Happy New Year Gals!
Let’s make 2008 the year for Fresh Beginnings!
  • Fresh start…I love the word fresh! It’s new, clean, sparkling and delicious! This is a brand new year, so gather joy as you remember the best is yet to come!
  • Fresh dreams….what stirs passion in your heart? What do you love so much you want to marry it? Write it down in your dream-notebook, then take time to do the wholesome, creative things you love. It’s good for you.
  • Fresh thoughts…. put up a mental sign “no negative self-talk” we need to be a friend to ourselves, so only think encouraging thoughts!! (self analysis brings paralysis) Remember you are a one-of-a-kind masterpiece created by God. Read Psalm 139!

“Sunsets, as beautiful as they are, are a dime a dozen,

but you are filled with the breath of heaven,

made in God’s image.” ~Joel Osteen

  • Fresh ideas…try something new! Bake that pie…read a new book…take an art class…get a sassy new hairdo… put on some cherry red lipstick! Dr. Phil says”behave your way to success”, so act and dress fresh n’ perky and you will be.
  • Fresh outlook…keep on-the -lookout for the goodness that God sends your way each day to tell you He loves you. Intentionally look for His blessings with a thankful heart. Then look for ways you can bless others.
  • Fresh faith…Keep God top priority in your life and trust the Lord in all circumstances, remind yourself that God is in control (He never says “oops”).
  • Fresh heart…forgive yourself and others. Holding resentment and bitterness in your heart is toxic, it only hurts us! Let go of any pain from the past, we can’t move forward by looking in the rear view mirror. People who forgive, live longer happier lives!
  • Fresh health…take your vitamins, eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies, drink lots of water, and exercise (I’m preaching to the choir on this one!) Eat pie in moderation.I love girl-talk don’t you?
  • I love hearing and sharing ideas that will help us all become better mothers, wives, homemakers and friends. I also love the ideals of the 1940’s and 50’s. I think we need to bring back the good wholesome values of those days and incorporate them into the 21st century, so we don’t lose that part of our American culture. You know…the importance of a woman’s touch in the home…..nurturing and caring for our families….. creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere…. making home a happy place to be.

    In the months ahead , I am excited to share with you all that is on my old- fashioned girlish heart!

Well girls, I am still on vacation, we are headed to Disneyland tomorrow! Be blessed!

Thanks for stopping by for pie!


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