Yee Haw! And Ya Hooooo! It’s finally fall y’all! Well, thank you dear Sugar Pie for coming to visit me for my Harvest Home Fall Tour! Before I show ya around, I have some very exciting news…
As you may or may not already know, Fall is such a magical time for me. It’s time to pull out our cozy scarves and cute boots. It’s time to gather our favorite recipes for hearty soups, casseroles, crock pot meals and yummy baked treats! It’s time to gather God’s bountiful goodness of this autumn season to deck the halls and festoon our mantles and tables!
When we brighten the corner where we are, we light up the hearts of those we love. A heart that is lit with love is a heart that is warmed. Our goal as homemakers should be to create a place where our family feels safe, loved, comforted and joyful. And fall is the perfect time to do just that…to cozy up our homes!
So today I’m launching 2 NEW Video Bundles just in time for Fall!
The first bundle is called…
~ Let’s Decorate for Fall Y’all! ~
Sale Price: $10

In this batch of videos I’m so excited to show you lots of ways to festoon your home with the glorious beauty of fall.
Here’s what you’ll get:
- In Video #1 I’ll take you out to my pumpkin patch for a fun little chat and then harvest my cute little pumpkins that I’ve been growing all summer long. Then once back inside I’ll decorate a festive fall table, perfect for Thanksgiving!
- In Video #2 I’ll show you how I decorate my front entry-way including 2 chalkboard art design ideas!
- In Video #3 We’ll have our Cup & Saucer Chat at my baking center!
- You’ll get a PDF supply list to print out of the decorating ideas I’ll be showing you.
Sale Price: $10

Sale Price: $10

In this batch of videos I’m taking you right into my kitchen to show you how I prepare some Sweet Fall Fixin’s…a couple of my favorite recipes!
Here’s what you’ll get…
- In Video # 1… the doorbell will ring and I’ll be there to welcome sweet, wonderful, you! We’ll go into my kitchen and mix up a batch of Hot Caramel Apple Cider!
- In Video # 2… I’ll show you how I make my favorite Butter Crunch Pumpkin Pie Bars, along with some stories, tips, and lots of giggles!
- In Video #3…We’ll get snug and cozy inside my pantry for our Cup & Saucer Chat!
- A PDF of the recipes will be provided for you to print out.
I would love to share with you my happy home tips with you dear darlin’! Let me show you how I keep the “sweet” in my Home Sweet Home! I do believe joy-bells will ring in the hearts of your loved ones when you prepare these scrumptious and Sweet Fall Fixin’s!
Sale Price: $10

Now on to my Fall Home Tour for 2014!
I want to give Country Woman Magazine a shout out and a big Ol’ THANK YOU for featuring my kitchen in their latest issue (October/ November 2014). I’ve been enjoying Country Woman Magazine for years! It’s jam packed with great articles about country life such as decorating, down-home recipes, gardening, health information, nostalgic stories, and so much more! I’m so thankful and thrilled for this opportunity! Be sure to check out their website and magazine!
Well, welcome to my Harvest Home! Here in my entry way my little pig, Jim-Ed, has found himself a feast of pumpkins spilling out of the bucket…that’s some good eatin’ right there I tell ya!
Right above him I’ve draped a string of what I call “Barn Dance lights” (frosted globe string lights) they add a festive, golden glow to my fall vignette.
I’ve had my pig for probably 20 years and still love him! I change his name and his location from time to time…just for the fun of it. Sometimes he’s Billy Bob or Arnold Ziffel from the old TV show Green Acres!
I tied rag bows between the light bulbs for a cheerful pop of color and homespun charm. I just love the warm and cozy ambiance of these Barn Dance lights especially with the Lamp Dimmer I use with it. The Lamp Dimmer will dim the lightbulbs so the light is more soft and golden instead of bright and harsh.
Here is the Lamp Dimmer that I use. (Affiliate link) I use it for other lamps in the house too.
You can adjust the brightness with the little slide button and turn it on and off too.
“Autumn Is Here”
Pumpkins in the cornfields
Gold among the brown
Leaves of rust and scarlet
Trembling slowly down
Birds that travel southward
Lovely time to play
Nothing is as pleasant
As an autumn day!
~ John Muir
Little autumn trees tied with rag bows torn from some muslin fabric I had.
I turned them into my “thankful” trees by adding these paper cut-outs that I stamped with some of the things our family is thankful for.
I made these paper ornaments a few years ago and needed to fill-in my little trees with something so I brought them out again.
To make them, I copied pages from a very old cookbook, stamped my words and burnished the edges with a brown sponge stamp ink pad . Then I punched a hole and strung a rust colored ribbon through it to hang.
I’m always on the look-out for architectural pieces or random embellishments from vintage furniture. The piece behind the pumpkins is probably from an old dresser. I love the simple carving and scalloped edge! I believe it’s an Eastlake design from the late 1800’s.
Come ye thankful people come,
Raise the song of harvest home!
All is safely gathered in,
Ere the winter storms begin;
God our Maker, doth provide
For our wants to be supplied:
Come to God’s own temple, come,
Raise the song of harvest home.
Autumn breeze
changing leaves
colors red and gold
Autumn sounds
All around
Beauty to behold.
A jolly white pumpkin on a bed of hay is sure to catch the eye of that fancy cow!
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17
Taking good care of my home and family is my gift to them and to the Lord. My heart’s desire is to bless my family through the words that I speak and the things I do to make home a happy place. I don’t want to do things half-heartedly or carelessly. We only live once so I want to give it all I’ve got. The best that I can. Because my family is worth it. I want them to know how loved and cherished they are. Many times I fail miserably, but I remind myself that the “joy of the Lord is my strength”, then I pick myself up by my cute cowgirl bootstraps and keep going. Keeping a thankful heart unto the Lord truly is the key to my joy.
Celebrating the seasons brings such cheerfulness into our homes…and I can get a little carried away because it’s so much fun for me. But you know what? If all I did was fill this old enamel farmhouse washpan with soft and fragrant hay and a pumpkin, I would be happy. Simplicity is beautiful!
“A home decorated with love will be forever beautiful” ~unknown
This is our mud room, the hallway we walk through from the garage. I don’t think I’ve ever posted a picture of it. I bought this dresser years ago and have intended to paint it white. One of these days!
I found this old tin popcorn can at a flea market for a couple dollars right here in the Ozarks (Branson, Missouri). I’m sure it was used for target practice at one point because there are a few bullet holes in it! I love it ‘cuz it’s so hillbilly! YEE HaW!
I mentioned in my last blog post that when I build my little white farmhouse I’m gonna name it Dinner Bell Farm…I already have a sign for it!
My little vintage pie safe (probably crafted by a cute farmer in overalls named Henry for his dear, sweet wife Ruby Mae, who’s the best pie maker in all of Turkey Creek!) is filled with a fresh loaf of bread, candy apples, pumpkin pie and home churned butter. All faux of course, but fun to look at! Hee hee!
Pie safes were used before iceboxes came into use. They kept pies, breads, and meats “safe” from insects and critters.
“The pie safe was considered an important part of the American household starting in the 1700s and continuing through the 1800s.” ~ Ken Haedrich
If this pie safe could talk I’d love to know about all of the goodies that were kept in it!
When all the leaves are off the boughs,
And nuts and apples gathered in,
and cornstalks waiting for the cows,
And pumpkins safe in barn and bin,
Then Mother says, “My children dear,
The fields are brown, and autumn flies;
Thanksgiving Day is near,
And we must make our pumpkin pies!”
~Author Unknown
My kitchen baking center & pass-through from the pantry
I love displaying my cookbooks…they inspire me! The one shown is called The Southern Pie Book from Southern Living. I love it!!!
The photography and the lay-out is absolutely charming! And the recipes looks so amazing! I can’t wait to start baking from The Southern Pie Book!
Just a simple pumpkin on a nest of raffia sitting on a cake plate.
(The Cake Plate is from the Martha Stewart Collection)
My little mini vintage child’s hutch…one of my favorite finds from last year. Perfectly chippy and well loved.
My hubby’s grandma is pictured in the oval frame…little Miss Naomi Agatha Madsen, born in Kenmer, North Dakota.
My farmhouse screen door leads into my pantry. I’ve had it for about 12 years and it’s been in 3 different houses…and it will come with me to my next house someday! The little orange mini pumpkins are part of the harvest from my own little pumpkin patch…Yippeeee! I think I’m a farmgirl now! :D hee hee!
Part of cozying up my home for fall involves gathering up all of my delightful and cherished Autumn and Harvest time Gooseberry Patch cookbooks! They are so charming and homey! I read them like novels. Along with the wonderful recipes, they’re filled with nostalgic stories, tips, memories, craft and decorating ideas with endearing illustrations! They just make me feel so warm and cozy! Do check out the Gooseberry Patch Web site for lots of recipes and tips!
“Autumn Days”
by A.D. Ponsonby
Autumn day, autumn day,
God gives richest gifts today.
Look on every side and see
Pleasant things for you and me.
Apples red and apples yellow,
Round and juicy sweet and mellow.
Load the trees `till they bend over
And their branches brush the clover.
Child, be glad with all that lives,
But forget not God, who gives.
I love using lighted branches in my seasonal decorating. In the past I’ve put them in buckets with bare branches but this year I decided to drape them across the mantle spilling over the sides. I tucked in some raffia for a “straw in the hayloft” look then added some plump pumpkins on top.
“Thus simply as a little child, we learn a home is made from love.
Warm as the golden hearth-fire on the floor.” ~Anonymous
To achieve the “straw in the hayloft” look without too much mess I tied little bunches of the raffia in knots and tucked them behind and underneath the pumpkins.
Well Sugar, I hope you were able to gather some ideas and tips!
Happy Fall Y’all!
God Bless your darlin’ heart!
Aunt Ruthie
Love it! Thank you for your love & inspiration~~~you bless my heart :)
XOXO, Linda
EEEEEPPPPP!!!!! LOVE the tour Aunt Ruthie!!!!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful tips and ideas!!!!! Happy Fall to you, and your beautiful family!!!
Wow!!!! This is gorgeous!!!! I love EVERYTHING!!!! Can you tell from all my exclamations?! I so enjoy your blog and the way you decorate your home! It warms my heart! I get such great info on so many things, thanks to you! Wonderful YOU!!! Thank you so much!!! Happy Fall!!
Love it, love it, love it!
I’m gonna get off my tushy and go clean and cozy up my home now. I think homemade applesauce is in order too. Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh Aunt Ruthie, this was the best Fall home tour ever! You never cease to amaze me with your cozy creative touches. Thanks for taking time to share all this wonderful autumn splendor with us! Can I drop by for a cup of that delicious Hot Carmel Apple Cider?
Dear sweet Aunt Ruthie. <3
You are such an inspiration to me. After I read your blogs I just want to go to work to make my home a happier more welcoming place! I have a small wooden rustic sign hanging on an old cupboard that says "Welcome to a better place to be". I love my home and I love decorating it so that when I and any family come home we love to be here! I am so glad God gave you a calling to encourage women to be the heart of the home but to also enjoy it! Your ideas, encouragement, your beautiful home pictures and scriptures all help to inspire and encourage women of all ages. Thank you and May God bless you!
Thank you so much for your inspiration! Loved seeing your kitchen in Country Women!! I also have been getting the magazine for a long time. Love your home tour and all the ideas!!
This post makes me so happy happy happy!! Blessings to you and your sweet family!! I love your blog!!
Aunt Ruthie, What a wonderful Fall post! My husband is a pumpkin farmer and I am going to show him all the wonderful ideas you have. Where on earth did you find the cute screen pie safe? I LOVE it! Country Woman Magazine could not have found a better place to celebrate this wonderful Fall season! Thanks for sharing the fun!
What a lovely tour!! I enjoyed every picture and every idea! Thanks so much for the inspiration. I can’t wait to purchase and watch your videos! The laundry video was so much fun :) Fall is my favorite season and I always look forward to your home tour for ideas. Thank you for all you do. The Country Woman article was great! Congratulations. So glad your message could be spread even further.
P.S. If it were me…I would leave that dresser in your mudroom the color it is. It looks so pretty that color.
Hi Aunt Ruthie- I just wanted to let you know I have been trying to click on the link to buy the video packages today but it keeps telling me the content is not available. do you think its just a streaming thing and its too busy right now? Is it available to epople outside of the US? (I live in Canada). Im just curious because I’d love to purchase them they look so fun. Thanks so much for all you share on your lovely blog. God bless!
Beautiful pictures from your beautiful home. I too have tried to purchase your video and get the same message as Nicole. I will keep trying.
Happy fall aunt Ruthie! <3
P.S. I sat down to try to purchase and download the videos too and I also had trouble. The link says, “content is not available”. I will be checking back because I can’t wait to watch them!
Okay…I figured it out! If anyone is having trouble you need to go to the “General Store” and purchase through the links there. You can’t purchase through the “Buy Now” links in the Fall Home Tour blog post (which is what I was trying to do.) Got them purchased and downloaded with no troubles….can’t wait to pour some spiced tea and watch them! :)
Wonderful and full of sweetness….as always!!! I Purchased the videos and absolutely loved them. Thank you for sharing your beautiful fall nest with us. Such a blessing to so many.
Those videos are darling! I have a question. Where did you get your crock-pot that you made the hot cider in? I couldn’t tell if it was a Crock-Pot brand or another brand. I would love to know.
Thank you!
As usual I am totally inspired by your home tour! You’ve got so many cozy, festive ideas for seasonal decorating!
The rafia looks SO COOL hanging on the mantle with the twinkle twigs. And your farm table is just as wonderful as can be all set for company. I just can’t pick a favorite photo, so I will pin them ALL. Perfectly homey and memorable, you always outdo yourself!
Lots o’ Sugar to you, Ruthie Lou!
Linsey at The Farmhouse Porch
Ruthie I love all of it! Your fall trees are the best. I would feel right home and never want to leave.
Love your site
OOOOHHHHH AAAAHHHHH! I just got my copy of Country Woman today at Walmart! YIPPEE! So proud of you and can’t wait to curl up in bed and read it! :D Congratulations for the well deserved recognition!
What a treat and a half! This was like opening a gift to discover there are several gifts inside. Thank you so much for the wonderful post and for the fantastic videos! I only got to watch 2 so far and I’ve so enjoyed them. I can’t wait to watch the rest! You are so creative and inspiring but also so down to earth and sincere. I can’t tell you what a joy your blog has been to me.
You might already know about this but there is an online radio station that plays music from the Disney theme parks. They play songs from the shows, rides, parades, movies and the background music. There are several stations to choose from including one that plays music from Main Street. It’s called the Subsonic Disney Radio Station:
I can’t thank you enough Aunt Ruthie for taking the time to put together these posts and videos and share your gifts, talents, ideas and your love of God and family with us all. You’ve made such a difference in my life.
Thank you so much for the beautiful , dreamy pictures you share with us.
I also love Fall and your post has inspired me to add a more autumnal touch to my home decoration. So, I’m off to buy some tiny pumpkins and some rafia to create something nice and brifgthen up a corner in my house.
Have a lovely, creative week ,
Love, love, LOVE, Aunt Ruthie! You make me want to dive through the screen and come on in and sit for a spell in your cozy home. With some pie :) And now you have me dying to hear more about Ruby Mae and Henry and Turkey Creek. Maybe your next burst of creativity will see you writing novels a la Jan Karon and her Mitford books. Thank you for sharing your love of home and home-iness with the rest of us. You are such an inspiration.
It has been a while since I have been to your wonderful site . . . and just in time! I adore fall . . . so full of warm colors and fabulous smells, so coming to your page was a great treat! Your home is always amazingly beautiful and your focus on blessing your families and all who enter your home, is such an encouragement to me! Thanks for sharing your lovely home! ♥
I love all the fall things! Love the poetry!
On your last post I went out and bought an apple candle it smells so good, Also bought some Halloween goodies and made apple bread.
Don’t paint the dresser in the mud room, it’s nicely weathered! Thank you for the inspiration.
P.S. Is there a way to pay for the videos without paying for them online?
Thank you for inviting us into your home again, Aunt Ruthie! I’ve been so sick this week that this is the first time I’ve really been able to look through your new blog post. I love the white pumpkins on straw or raffia! So simple and very beautiful.
Tomorrow is payday, so I’ll be able to purchase your two new video bundles! Woohoo! :)
Blessings to you and your family. Thanks so much for all you do for all of us. We love you! :)
Your house is a delight for the eyes! So many wonderful touches. Congratulations on making Country Home! Will be back often!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your love of God, home and family.
Hi there! I love everything about your home! I am especially enamoured of your dinner bell sign. I adore it! Can you tell me where you purchased it. Thank you for sharing!
Love your pantry and kitchen. First saw it in Country Woman magazine. This spring we are building a semi-log cabin in Flagstaff, AZ. Would you tell me the dimensions of the pantry? Also the layout of your kitchen? Pretty please. Thank you very much.
Your warm, country/vintage charm attracted me to your blog! Would love to see more encouragement for homemakers, recipes and decorating ideas. Thank you for the chance to win these wonderful items!
I don’t think there is anything I would change! You have such a wonderful blog that I enjoying reading but most of all I love the pictures!
I love the simple and caring and homemade feel. I love learning not all things need to be rushed.
I would like happy home tips and more vintage tips!
Hey Aunt Ruthie! I love your website because it reminds me of a simpler time! I love your farmhouse style, your home seems so cozy and inviting!
I would love to see more on incorporating vintage back into our homes!
1. Your recipes and inspiration 2. More recipes and how-to’s
Surely enjoy your super, creative site. Thank you so much for your inspiration!
Ruthie…your photos & decorating ideas are incredible!…but your inspiring words on daily living are pure joy & inspire soo many women…and keeps me coming back for more!–Thank You!!
Hi Ruthie:
I love your kitchen. We live in a log home. I want to know what size your wagon wheel is? We want to put one in our dining room. Where did you get your wagon wheel and lights at? Please let me know.
Sandra Argetsinger
Thank you so much for sharing your home & ideas with all of us! I am curious to know about your backsplash (at least I think that’s what it’s called) behind your cooktop stove. Did you make it or purchase it? It’s gorgeous and I am looking for one for my home. Thank you once again!!