discovered her about 20 years ago, and I agree, she’s a wonderful mentor and inspiration! In addition to More Hours In My Day, I think my other three favorites are Welcome Home, The Spirit of Loveliness, and Beautiful Home On A Budget…but they are ALL good!
Also, I can attest to the fact that Ruthann’s books are delightful. I’ve so enjoyed the ones I won in her give-away last year, and they have a special place of honor on my bookcases in the living room! Precious. Ruthann, I love your gentle, yet inspirational and sparkly, writing style! I can’t wait for the ebook!
I’m definitely going to have to check out those dishes. Love TJ Maxx!
Thanks again for sharing…love the photos!
Hugs and prayers,
Amy O/picketfencemom
Hi, Love your new post and “visiting”. Your farmhouse blog is so inspriational.I have been a fan of Emilie Barnes since my kids were babies. I picked up her small tea book from a Christian bookstore and gift shop, I think because our first names are similiar and I love tea items.Looking forward to your summer themed book and future photos of your beautiful home. ~Emelia~
Emilie Barnes was a huge inspiration to me, too!
I already had it in my heart to love my family and home and she made me feel like I was not crazy and helped me to think through making my home a warm and welcoming place for my family and friends!
Love your pantry…gotta be my favorite thing!
I can’t wait to see your book! Thanks for showing us more of your home, and I just bookmarked that site for internet links from Focus on the Family- I’ve been looking for that, as my kids get older and want more computer freedom!
Have a lovely day Aunt Ruthie! :)
loved your answers…your house is beautiful, I am moving to Branson in a couple of weeks sure would love to visit…:-)
your blog makes me smile, i can’t wait to read your books
Hey My Sweet Friend Ruthann!
I love the variety on your blog! We just never know what amazing and fun ideas you will have! Thank you for your hard work and the inspiration for all of us moms & grand-moms.
Can’t wait to see that E-book!!!!!
First, I am so happy that you shared some more of your home with us. Your master bedroom/suit is huge!!! I am decorationg my home with that farmhouse/lodge feel too. I have always wanted a big farm house, which we are remodeling to get that look and feel. And then when you live in the “forever west” state of Wyoming, I feel that you have to have add some lodge to it. I also lean more to the farmhouse touches but every thing seems to work well together. Next, I L.O.V.E the galvenized tub sink idea!!! So I was wondering if I could copy that picture for my personal files. I would love to do this to one of my bathroom in the future. Please let me know and thank you for sharing!
As always, I loved reading your blog today! Your home is beautiful!
I’ve bought several books on Amazon at your recommendation and look forward to reading Emilie Barnes’ book, as she is new to me.
Anything that helps to use my time wisely is greatly appreciated!
I’ll have to take a stroll through T J Max’s and see what I can come up with for my home as the white plates are darling. Thanks for all of the inspiration! :)
Great girl chat time! I love it when bloggers do this! I have flipped through Emilie Barnes books before… one day I will break down and buy one!! the 15 minute One caught my eye not long ago!! Looking forward to seeing your summer book ~ I hope it comes out in print too! Hope you have a lovely week! I need to remember to come back more often b/c I love your blog! =)
I certainly hope I’ll live a life like you and have such a beautiful home one day! You rock, Aunt Ruthie!
So enjoyed reading your Q&A, your home is filled with so much warmth and love.
I also have enjoyed Emilie Barnes’ books, she has been such a mentor to me as well.
I am really looking forward to reading yours too.
I’d like breakfast in bed in that lovely bedroom of yours. :)
Ruthie, I know your Granbaby is due any day so we are anxiously waiting to hear all about Johnny!!!! And, even though I have been married for 42 years I can always use new ideas on organization and time management! Thanks for the recommendations!!! Your home is just beautiful, the MB is HUGE!!! Ours is large too, but no fireplace:) Have you gotten into your “Spring cleaning” yet??? How about planting flowers etc??? I am in Pa. and so far have planted all nine window boxes and all my pots on the front porch and back deck, and about 200 annuals in the yard….WHEW!!!! Can’t wait til your next post….and the BOOK!!!!! XO, Pinky
Wouldn’t it be great if my book went well and I could buy your current house so you could build another one? Oh, the inspiration I could have writing from that front window view. Hmm. Mhh.
I enjoyed your new newsletter. I also enjoyed seeing the pictures of your home. Tell Ruth hello for me. I enjpyed our chat recently. Enjoy your new grand child. Post pictures. Bev.
Enjoyed your write … a wee look inside to learn more of you. Your home is lovely. TY for sharing.
Hugs, Marydon
Wow! Beautiful home:) We have a lot in common. I call my style “Campy Cottage”….lol…one of these days I am going to write a book titled that. I just know there are more of us out there. We have a log home we built (still building after 13 years..lol) I tried the lodge style and left my love of Farmhouse/Cottage….it was pretty but just wasn’t me. So, I am slowly bringing back my Cottage Colors and mixing it with my “Campy” stuff…I do love “Campy” stuff still. Anyway, it really does work…or I think so and I guess that is all that matters if my family and I love it, right?. Thanks so much for your Blog!
Gorgeous home Aunt Ruthie, Your blog is so pleasing to the eyes and the soul. Thank you. Paulette
I went to Amazon to check out your books and I saw that you wrote, “Celebrating Our Family Through the Seasons: A Scrapbook of Memories.” I have that book! I didn’t really remember the author and was speechless that I’ve had your book the whole time I’ve been reading your blog and didn’t know it. It’s so surreal to see your name and the name of your family in the dedication, because through the blog, I know you and your sister and your kids even though I’ve never actually met you. Blogging sure has made this world seem smaller!
Incredible! =) Thank you for sharing your home and family with your readers. You are an inspiration and I’m always blessed to read your posts.
Blessings to you and yours, Theresa
Oh…I was so thrilled that you answered my question. I am so happy. I will look at that website, which I am familiar with and check out those dishes for sure. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Also, thanks for all the pictures of the house, keep them coming! I’d love to see some more of your kitchen and mantels anyday. You have such good ideas!
Congrats to you!
Thanks for answering my question, Aunt Ruthie. I enjoyed reading this post. I was a big fan of Emilie Barnes when I was raising my kids. I had most of her books and read some of them over and over. She was very inspiring to me.
It was great reading the questions and answers. It helps to get to know you a bit better and see what inspired this fabulous website/blog :) :) :)
I love Emilie Barnes’ books. I like how she combines practical advice with godly wisdom…both necessary for running a good home. Oh, and I”ve started decorating my home more with the stuff I love now because of her :) :)
I love the music you have on your site. I thought about adding one to my Facebook page..but am still hesitant. Not sure why. However, I do like your musical taste. It’s great :) :) :)
Thanks for being such a blessing :) :) Have a great week :)
Always good to check in on you especially on a day where you’re answering questions. Thanks for all the pics of your lovely home and for the tips, and I’ll be looking for your books, and for the great links!
My 12 old daughter has just walked into our office, seen your daughter’s desk and declared that this is her dream desk! Emilie Barnes was also my homemaking mentor as a young wife and mother. I wrote to her many years ago when living in New Zealand on ‘teacup’ writing paper and thanked her for her books – she sent me a handwritten note of thanks and Godly encouragement. That little note inspired me to set up my Christmas decorating seminars and ministry to women which I still run today! I have kept her note tucked into her book ‘Timeless Treasures’. I will treasure it always.
Hmmm, having trouble leaving a comment…Trust me, it was all very good the first time. Thank you for answering these questions…fun to know more about you. You’re full of suprises!
what a fun post, Ruthann! The Emilie Barnes Books are pretty much worn out on my shelf, I bought them when I first came back to the states, and have read them cover to cover, several times! I loved her wisdom, sense of humor, and great recipes, too. Always great to learn more about you, sweetie. xoxo Lidy
OMGosh…I like you even more now! Lol. I’m looking forward to your next set of answers, you have such a conversational writing style it’s a pleasure to read your posts :) And of course the pics are gorgeous too.
I also CANNOT wait for your ebook!!
Smiles, DianeM :)
Hi, Aunt Ruthie, this was a fantastic post. Loved reading the questions and answers. You so have your pretty head on straight and give out wonderful advice. I love all your old time photos.
I am wishing you the best of luck with you ebook…can’t wait !
xo bj
Love it when you do the Q & A. You give great answers and always another great tip or two. I just wanted to add I live in So. California and that I too have met Emilie Barnes. Her daughter is a good friend of my ex sister-in-law and I had the opportunity to attend her seminars and visit her homes many times. I’m sure I even saw your books and who knew I would someday be visiting your blog. You two seem so much alike too! Her books are amazing and very helpful in organizing a home. I can’t wait for your book to come out.
Oh and let’s not forget the most important thing……GO CHARGERS!
Thank you so much, Aunt Ruthie! I always know where to come when my homemaking and mothering efforts need a boost! It never fails! I like how your cute still-lifes are used to punctuate lots of clear space in your home. And thanks for the book suggestions! I went straight to Amazon from your site!
God bless you for your efforts. I love my “job” as a stay-at-home mom, but sometimes amidst the dishes, laundry, aches, pains, and sibling quibbling, I get overwhelmed. Thanks for always being there to remind me!
Ruthie thanks so much for sharing some of your other rooms. The windows in your BR are SPECTACULAR! Wow what a beautiful vie you must have! So did you buy your home plans or design it yourself? I have no idea how you all came up with the floorplan of your home but it is so very unique and intriguing to me.
I would love to have a nook like Summer Rose! Wow. Thanks for answering more of our questions. God bless
WOW,,,thats what I needed to let you know about how I feel at your blog and website!!! Imagine you have heard it alll before, but, WOW is it ever Awesome Sweet Aunt Ruthie!!!
A JOY to be here and become a follower..
Cozy,warm, inviting and inspiring, I simply love your style !!!
And your home pics are just LOVELY too.
Thanks for sharing and for being so encouraging to all of us.
Big Iowa Hugs~~~Dena
Hi Ruthie! I am crazy about your hillbilly bathroom! What a charmer!!
Susan and Bentley
Hi Aunt Ruthie!
Thanks for taking time out of your busy life to share more photos of your beautiful home and answer some of our questions. I am a big fan of Emilie Barnes too. You will just never know how much you continue to minister to me. I reread your previous posts from time to time and always gleen something new from them. Looking forward to your new book. You need to take time to catch your breath, so you will be ready for your new little grandbaby. Thanking the Lord for You!
Lots of love,
What a nice meet & greet! Thank you for answering so many questions about yourself. I enjoy your blog and your sense of hospitality. I should have known that Miss Emilie was one of your examples. She is a great lady with a great sense of HOME :)
Hi Ruthie!
Enjoyed reading more about you and seeing pics..fabulous!
You are certainly an inspiration. :-)
God bless you hun and have a lovely weekend!
Just stumbled across your site today and have so enjoyed my visit. LOVE the pictures of your home and the style of the sweet little farmh’ouse that you and hubby are picturing building next. We’ve been needing to re-do our pantry and you’ve just given me all the inspiration I need. Thanks much!
I simply love this Q and A! Excellent questions and loved the answers and OMGoodness, the photos of your home made me want to cry…it was so spotless! Simply beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
I have just descovered your darling website! I can’t wait to have time to saturate every little thing on it. AWESOME uplifting site! Thank you for all the hard work that goes into a site like this.
I am in love with the pictures (rooster) in your bathroom. Where does one find these to purchase????? I simply love them.
Now to find a bookstore that carries your books. What a woman! What creativity!!!!!!!!! What fun. Thank you so much for the “FUN”.
I pop in here daily to listen to your music and wait for your baby boy to arrive!! My grannybabies are 10 mos. and 12 mos. now…and I have never been more in love in my life!! (except for my hubby and he has a whole catagory of his own!!) Prayin’ your little man into the world!!!
What a beautiful home you have!! Thanks for a peek inside :) Also, I have a 12 year old girl who really wants a cell phone. We’re holding off for a while as well. At least until she is 16, has a job and can pay her phone bill by herself!!
Hi Aunt Ruthie, Yay!!! I have music again thanks for the tip. Blessings Trish xox ‘)
Reading your blog makes my day shine. Thank you! :)
in Oregon
Wow! I have been so blessed to visit your blog! Just like one of your entries in the buttermilk pie story – you are sharing your blessings and joy with so many others. I feel SO inspired! I think the good Lord led me to your site. Beautiful home, beautiful things, beautiful words – but most of all – you’re shining His beautiful Light! I have already added your blog to my favorites!
Blessings to you and your family – from an Aunt Ruthie in Tennessee!
P.S. I tell my neices/nephews that I’m their Favorite Aunt Ruthie! :0)
You and your home are so beautiful ! Thank you so much for sharing both !
I came in to play some of your music as I often do. I am going thorough something that could be life changing and have been sad and fearful. But I printed out your words on God’s promises…I have been forgetting that God has everything all planned out for us….and your words gave me comfort and reminded me to trust in God instead of fearing I won’t be able to carry out His will in the way I think I should….Thank you Ruthie.
Grandbabies are such a blessing and so much fun! I think we are more relaxed with them than our children because we were young and fearful then. We just had grandbaby #10 on April 14 and she is so precious and perfect. Congratulations on little Johnny. I decided to go with Granny because I had an awesome Granny when I was growing up. She came into my life when my mom and stepdad got married and made such a difference. She meant everything to me and I really miss her, even to this day. So, just love him and hold him and kiss him and cuddle – you know what to do.
Grandchildren are truly a gift from God… I have 5, and would love more! You are so blessed. Johnny is amazing… Kate~
Welcome to the world of being a Grandma! Fantastic, blessed and amazing! So, what’s your handle? Mine is: Grandma Nonna
sometimes Nonna, some times Grandma but called!
You have been such a blessing to me and we’ve never even met! You are a woman after my own heart. Here in Montana, where I now live with my husband and three children, I have allowed the Lord to let me bloom where I’ve been planted. You see, I lead a women’s “birthday club” with women in which we share the same stage of life of child bearing, rearing and young motherhood. Once a month we meet for our birthday club in which we celebrate that month’s birthday girl(s) at a mentor mom’s home where she encourages us through her walk and inspires us to be everything our heavenly Father intended us to be. Wives, mothers, sisters, friends, servants and examples to all those around us. Anyway I am so encouraged to read your heart on this blog. You have been such a witness and model for me. I thank you for your “old heart” way and traditional views. Such as: your taste in music, movies, t.v. shows, down home goodness and the heart with desire to lovingly obey God and cherish your family and friends! The Lord has given you the ability through His word and through the examples in which you yourself were shown to humbly recognize what it takes to be an honorable and loving wife and God fearing woman after God’s own heart. I appreciate the pictures you post both of your home and family and also the old fashioned nostalgic ones as well, because I love and learn so much by watching, hearing and looking into the lives of those I am touched by. Thank you so much Ruth and I thank our Lord for you! Have a wonderful sunshine filled day! Yay for summer!
Love your site, and I love that you have books from Emilie Barnes,she has taught me so much about homemaking through the years….
I love to come here to listen to your music! Thank you for making me feel nostalgic! Blessings, Country Craft House
wonderful put up, very informative. I wonder why the opposite specialists of this sector do not realize this.
You must continue your writing. I’m sure, you’ve a great readers’ base already!
Emilie Barnes seems to have disappeared, or more probably retired. Her website has been gone for many months and I can find no current information about her. I hope she isn’t sick again.
Greetings from Idaho! I’m bored at work so I decided to check out
your website on my iphone during lunch break. I really like the
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I’m shocked at how fast your blog loaded on my mobile ..
I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyhow, excellent site!
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