Well, it’s true, I don’t live in Kansas,
but Missouri is her next door neighbor,
and we do get our fair share of Tornado Warnings from time to time!
Like…… several days this week, don’t- cha-know!
I was feeling a little like Dorothy (minus the cute’n’sparkly red shoes) these past few days, with all of the rambunctious weather we’ve been having here in the Midwest lately. When the lightening strikes and the thunder begins to roll, computers are turned off and the radio is turned on to hear the latest Weather reports. Tracking Twister touchdowns is just something that you have to do when you live in Tornado Alley. Fortunately, here in Branson, we are somewhat protected by all the hills and valleys, it’s the flat-lands that are more susceptible to Tornadoes….thankfully, just in case, we have a Storm Shelter in the basement.
But my goodness! What’s a California gal to do
when massive clouds in the midday sky
churn into the color of a seasoned iron skillet…..
…..and drenching rain spills down in buckets…..
….and the fierce wind begins to howl?
Why……….. bake a pie, of course!
The first thing you need to do is make sure your kitchen is spic’n’span, scrubbed clean and tidy! Yes indeedy, it’s much too distracting to try to prepare food in a cluttered, messy kitchen! Dear, don’t even think about it!
Now then Hon, tie on a cute-as-button apron (cooking is so much more festive when you get yourself in that motherly, delightful, June Cleaver-mood!). I usually wear a half-apron and I tuck a white cotton flour sack-towel into the waistband. That way, the towel is handy when I need to wipe my hands….which is several times during the pie making process!
Pour yourself a tall glass of Sweet Tea, and turn on your favorite tunes. Depending on my mood, my ipod collection can get me twirling in my apron with the sassy sounds of the 1940’s, Fiddlin’ Bluegrass, good ol’ Southern Gospel or a velvety Classical piece, like Vivaldi. Now that your toes are tappin’, gather all of your ingredients, leaving the butter for last, you want it to stay as cold as possible until you need it.
Let’s Bake some Lovin’ in the oven!
Auntie Em’s Blackberry Sugar Pie
Summertime is just around the corner,
but in the meantime frozen Blackberries will do just fine!
One of the easiest and yet the most scrumptious-party-in-your-mouth kind of pies to make is Auntie Em’s Blackberry Sugar Pie. You start with a Butter Pie Crust:
2 sticks cold butter
2 cups unbleached flour
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teas. salt
1/4 cup ice water
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees, but be prepared to turn it down to 350 when you put the pie in. Don’t forget this!
Cut butter up into small pieces.
You want to work quickly so the butter does not get soft.
I use my Kitchen Aid mixer with the paddle attachment. If you don’t have one of these, put it on your Birthday or Christmas list. It will make your cooking so much more enjoyable. I mix meatloaf, meatballs, mashed potatoes, cake batter, whipped cream, cookie dough and a million other goodies!
Mix dry ingredients until it looks like cornmeal with some little chunks of butter. The chunks of butter will melt as the pastry bakes and form little air pockets, which is what makes the pie crust flaky.
I fill a large measuring cup or bowl with ice water, then I dip my 1/4 measuring cup in and add it slowly to the dry mixture as the mixer is turning.
Within about 30 seconds the dough will form a ball around the paddle, that’s when you know it is done.
Form a hamburger shape and cut in half.
Wrap one half in plastic wrap and store in refrigerator
until you need to add it to the top of the pie.
Sprinkle Minute Tapioca on the bottom of pie shell to keep it from getting soggy. Check out my new canisters for my flour and sugar with the adorable Ruby-Red lids! I found these at Target. Amazon sells them too! ( Anchor Hocking) I love it when I find things to match my lipstick! So FAB!
Blackberry Filling:
6 cups frozen Blackberries ( 2 1/2 frozen packages)
2 cups sugar
2 Tbls. corn starch
2 Tbls. Minute Tapioca (this is in addition to layering it on the bottom of crust)
Mix ingredients together with the berries in a bowl.
Pour into pie crust, dot with butter
(2 Tbs. cold butter cut into small pieces–lay on top of berry mixture.)
Roll out the dough you have cooling in the refrigerator, and cut into strips to form a lattice. You don’t have to weave it, it’s just as pretty either way.Baste the top with a little milk and sprinkle with a kisses of sugar.
Cover pie edge with foil to prevent too much browning. I have tried the commercial Pie Shields, but they weigh down the edge, where the foil is feather light. Place on baking sheet to catch any drippings. Turn the oven down to 350 and bake for 1 hour. The key is to look for thick bubbling juices. If the bubbles are watery, keep the pie in the oven a little longer. At one hour, if the top is not brown enough, you can turn the oven back up to 400 for about 6 minutes, it should be done by then.
Cool for two hours before eating, so the juices have a chance to firm up. When you are ready to slice and serve, you can warm your slice up in the microwave for about 30 seconds. Don’t forget a dollop of Vanilla Ice-Cream!

Now see, wasn’t that easy! It’s…….well…..easy as pie!
God Bless you gals,
as you bless your family
in all of your many wonderful little ways.
Nurturing our families
is one way we worship and honor God.
And He is pleased.
A Special Thank You to
Miss Emma from Australia From It’s a Mum’s Life
for these delightful Awards!
Yaw Hooo!

Thank you too for all of your heartwarming comments. I wish I could respond to each and every one. I also wish I could post more often, I so love this blog-thing! But I have a very full plate, many things to tend to, projects on the burner, as well as taking care of my home and family. Please know that all of you are in my prayers. As I read a comment I say a prayer for you. I pray the Lord Jesus would bless you and keep you and your family close to His heart. He knows your needs. I pray that He would meet them. He is ready and willing to help you. He is our rescuer. Praise Him!
Thank you cuties for stopping by for PIE!
Oh Ruthann…what a wonderful recipe! Around here blackberries grow in abundance, and are high on our list of favorite things! I look forward to trying this recipe. Thanks so much for sharing!
Ruthann!! This pie is as pretty as a picture sweet one!!! I would love to pop in for a sliver!!! Do you say that, “all I want is just a sliver!” Your posts are always a delight and I’m so glad that I found your sweet blog. xxoo, Dawn
Love your blog, love your beautifully decorated home (it’s my imaginary home come to life!), and your pie. And I think you mentioned somewhere you’re Italian? Me, too. (Well, half-Italian, but we pretend we’re 100%) I’m the only mom who bakes pizzelles more than cupcakes!
Your blog is a ray of sunshine and I appreciate that you DON’T post everyday as I know you’re spending your time on your dear family and friends!
Hi Ruthann, I love your blog. I am wondering if tapioca sprinkled in a lemon merangue pie shell would make it less juicey and watery??? I have a problem with that happening.
Oh My Goodness Ruthann!!! I LOVE your blog to pieces!!!! What an inspiration you are to all of us gals! Your home is a delight to visit, love your wonderful humor and love for life, your pics are fab and you have a die-for kitchen! You have been truly blessed. Thank you for sharing with us. I wish I had met you when you lived in CA! I live in So. Ca…Murrieta which is Temecula’s next door neighbor. I will always remember your name because my little sisters name is Ruthann to! Take care and I will come visit again and of course I will have a piece of pie while visiting! Hugs, Maryjane
I am salivating all over and chewing my fingers,….that pie looks GREAT! I love pie. You look awfully thin for a gourmet dessert cook. I hear you about the storms, it’s sumthin to git used too! ummmnn and I don’t wanna sliver I wanna chunk!! Julia childs has nothing on you, or should I say the Barefoot Contessa?
That pie looks soooooo good. I’ve got to give this one a try. Just ate some great fresh blackberries. Should have read your blog first. I could have made a pie.
Hey Ruthann! I just love ya’!! :-)You are such a sweet gal. I anticipate for your next post…BIG HUGS and KISSES to you sweet cakes.
Oh that pie looks tastey. I’m a bit of a stickler for a pie that can plate nicely, so fruit pies scare me. I’m inspired to try this one though, looks so good.
I have just discovered your blog and love it. Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing your faith. Bless you! I am going to bake a pie today! Vintage Bethie
What a wonderful post! Thank you for your homey, encouraging blog! I’m a Missouri girl that’s been transplanted to the east coast due to my husband’s job. I miss the rolling hills, and the Mississippi. :-) May God richly bless you as you have blessed me today!
Only Because of Jesus,
How perfectly delightful! The images, the words, the recipe, Perry, loved it all!
I just have to ask one question. How can you seriously wait two hours before eating that pie? There is no way! I would definitely have to pray for patience!
I agree with you about desserts. It’s better to have one or two great desserts each week with real ingredients than snacks evry day with unnamed and unknowable things in them.
yum!! That looks great!! hmmmm….maybe I’ll try a pie for our fellowship meal this sunday!!
Love your blog. It is like reading pages in a magazine. I can not imagine living in Tornado Alley. Your pie looks so good. I have to confess I have never made a pie. I will be back soon.
Hi, Ruthann! We have had a fair share of tornado weather here in Georgia this year. Crazy for us! And can be very scary. That pie looks soooo good, and you make it look so easy! I can’t get over how beautiful your pie crust looks. Aren’t you Italian? Do you make your own pasta, too?
Looks sscrumptious…..I’m gonna visit you often because I need all the prayers of my friends…..Betty
That was so much fun to watch. Listening to your music and dreaming of berry pie. What a great job you did….you should be the Martha of Branson!
Karen Eileen
Oh gosh, I’m wild for blackberry pie. When we were kids we’d pick the wild blackberries that were growing everywhere and mom would bake them right up into a pie…those that were left after we’d been eating them that is.
My stepfather’s life mission was to find the perfect piece of pie. He’s gone now for several years and I felt it was up to me to continue this search. This pie looks like it could be a contender!
– Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife
I love reading your blog!! Hope you guys are safe & your pie looks so yummy!!
Each time I click on your blog from my favorites list and see a new post, it is like opening a present. I love your writing style. How lucky you are to have such a beautiful family and home. God Bless You and Yours!
Patti from Michigan (we get our share of tornado warnings too) Stay safe.
Ruthann, I made up your pie crust and have to tell you it’s the best crust I’ve ever made. (I’ve tried them all and none are this tender. Using the KitchenAid mixer was so easy. I’ll have to make pie more often now!) My husband came home to a chocolate chip pie and a fragrant home. Bless you for the inspiration! VintageBethie
So glad you’ve made it home safe and sound. The pie looks delish!
Hi Ruthann, I just wanted you to know that I love your blog. I get that warm, fuzzy feeling inside when I’m reading it. It reminds me so much of home. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and inspiration with us.
I get so excited when I come to visit your blog and I see a new post! Your words are so uplifting and I smile when I come to visit here. I’ve enjoyed looking at the photos of your beautiful family and lovely home. Your kitchen is awesome. Thanks for sharing with us.
This pie sounds delicious and one my hubby would love. I’m going to have to try this one for sure.
What a great looking recipe. I will definitely need to bake this pie. Thanks for sharing.
What a great looking recipe. I will definitely need to bake this pie. Thanks for sharing.
What a great looking recipe. I will definitely need to bake this pie. Thanks for sharing.
What a great looking recipe. I will definitely need to bake this pie. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Ruthann!
Your lovely home and sweet blog are such a blessing to me. I relish coming in to read your pages. Often, I just put your page on and leave it so I can listen to the MUSIC! You are truly an ispiration and gift to me! I might even have to make a pie! Hugs – Patti (paintinpatti.typepad.com)
Ruthann, your blog is a treat! “Farmer’s Wife” featured you and I’m so delighted she introduced you! Thank you for blessing my day with your warmth and lovely spirit. Loved the pie-baking lesson!
My mouth is watering! I’m going to have to bake a pie, and soon!
Stay safe in that wild weather of yours, glad you liked the award.
Yummmmm….I can almost taste your pie Ruthann! Thanks so much for all the pie crust tips – I never tried using my Kitchen Aide mixer to make a crust, but now I will!
Hugs, Pat
This pie looks simply divine. And the best part about it is that it’s made with so much love. I will have to try this, I’m not a great baker, but hopefully this will taste as good as it looks. I am so glad I found your sweet blog..you are an inspiration.
xo Lidy
as a mother of 5 kids from 20 down to 5 yrs old I so enjoy reading your blog.Blessings to you and your family from a true southern gal.
Girlllll, my mouth is watering. I picked blackberries and blueberries last summer (see here: http://lbratina.blogspot.com/2007/07/black-and-blue-berry-festival-by-leigh.html )
Now I am certinaly gonna make this pie.
We too have had our fair share of the storms lately (See here:http://lbratina.blogspot.com/2008/04/accelerated-storms-and-big-mnt-idol.html )
Hope you have sunny skies soon (like ours are today-gorgeous!)
Hi Ruthann!
I completely understand your fear of the tornado. I’m still not used to them. Earthquakes aren’t much better, but at least we didn’t have to deal with them as much.
That pie looks absolutely scrumptious! Thank you for sharing it.
Have a beautful day,
rue :)
Ruthann, just wanted to let you know what a joy it is to visit your blog (blog – an ugly name for a wonderful concept). I love your vintage pictures, your music (!) and your cheerfulness.
It’s just fun and nice to visit someone who loves the south as much as I do.
I’m so eager to try your pie crust recipe, Ruthann. I’ve always been afraid to give pie making a try, but with these instructions I feel like you’ll be holding my hand the whole time!
BTW, my mother used to sprinkle the pastry “scraps” with cinnamon sugar and then baked them on a cookie sheet. Do you do this too? That was my favorite “part” of the pie. ;-) I can smell it now!
Oh my that pie is so pretty and looks so good. I am going to have to make one soon. I love your blog and the pics you share.
Thanks for the smile!!
I have just found your blog…I love, love, love it!!!! Thank you for sharing. I will check out more when I have a cup of tea and some more time.
What a surprize you have yourself a new post… I live here in Oklahoma and I so know what you mean by this crazy weather we are having. I guess its the perks of living in Tornado alley
I love your blog!! I live in the ozarks also. My sisters name is Ruth ann and she is the one that told me about you. Your home is so iniviting. I feel the same way you do about my family and home, only not as talented as you are about putting it together!! I feel like we are kindred spirits!! God Bless you and yours!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your pie crust recipe. I learned something new today by reading your post. My mom made wonderful pies and I just didn’t have the knack to it. But after reading yours and seeing it by step by step, I think I can do it. When I tried to copy my mom’s it just never tasted as good as hers turned out. So now that fall is here and its apple season I am going to plan on making an apple pie. I even donated my plastic pie dough cutouts, the ones that you pressed on the rolled dough to make fun shapes and cut outs like mini apples. I just lost heart after a few times baking pies, too juicy, crust just not right but I guess for me, its trial and error. Do I need to use the tapioca to absorb the juices or can I use corn starch? Would it make a big difference? Just curious. Thanks again for helping a newbie pie baker!