Christmas Idea: Fill a basket with Christmas books and place in your family room. This makes it convenient for you and your kids to grab a book for some fun holiday reading. Have story-time and read aloud in front of a snap…crackle…pop…fire! Don’t forget the popcorn! Hand out a blank piece of paper and crayons and have the kids draw something from the story.
Hello my blog-girls! Thank you all so much for your encouragement! Being new at this blog-thing, I have found a whole world of gracious girls so willing to send a kind word and lots of joy! It is so refreshing!
I have been so busy this week decorating up a storm along with my “delightful daily domestic duties”. I still have bins overflowing with sparkly candy canes, frosty pine branches, cotton snow, and angels-we-have-heard-on-high. It’s a lot of work creating Christmas-land, but I am in my element! I love the excitement and anticipation of the joy to come. The joy of surrounding my family with the beauty and truth of Christmas. Creating an environment that they want to come home to, not escape from. Not only in the decorations but a warm and welcoming spirit of love and laughter…the things that make the kind of memories we all will treasure. (This is what Warm Pie, Happy Home means. Keeping home sweet. )
Things don’t have to be perfect. Go with the flow. Have fun. Let the kids help. So what if they don’t do things the way you would do them. They are not supposed to, they’re kids! One year when my youngest daughter Summer Rose was 3, she decorated the bottom left side of the tree with candy canes…all of the candy canes. Of course the tree looked lopsided, but it was ADORABLY lopsided! Stay happy! A cheerful mom makes a cheerful home.
You know, everything we do to care for our homes and families is so important, no matter how small, it makes a difference. It sends a message. Even if it doesn’t seem like it now, all the ways you bless your home will add up one day and in turn will come back to bless you. It’s the whole sowing-the-seed and reaping-the-harvest truth. Plant nurturing seeds of kindness… love… laughter…forgiveness… thankfulness…comfort…. beauty… and you will reap the blessings. And most importantly we need to plant the seeds of God’s Love into the hearts of our children. Christmas time is a wonderful time to share the dearest story ever told. There is no Christmas without Christ. (take Christ away and all you have is _ _ _ _ _ _mas. What’s “mas”? See what I mean?)

On my coffee table, I have a few of my favorite things. A glowing Christmas-Pine scented candle, a bowl of clove-studded oranges…a tradition my kids have loved through the years. While I am working in the kitchen they sit at the counter and poke holes in an orange with a fork or ballpoint pen, creating their own designs and then insert whole cloves. It perfumes the room with the most delicious aroma. It also calms them down, releases their creativity and fills them with a warm sense of home.
And then I have a few of my favorite books to browse along with a hot cup of something yummy.
But this is my most favorite thing. Sweet Baby Jesus laying in a manger. Oh Honey! (that is what my family says when we see or hear something so absolutely adorable! Oh Honey!!) Here He is, sleeping peacefully on a soft bed of straw. Wrapped so cozy in His swaddling clothes. His cradle bears a cross above His head which points to heaven…reminding us why He came.
You will see another basket filled with straw. This is a wonderful tradition I learned from the queen of homemakers, Emilie Barnes. You set out the manger and hide baby Jesus away until Christmas morning (just don’t forget where you put Him!) The basket of straw is to prepare the bed for the birth of the King. For each good deed or kind action, the child has the privilege of taking a bit of that straw and placing it in the manger to make it softer for baby Jesus. It provides an opportunity for our little ones to practice goodness and kindness and sends the message that something very important is coming! Jesus’ birthday!
Plan a time every evening during the month of December( or as often as you can), perhaps just before bedtime, and create an exciting “Ceremony” as you gather around the manger to take turns adding the straw. Applaud your kids for the goodness they have shown throughout the day. Yay! Talk about the Christmas story, about God’s love and His joy when He see’s His children loving one another. This will add up to a month of learning the true meaning of Christmas…a month of sowing seeds of kindness through good deeds… and a lifetime of family memories. Don’t you just know that puts a smile on the Lord’s face!
Baby Jesus is made from a nylon stocking, filled with batting. The eyelids, nose and mouth are painted on. Then He is wrapped with a piece of muslin. You could use a simple basket for his manger.
Good news from heaven the angels bring,
Glad tidings to the earth they sing:
To us this day a child is given,
To crown us with the joy of heaven.
~Martin Luther
Wherever your treasure is,
there your heart and thoughts
will also be.
Luke 12:34
Jesus is my treasure.
I thank Him for the gifts He so generously gives… salvation… mercy… love… forgiveness..heaven… joy… peace… love… my wonderful husband Gary…and my four adorable children (oh honey!)… and a million things more…
Here is Dusty on the left, J.J. ,little Summer Rose and Ashley. Dusty is married to my wonderful daughter in law Kimmy, and Ashley is married to my wonderful son in law Glen. (Kimmy and Glen are blessings sent from God to our family!!) In a future post I will include a picture of the whole family!
Here’s Ashley at age four, dressed in her apron, baking chocolate cookies. ( she is now age 23!)
Thanks for stopping by for pie!
God bless, you cute girls you!
Happy Day! Oh,how I just love your blog. So sweet…heartfelt. When I read your post it feels like you are talking to me. Really! Okay, maybe a little to wierd. LOL! I can’t agree more, teaching our little ones the true meaning of Christmas. You have a beautiful family. :-)
I count my blessings daily! Thanks be to God!!
Thank you for making my day extra special! Nicole from Texas
What a wonderful post and I love the part about the manger and baby Jesus. Reading your blog definitely gets me in the Christmas spirit.
I adore your posts…and the pics are so wonderful. Your home does look a lot like Christmas and I am happy to see that I am not the only one who takes down the Thanksgiving items before Thanksgiving….but my family comes for Thanksgiving and they love the Christmas stuff out…so I have started also. Thanks for sharing. Dianntha
Hi there! So you’re new to blogging? Wow! You’ve done an amazing job with your blog. It’s so festive and cheerful…a real treat for the eyes.
Thanks for visiting me and I hope that you’ll come and visit again.
Wonderful! Just loved this post…I really admire you for starting your Christmas decorating and shopping this early so you’ll be able to “enjoy” December w/ your family and friends! Why can’t I do this!! I have started shopping!! yey!! lol! Your just a doll!
Hi Ruthann – this was such a delightful post to read and see – my goodness, I am so blessed by it – what a wonderful tradition to prepare as a family for the arrival of Jesus – I love that so much! And the Baby Jesus is so sweet. Your home always takes my breath away – and your words take it away again. So I say thanks for sharing your encouragement and kindness with all of us! We are blessed to have you in the blogging community!!
Becky S.
Hi Ruthann – this was such a delightful post to read and see – my goodness, I am so blessed by it – what a wonderful tradition to prepare as a family for the arrival of Jesus – I love that so much! And the Baby Jesus is so sweet. Your home always takes my breath away – and your words take it away again. So I say thanks for sharing your encouragement and kindness with all of us! We are blessed to have you in the blogging community!!
Becky S.
Hi Ruthann – this was such a delightful post to read and see – my goodness, I am so blessed by it – what a wonderful tradition to prepare as a family for the arrival of Jesus – I love that so much! And the Baby Jesus is so sweet. Your home always takes my breath away – and your words take it away again. So I say thanks for sharing your encouragement and kindness with all of us! We are blessed to have you in the blogging community!!
Becky S.
Hi Ruthann – this was such a delightful post to read and see – my goodness, I am so blessed by it – what a wonderful tradition to prepare as a family for the arrival of Jesus – I love that so much! And the Baby Jesus is so sweet. Your home always takes my breath away – and your words take it away again. So I say thanks for sharing your encouragement and kindness with all of us! We are blessed to have you in the blogging community!!
Becky S.
My goodness! I am Thankful you are a Missouri girl now:) What beauty.
Your lovely home is sooo inviting!! So beautifully decorated! But what makes it best is Jesus!
Soo thoughtful my dear! I will definatly borrow some of your ideas!
Thank you sooo much for sharing with us..and letting us stop by for a visit.
Oh how I just adore your blog! I come here and think ‘I am home’…just like when I was a child at my grandma’s ranch! thanks for all the beautiful photos! Love them all. Truly one of my most cherished blogs. Thanks for such wonderful, heartwarming posts! A real joy!
I just discovered your blog this evening. What an inspiration! I love how you have created a home that is so warm and all about family and celebrating life! What an inspiration! Thank you for taking the time to share your life with us! God Bless! Cece
Ruthann, I discovered your blog yesterday and I LOVE it! It’s absolutely wonderful! LOVE your home! Can I come live with you!? LOL. I was wondering if you would mind if I featured your blog on my blog? I do that from time to time and plan on doing many during the holidays. I’d like to copy and post a few of your pics and links to your blog. Sincerely, (A fellow Blogger) Jodi
I love the buggy with the books. I miss reading to my kids (23 and 17). But we do still go out on Christmas eve and leave feed for the reindeer, haha!
I came over from Kim’s blog! I am so glad I did! You have a wonderful blog and a wonderful family! You so much remind me of my daughter too! what an inspiration you are!
I just found your blog and I really enjoyed seeing your home. It’s so warm and welcoming, I sat down with a cup of tea and felt like I was having a chat with a friend. Welcome to blogland, it’s a great place to be!
Just discovered your blog and will visit often–it is WONDERFUL! And I was tickled to see someone else besides me has started decorating for Christmas!!! From a fellow Missourian, KC Quilter
Just found your blog and it is so warm and welcoming. Your pictures are beautiful. You have done a wonderful job. We are having Thanksgiving, but I’m already started to sneak a few Christmas decorations up. Thanks for the inspiration.
I think we might be almost neighbors and if we are, I’m coming to your house for Christmas! In fact, I think I’ll get there tomorrow and stay til January 1. :)
Fantastic blog!
Hello Ruthann! I am not sure how I found your blog…but so thrilled that I did!! I have enjoyed your blog so much..what a treat!!! I will be adding you to my favorites too…if you don’t mind. I just came from visiting Branson 2 weeks ago and spent the day in the Ozarks…gorgeous and so peaceful there!
God’s blessings to you and yours for a wonderful day!
I came over for a visit via your sister’s blog. I have really enjoyed my time here and am looking forward to visiting again!
Lovely! We share some Christmas traditions too! When our girls were small I always brought out the Christmas books and kept them in a basket in the living room to read anytime. Now that they are mostly grown they still love to read them. The clove oranges too, that is one of their favorite Christmas memories and the smell brings it right back every time.
Your house is beautiful. I’m from Missouri originally. Grew up there but am living in So. Ca. now. I would love to be back in Missouri. Just found your blog and read the whole thing. Your house is to die for. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Ruthann! I came across your blog last night when I was “surfing”–I clicked the link on Donna’s blog (The Quilted Star). I love your home and your decorations–I can hardly wait to get my Christmas things out. Your photos have given me a few ideas and sparked my creativity! Thanks!
Quite a visual feast! Glad to have come upon you.
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L.O.V.E. your adorable blog! Thank you for sharing!
Please get in touch with me with the information to order the baby Jesus in the manger you have featured.
Thank you.