Howdy Sugar Pie and Happy Easter to you! I hope all is well with you darlin’! Aren’t you so excited that it’s finally spring!! Although it was a little hard to tell here in the Ozarks with all the snow flurries that were swirling down from the sky last week! The only thing that’s budding with tiny white blossoms are my plum trees…and what a wonderful sight that is!
The birds have been chirping every mornin’ and are busy building their nests…ahhhh! Springtime is filled with such joyful bliss!
Even though there certainly is beauty in winter, spring and summer just thrill my heart like a kid running through the sprinklers! The warmth! The green on the trees! The flowers! The fruit so juicy and sweet! Yay for sunshine and blue skies! Yay for the goodness of our Lord! I love that God thought of seasons! They refresh our spirit with new sights, new hope and new beauty. The seasons also prove to us that God is faithful in His tender loving care. Last year at this time my daughter-in-love was quite ill and so was my brother. I’m happy to report that both are well and healthy! Thank the good Lord! And more news on the happy-home-front is that my daughter is set to give birth to Polly June in a few weeks, my first grand-daughter! And, my daughter-in-love Kimmy will give birth to my third grand-son at the end of June! That will make a total of 4 grand-babies for me! Ahhh! New life! Springtime and Easter are all about NEW LIFE!
In celebration of this brand new season I’ve made a few springy touches around my home…here’s a peek at some of my Springtime decorating: You may remember seeing my vintage yard-bird-chicken before…well I think I’ve decorated with her for every season now. This time she’s being followed by her new baby chickies. I love to see mama hens with their chicks! They are so protective of their little ones! It reminds me of one of my favorite scripture verses:
“He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection”. Psalm 91:4,5
Awake, awake, it’s springtime, the gentle breezes blow,
the sunshine whispers to the flowers, awake, awake and grow!
So raise our happy voices as bells of Easter ring,
and say with sunshine, chicks and flowers,
‘Awake, awake, it’s spring!'”
~ American School Songbook 1944
Decorating with a touch of storybook whimsy makes my heart sparkle…
…here little fuzzy chickies find a cozy spot to wait for mama under the old berry crate
that’s filled with happy, sugared Easter eggs.
Miss Daisy’s hat…a vintage treasure from many springtime’s ago!
(“Driving Miss Daisy” Love that movie!)
Who doesn’t love a chocolate bunny? This one looks yummy, and it’s calorie free since it’s just pretend…heehee!
“I got a chocolate rabbit, For an Easter treat,
A great big chocolate rabbit ,Good enough to eat.
So I ate his ears on Sunday, His nose I finished Monday.
Tuesday I nibbled on his feet. I ate his tail on Wednesday
Thursday I kept on, By Friday he was going,
Saturday he was gone.
Oh, I loved my chocolate rabbit, From the moment that he came,
And if I get another one, I’ll love him just the same.” ~Unknown
Fresh sunflowers light up the room and adds lots-O-happy-happy-happy along with my farmy goodies!
I have to say that this old rusty shovel on my mantle makes me chuckle! If the previous owner only knew that it would be the centerpiece of someones spring decorating they wouldn’t believe it! I’m sure there have been some folks that have visited my home that probably have had that same thought… Huh! Well I’ll be! I wonder why there’s an old, crusty shovel on the fireplace mantle? Doesn’t that belong in the tool shed? Heehee! I love that old shovel because it tells a story! It speaks to my heart about the American way! Hard work…living off the land…flowers around the picket fence…vegetables in the garden…harvesting in the fall…enjoying God’s creation in the great outdoors… by golly! I am so thankful my hubby lets me decorate with fun junk!

The last line tells it all…”Love paid the ransom for me”. Jesus is our rescuer and our redeemer! Oh how thankful I am that Jesus loved us so much that He laid down His life for us so that we could go to heaven to be with Him one day! So on Easter we celebrate His Resurrection and the new life He gives us when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. (If you are reading this and you don’t know God…or you are not absolutely sure you will go to heaven when your time on earth is over click here).
Our life here on earth is not all there is. There is so much more in store for those who have given their heart to Jesus!
“‘It is finished!” He cried.
And the great Creator went home.
(He ’s not resting though. Word has it that His tireless hands
are preparing a city so glorious even the angels get goose bumps upon seeing it.
Considering what He has done so far, that is one creation I plan to see.)” ~ Max Lucado
Well, darlin’ as you can see I’m not shy about my love for the Lord! He is my life. Jesus is everything wonderful. I share my belief with you because He is the most important thing to me. Without Him I am nothing. All the homemaking tips and decorating ideas are meaningless without Him. He is the reason my home is happy! I share my faith with you because if by chance you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus I want you to! I cannot imagine going through life without God. I don’t want you to miss out! He gives us love, strength, joy, comfort, peace and hope for a glorious future! Who wouldn’t want that? He created sweet, wonderful you! He knows you best and loves you most! Once again, Click Here if you want to know our amazing God.
Well honey, I’m wishin’ you a happy
church-goin’-Lord praisin’
hymn singin’-egg-huntin’-flower-filled Easter
with lots of chocolate bunnies and little kids giggles!
God bless your darlin’ heart!
You are loved!
Aunt Ruthie
Dear Aunt Ruthie ..
You just brought tears to my eyes .. I Love your Easter Post !
The Lord surely is my Shepherd too .. and I delight knowing that he loves me so much that he sent his son to die for me and that he is indeed Risen ..and I too shall be at his feet one day …
So glad to hear all the girls are doing well with their pregnancies .and that Grammy is feathering her nest to welcome in the new life of spring headed her way.
Your home looks so welcoming as always …
Happy Easter Sweetie !
Hi Aunt Ruthie!
What a treat to see all your vintage springtime decorations and the reminder of the wonderful true meaning of Easter. Thank you for always being willing to share what’s on your heart. Happy Easter to you and your growing family!
What a perfectly perfect Easter post!!! I love all of your decorations (even your story-telling shovel!) I just love that old black and white picture of the old church…and that hymn is one I remember from my tiny church growing up as well. I wish churches sang more “old fashioned” hymns these days. You are such a blessing and I appreciate your testimony and your love for Jesus…and I think it’s wonderful that you SHARE it with everyone that follows your blog. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…your blog is my all-time favorite and I think it is because you sprinkle so much love for Jesus in your posts!!! Wishing you MANY Easter blessings this year!
So thankful we serve a risen Savior!! I’ll be humming that old hymn now, thanks for the reminder! Have a blessed Easter!
I love your sweet blog. Happy Easter down in the Ozarks~~
This is such a dear post. Prayers for Mamas and babies that will soon be joining your family. Happy Resurection Day!
Ruthie…these have to be the most adorable, charming and endearing pictures I have ever seen! Thank you for sharing and bringing out the bible verses that should be on the tip of our tongue daily! congratlations on you growing family, and I LOVE the name Polly June! What a lovely family you are blessed with! May spring shine down it’ glory upon you and yours!
I love this blog, is shamelessly warm, and what home should be about!
what a wonderful message! I am so grateful for your message and I wish you were my neighbor, my friend! Happy Easter to you and yours!
I just have to comment here. I love that you are not shy about your love for the Lord. We need more of that. I also love that you are having more grandbabies and so am I, about the same time. Someday when I am up in Branson (live in Arkansas about 2 1/2 hours from you) I would love to meet you. If not here, then I will meet you in heaven.
Love this so much – God Bless your sweet family! And all those babies make me smile! I am missing my own son Jonathan so much these days (it has been one year now since he passed away) but I know he is in the arms of Jesus. I lived my life differently when God blessed me with him back in 87 – and now I live it with purpose and grace that he is gone, it has changed me forever!
Mathew 5:4, verse 4
“Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted”
Happy Easter everyone!
Hugs….Diane, Dave and Indy Bones Taylor (our chocolate labbie!)
ps – I have been luvin my organic Coconut Oil! My skin and hair thank you!!!!
Precious! Greetings to your family from Spring Valley Ca. We are in full blown Spring here. Hills green and loaded with wild flowers. We have our 100 baby chicks growing. We love the seasons Too! Thank you for loving God as you do. It is precious! Love The Kohouts
Oh my, how very much God is using you to breathe new life back into me from the inside out! Thank You! The decorations are so so sweet. I’m off to to open my hymnal to that dear, sweet hymn. Hoping to find some sticks to fashion a cross from too. Hope that you don’t mind if I borrow the decorating idea. Thank You! Rejoicing with you in the blessings of God in your life. Thank you for sharing them so freely.
What a great post. My Grandma used to sing Tell Me the Story of Jesus. while she was vacuuming. That and What a Friend We have In Jesus. Thanks for the sweet memory
Happy Easter to you also Auntie Ruth. Your Easter post was absolutely fantastic,this world needs more people like you..God Bless you and yours..
Oh you just make my heart sing sweet Ruthann! I love your Easter post and the pouring out of your testimony that Jesus Christ lives! I to am grateful for His life here on earth and for His atoning sacrifice that He died for us that we may live again when our journey is complete here on earth! Congratulations on more sweet grandchildren coming your way! Don’t ya just love being a grandmother?! Such a precious gift from God! Love your cute Easter touches throughout your beautiful home too! Wishing you and yours a very Happy Easter Ruthann. Love ya, Maryjane xox
Hi Aunt Ruthie, I just have to tell you how much I love your
blogs. I too, am a follower of Jesus. How can one find fault
with the things that Jesus taught. To love one another, try
to live by the commandments and do good to all. I do respect
all religions. Jesus was a Jew and the early Christians were also
Jews . The difference is that we Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah and so did some
of the Jews of Christ’s time and also many Jews did not follow him.
They expected the Messiah to be one who comes with a sword
and conquers all. Jesus was not what they expected. As long
as our hearts and minds are in the right place and we respect
and love one another, what does it matter if we color a few eggs
or buy some chocolate as long as we know the true meaning
of Easter and live it every day. Our God is a loving God and we
are his children and he understands us better than anyone. Jesus
was like us in EVERY way except sin. He knows the the spirit
is willing but the flesh is weak but as long as we are constantly
striving to be better each and every day, he will help us through
it all until we are with him in the place he has prepared for us. So Aunt Ruthie, keep on with your praise of the Lord-it takes nothing
away from anyone else. God is being taken out of everything
today. We need to speak out as you are doing. I will do the same.
A Blessed Easter and Passover to all!!!!!
Share On!
There is not a better subject in the world than Jesus!
Easter Blessing to you and yours. Safe deliveries for the new grands.
Our first grandchild made his beautiful arrival on 3-7-13 and we are beside ourselves with LOVE. He is truly a gift from the Lord above.
Jake’s a Girl
Happy Good Friday and Happy Easter to you as well aunt Ruthie! Thank you for your ever encouraging blog posts! Always a sight for sore eyes in this harsh world we live in! God is blessing you to be a blessing to others! So I thank our heavenly Father for you!
Thank you so much for sharing the love of Christ on your website. Easter Blessings to you and your family.
I am so happy to see a bright and cheery new post. I so look forward to each one of your posts and delight in reading each one. I love your mama hen and her chicks. It made me laugh
when you said the mother hen’s protect their babies so much because I have a story about that. When I was a little girl we used to have a lot of chickens… a lot of all animals really. I used to love the baby chicks so much I just wanted to hold one so I would go after one and those mama hens would peck and flog at me so I would run away then I would try again later. :) Eventually I got to hold a chick and raise one of my own. When it was grown she was a little white hen I named “whitie.” So that’s my mother hen story. Your décor is beautiful even the rusty ol’ shovel. Like you I am so happy to have the privilege of celebrating this beautiful holiday and I am so thankful to the Lord above the many Blessings he gives us.
I adore your Hen! I have looked for one for so long…they are hard to find! Maybe I can find one at Round Top next weekend.
Loving all of your cute “Spring Bling”! Hey, that’s a good one, I’m gonna copyright that! :D
Hugs and Sugar!
What a wonderful message Aunt Ruthie. You are a treasure!! “Tell Me the Story of Jesus” is one of my all time favorite hymns. Blessed Easter to you and your beautiful family. HE is risen, indeed!!
Happy Easter! I just want you to know that whenever I look at Sugar Pie Farmhouse it makes me feel so good and so happy, thank you!!
Blessing to you and your family and congrats on the upcoming births of you grandchildren!!
Just love your blog and your way with words and especially that you
are not afraid to share the glories of the Lord Jesus. Just to know
Him makes all my problems seem so small as I take them to Him
and He handles them for me. Keep up shining your light. He is Risen, He is Risen indeed.
This Easter post really touched me, Ruthie! I had forgotten “Tell me the Story of Jesus” until just now and a memory flooded my head. My grandma always sang hymns. When she was cleaning house, planting flowers, working in the garden. I remember her singing this particular hymn. And “The Old Rugged Cross”. You’ve made me smile, for sure. I have Jesus and Grandma watching over me!
Thank you for a another beautiful, uplifting post. Your words and graphics always bring a smile to my heart. Many blessings to you and yours as you celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.
Happy Easter!
Thanks, Ruthie! Happy Easter to you and your’s. :)
Love!!!! Blessings to all on this joyous Easter!
Happy, Blessed Easter to you and your family! Thank you for this blog post. ;-)
Amen! Such a joyous post! Many blessings this Easter…
Thank you so much for this precious post. When I see a new post from you, I always know that Christ will be exhalted and I will be blessed. Praying that your Easter will be a precious time.
Lifting the Lord in praise and thanksgiving. Thank you for this faith honouring little, gentle spot that might lead a searching heart towards the One who died and rose again…….you have honoured Our Savior with your ministry Ruthie; may He bless you and your sweet Nest.
Easter Joy to you and yours Ruthie,
Thank you for your lovely and refreshing Easter post. It was a simple reminder to me of the love we share for our Savior Jesus Christ and the beautiful season of Spring! Ü
Blessings to you and your family. <
You bring tears to my eyes, you are an amazing advocate for our Lord! May God continue to bless you and yours, happy Easter!
Good Morning!! It is so good to hear from you again. I have missed you out here in blogland. I loved, loved this post. We do have just so much to be thankful for. THANK YOU GOD!! I am so glad and hope that you have touched the heart of at least one person and can bring them to the Lord. Blessings to you and your family. Your Sister in Christ, Emilou :-)
Hello, dear Ruthie! First of all, I want to say, BLESS you for bringing Jesus into the blog! Your love for our Lord is very clear and I’m lovin’ that you’re not shy about it! I don’t get all wrapped up in a dither about the legalistic view of some who say that Easter is a pagan holiday. Most of the names of the days of the week and months of the year come from Roman gods. Signs of paganism are all around us, yet we believers in Christ already have victory over the darkness. AND, note to Kelly Howard, Passover doesn’t celebrate-include the resurrection! Ruthie, I’m so excited for you to be getting a grandGIRL! I have 2 grandprincesses and 3 grandsuperheroes, all from our son and daughter-in “love”! I can tell that you are one of those who absolutely melt when you have a little Grandbundle in your arms. <3 Have a wonderful weekend, celebrating the resurrection of our Savior along with more signs of Springtime. You look adorable in your photo under the plum tree. We have those trees out here in central AZ, too. (but I won’t be posin’ for ya!) LOL!
Oh my! What a wonderful post! Loved every single bit of it. Thank you for sharing and witnessing. God is good! Jesus Is Risen!
Wishing you and yours a Blessed Easter!
So blessed each time I get one of your e-mail notifications in my inbox. I love going for a peek into your world. This post was especially dear because of your focus on the meaning of the Resurrection and THE ONE who was resurrected. I know that anytime you share your faith, you subject yourself to criticisms from within the household of faith and without. Share anyway! God has blessed you with special giftings that open doors for you to share the good news; and it IS GOOD! He is risen; He is risen indeed. Your springtime vignettes, poems and hymns always transport me to a simpler time and the comfort of home for a moment, and are always welcome. God bless you for your faithfulness to HIM. Don’t ever let US get you down!! Bless your sweet heart!
Thank you for your wonderful Easter blog Ruthie! I love your outspoken love for the Lord. What a wonderful tool to tell others about God’s saving grace.
Congratulations on the grandbabies news..Your post was beautiful and you are so right..Jesus is the way..Have a wonderful Easter..
Thank you for a blog that beautifully shares the Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We recognize Good Friday for the sacrifices of Jesus Christ. Including the cruel treatment and crucifixion of our Lord and Savior.
Easter we celebrate that our Lord and Savior did rise on the third day because he is not of this world. He is in Heaven preparing a place for us!
I recognize only celebrations and recognition to Honor ,Jesus Christ. I and my family pray for those lost souls to find the One and Only God!
Wow aunt Ruthie, I think that was one of the most, if not the most powerful posts you’ve ever put up. Your words really touched/moved me. I admit, I even felt a little choked up when I read, “I share my belief with you because He is the most important thing to me… I don’t want you to miss out!” Thank you. Even though we’ve never met, I thank God that you are in my life. Happy Easter and congratulations on your new grandbabies. <3
Dear Ruthie,
Happy Easter and thank you again for sharing your faith and love of Jesus. You are such a sweet inspiration in my life.
Christ is risen…he is risen indeed. Alleluia!!!
Such a wonderful post for Easter. The name of Jesus is always lifted up on your blog and the way you live is a witness for Him. Why would anyone not want to serve Him I was fortunate to have a mother who made real sacrifices so raise her four daughters to know Jesus as their personal Savior. I am thankful for all she did. Now she is walking the streets of gold with her Lord. I’ll meet her up there one day. Until then I will serve the risen Savior here on earth. Congrats on your growing family.
Love this post! Love your decorations! Love your zest for the Lord! Thank you for sharing Jesus with others!!
Lovely post, Aunt Ruthie. Thanks so much for sharing your heart and soul here on your blog. The most wonderful place on earth is not Disneyland, it’s Aunt Ruthie’s Farmhouse! :) Blessings to you this Easter season.
Glad you are able to have your music back on. I’m using a few of them on my “GrooveShark” play list. Thank you. There is now a commercial out that has the back ground music to “Oh it’s a beautiful day”, makes me think of you when I hear it!
Thank you Aunt Ruthie, thank you so much. Today is re-focused to where it should have been. Jesus. Have a wonderful evening!!
God Bless you, dear Ruthie, for your amazing love of the Lord our Savior, and your willingness to share that love with everyone. You are a light for all. Enjoy your new grandbabies!!!
thanks for ‘music’ while I’m reading, I could sit for hours and read and tap my toes! love to see pictures of you in your blogs :)
soooo beautiful! You are such a wonderful soul and you truley have a gift of comforting and making us feel happy and loved! I love your tributes to our Lord !I looove ALL YOUR FARMHOUSE STUFF! I decorate the same way!!!GOD BLESS,Cindy
This is so BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for reminding me of that song Tell Me The Stories of Jesus! Always loved that song!
Thank you dear Aunt Ruthie… heehee.. I do not know how many comment posts I will make, please pardon and receive from me. My input. Haha…. Some common ways of enjoying God and His nature creations makes me delight. Like I would say almost everyday too, I would raise out my hands up to the skies and exclaim that what great blue skies, sunny weather, green grasses and green trees, fresh air, sunlight, breezes etc.. We know… those appreciations and thankings of God that minority of the world practices in these years.. Again, be assured that there are still quite a good handful of godly women as you (& I, hehe…) are, encouraging, frangrancing the world in our own ways (I might not write a blog, there was an old comment I wrote that you wrote an inspiring blog before I will write, then I thought I am a person of my words, I better mean what I say..) Okay. :-) thanks for the nice house and Jesus’ love note picture, it is currently on my desktop wallpaper, what joy to have my fellow deep godly souls to reflect back the godly building-up words to me, when many times, I am starving for a return. A godly you will know what I mean. :) I was borned and grow up and had been in this city for 31 years, I know I need an environment change already, as I begin to find out who I truly am and what I truly advocate. I stand firm in Christ’s spirit in me these days, I am definitely more confident. Praise God. Also, as dear you, God is my only and strongest everything as great.. I would not have energy or excitement to do anything that I do not ask creativity from our Lord for.. Indeed, we can pray and ask God for everything in our families and lives to be blessed and He will. As I have witnessed the power of God in my own life thoroughly through, I was brought from ground level right up till now where I should have been, I will keep praying all the days of my life for excellence in my life in my own pace. God truly is the greatest power in the world. I have to write to fellow assure you that God is the only one who truly stretches His hands all over the globe and cares! I can tell you not a soul/ person on earth can bring me away from God for I experience His deliverance in my own little life! Thank you dear for sharing the TRUTH, nature, power, LOVE, true joy (daily happiness without fail is JOY). Amen! PEACE is important so that we can tap into God’s voice in our hearts and having that divine direction makes a lot of difference. Yet God will always mend things up still for people who chose to take His opposite prescriptions.. Thank you Jesus for your life more abundantly for us to live our human lives to the fullest in real truth of every thing around! Hallelujah to Him! :D *hugs Aunt Ruthie*…
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Dear Aunt Ruthie,
Today we had a threat of a shooting at my daughters’ school. They are 14 and 16 years old. I have had a sad, sick heart all day. So I came to re-read your older Easter posts for comfort. Thank you,
your posts are deeply precious to me.
With much love and gratitude,
Dear Aunt Ruthie,
I have written a book to encourage women and would like to use the picture of Jesus and the lamb to represent that which is precious,
Jesus as the Lamb of God and the spotless lamb. Could you please tell me if this picture if copyrighted and if so if I could use it in my book. Blessings. Martha H. Dobson
How come you don’t have the prices on your items?