flickering lamplight glows a cheery hello….
the amber lights of home are shining warm…
It’s time to slow down and catch your breath from all of the bustling about….Oh, Honey, You need to take care of yourself! There is only one of you, and you are greatly loved and treasured…you are the apple of God’s eye and He created you as beautiful as a glistening, lacy snowflake. How exquisite you are! So if you are feeling a bit worn out or overwhelmed with so much to do and so little time, take this quiet, golden moment… breathe in deep… smell the sweetness and savor the beauty and meaning of this glorious season. Stomp the snow off your boots and come on inside…slip on some cushy slippers to warm your toes…
get comfy and Christmasy cozy…
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
My Children’s Great Grandmother.
“The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16B
Let the trees in the woods sing for joy before the Lord.
~ 1 Chronicles 16:33
Silent night, Holy night,
all is calm, all is bright
’round young virgin mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
sleep in Heavenly peace,
sleep in heavenly peace.“Christmas is when God came down
the stairs of heaven with a baby in His arms.”
Let every heart prepare Him room.
Jesus’ birth
was God’s most precious gift,
sweetly wrapped
in a fresh-from-heaven baby,
filled with eternal wondrous love,
goodness, mercy, and grace,
glowing with the joy Heaven.
“The light that shines
from the humble manger
is strong enough to lighten our way
to the end of our days.”
~Vita Rays
“My whole life has turned around
I was lost but now I’m found
A Baby changes everything.”
Lyrics to Faith Hill’s song; A Baby Changes Everything
All this took place to fulfill
what the Lord had said through the prophet:
“The virgin will be with child
Matthew 1:22,23
But Mary treasured up all these things
and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19

I hope your heart was refreshed and blessed.
Do come again, you are always welcome here!
I would love it if you would leave me a comment
and let me know who you are
and what subjects you would like for me
to blog about in future posts!
Christmas Hugs!
Oh Ruthann, visiting your home always makes me feel so good…your words are always so comforting and were just what I needed to hear today…thank you, Love!
Hi Ruthann and thank you so much. It’s been such a hard year for us with my husband being out of steady work for over 9 months, my son’s recent diagnosis, the family struggles we’ve had, the financial strain and just this past Saturday the passing of my grandmother. The list goes on and on…
I was longing for a cup of tea and a warm blanket and a few minutes of peace sitting in front of your yummy warm fire. I was reminded by your post that I can find that peace in Him and in Him is the only place I can find my peace.
It looks like you all will have a lovely Christmas and I pray all your heart’s desires will come to pass.
Thanks for sharing your Christmas with the blog world! You are such a dear person…
I would love a future post on how to stay organized and get everything done (being that you are a mother of 4)..I am a full time working mom of a precious 3 year old son and dont really know if I could have another child seeing how hard it is just to “get it all done” with only one!! My hats off to all you mothers of 2 or more! Thanks for any tips/advice, etc…Have yourself a Merry little Christmas!
Ruthann, I just know in my heart that the Lord directed me to your beautiful home. Like Jenn, I have had a very difficult year. My husband also has had trouble always having work this year. My Mother just passed away due to cancer. I traveled 4 times from Colorado to California to be with her as much as possible. Since then, I have been so angry and it seems I have lost my spirit and who I am. You have helped me so much. I read all your archives and I feel so much better. I just know your words will get me through this. Thank you, Brenda S
I absolutely LOVE your home and your blog. I love Branson, too, and visit there frequently. I can’t imagine where you come up with all your wonderful decorating ideas.
Love the display of violins. I used to play violin) I still have my old vintage violin which I played almost 50 years ago as a young child.
I love EVERY idea you have and everything you have posted. I love your warm, inviting home, your family, your cooking, you name it. You are doing EVERYTHING right, except for one thing … I have to wait for each new post. (Daily would be wonderful.) I check your blog daily and HOPE there is something new.
Thank you for making the effort to keep us entertained.
I, for one, appreciate you. Everyone LOVES you!
Betty in Oklahoma
Another great post. Thank you so much for opening your doors up to us and showing us around. After a hectic weekend full of holiday hustle and bustle, your words were just what I needed to remind me of the true spirit of the season. Your posts have a magical way of comforting. Here I am, single woman with no children of my own, working full time and still doing my best to prepare my home and my mind for the holidays. Life can ben stressful, but spending quality time with friends and family (particularly the children) make all the hours I put into my efforts well worth it.
Thank you! Have a blessed Christmas!
Melissa in Mass.
Your posts are like candy to me! I wish you could post every day! Thanks for all your beauty, both in your heart and decorating ideas and recipes.
Of course, I’d love more recipes in future posts, but I’d also like some details on where you find all your beautiful treasures, as well as some tips on how you display them so artfully!
Keep up the fantastic blog! I love, love, love it!
I love your blog… I think it has been a tough year for alot of people… us included, but we do have a house still, our children's health & my husband still has his job, but it has been very tight, as it has been for alot!! I am so sorry for the people whom have lost loved ones & have no income… it is a reminder to me that no matter how bad it seems to be, it can only get better!! God bless you & everyone who your reds your blog:) Have a great holiday! I love everything you write!!
Your home looks absolutely beautiful. So warm, welcoming and cozy. I always enjoy your posts as the photos are lovely and you have such a way with words. I liked the post you did where you gave us a peak into your daily grooming routine. I wonder if you might consider a post on getting to know you a little better. For instance what a typical day is like for you. It seems like you have a lot of talents (author?, artistic) and maybe we could hear more about them. I don’t mean to sound nosey, it’s just that you seem to have a lot of talents that we would be interested in hearing more about.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
What a beautiful post to remind us of HIS Love!
A Very Merry CHRISTmas!! God’s blessings on you and yours! :D
Hello Miss Ruthanne,
I find myself now saying a little squeal of a “yay!” when I see you have a new post. :) This one was just as lovely as part 1, thank you again for the beautiful words and photos of your home, it is clear you have such a gift.
I would love to see posts from you on tips for decorating, how to be a better hostess, ideas for making your home a haven, etc. i am really working, wth the Lord’s help, to make my home moreinviting and a place of refreshment and ministry. Any practical tips on how you (very clearly) do that would be a blessing.
God Bless and Merry Christmas!
Ruthann, I just love to visit your blog. If I had one wish it would be that you could post more often. However, your posts are so much more than what most of us do. You fill us with encouragement, love, hugs, inspiration, and happiness. Your blog & home are wonderful places to visit.
Oh and like others, I would like to know more about where you get some of your pretties.
Your posts are like balm to my soul. I love the adoring portrait you paint of Gods love for us. Your home is gorgeous too.
I am a busy mother of 8 children and a labor and delivery nurse…so any posts on family and homemaking are just perfect. God bless you and your lovely family.
I come to your blog daily just to see if you have created or done something different to your home. My husband says I should start my own blog, but I have yet to do so. You are an inspirations to me in not only in the beauty of your home, but in the christian manor in which you present it. The Lord has been so good to me and my family. I am 32, a wife and a mother to three precious little boys, Stone, 11, Gunner, 6 and baby Trace, 11 months. I was raised in a christian home and I plan on raising my boys to love the Lord and serve him all the days of their lives. Thank-you again for all you do and may you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Jodi
Your home is absolutely gorgeous. You have such great decorating sense. I love it and would love to have just a little of the decorating style that you have. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve said it before…visiting you is like a breath of fresh air, and I so look forward to it. You are such a blessing and an inspiration to me.
And your home is breathtaking!
It’s just wonderful visiting your home for the holidays. Thanks so much for sharing such a beautiful home with so much heart.
Dear Ruthann, I am in awe of your home and your special talent for decorating. Your home is exactly what I hope mine is to others, warm, cozy, welcoming, and comfortable. I also had a difficult year, husbands job loss, my job loss and lack of finances. However, my hope is in Him who is the provider of all good things. Thank you for your words.
Beautiful and cozy as always. LOVE it! Thank you! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!
I would love to hear more about traditions.. I am always trying to think of new ones to start in my own family!
Oh your home is always so beautiful…thank you for giving us a peek…it is always such an inspiration!
I always love your posts about your home…decorating, upkeep, organization…keep them coming!
Southern Sista,
Anything you choose to blog about is fine with me….Merry Christmas…Betty
Your home is simply gawjus!
Hi Ruthann, I have been looking every day to see if you posted and was so excited to see all the new pictures of your beautiful home for Christmas. You have inspired me so much after reading all of your posts. I just love everything about your blog and would love to know your decorating tips, where you get some of your treasures and also organizing and cleaning tips. Wishing you and your family a most blessed Christmas.
It’s always a joy to visit your little slice of heaven on earth! Thanks for being such a gracious hostess! May God bless you this holiday season and throughout the year. God is sooo good, isn’t He?
Your home looks gorgeous RuthAnn. I always feel so calmed after visiting your blog, so thank you so much. You are such a treasure.
luv Ann.xx
Your words with Scripture are from Heaven! I believe that you are doing God’s work with your blog.I love the way you love your family and home…we need more of that in this country!I love to decorate and I love God so there is always something intersting to read and to see when I visit your home! Have a very Blessed Christmas!
Love, Stephanie
I just love all the sweet touches in your home! Keep sharing your homemaking tips, we’re never to old to learn from one another:-) God Bless!
Thank you for opening your lovely home up for us to enjoy. May you have a very blessed Christmas season celebrating our Saviour. :)
Hi Ruthann,
I came upon your blog by another blog and another :) ya know how that goes :)
I wish you could have heard me scream with delight! I am so happy I found you! Hmmm, where to begin?? well first, I could write a book about how gorgeous your home is and how every post had me drooling, but let me try to put it simply ( lol, Im not good at that ) Your blog and home are FAB-U-LOUS! I feel like I’ve met a long lost sister :)
With the Season as busy as it is, and wonderful at that, your blog had me hooked now for a solid hour! and I don’t even think I got half way through.:) I love blogging, but I can’t say I’ve been able to find the time to just sit and read a whole blog, but I just wanted to let you know, you made my night! what a treat your blog truly is!!
Thanks for a wonderful hour ( I plan on more peeks ) and such beautiful inspiration and charm!!! You are super talented and each post was a testament to your blog title: Warm and Happy. :)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! stop in and visit if you get some time!
Hugs ~ Cynthia ~
God didn’t want me to notice your update until tonight. He KNEW this is what I needed to refresh, inspire, bless and comfort me. Thank you for ALWAYS pointing the way to Jesus..((hugs))
Hi Ruthann,
I came upon your blog by another blog and another :) ya know how that goes :)
I wish you could have heard me scream with delight! I am so happy I found you! Hmmm, where to begin?? well first, I could write a book about how gorgeous your home is and how every post had me drooling, but let me try to put it simply ( lol, Im not good at that ) Your blog and home are FAB-U-LOUS! I feel like I’ve met a long lost sister :)
With the Season as busy as it is, and wonderful at that, your blog had me hooked now for a solid hour! and I don’t even think I got half way through.:) I love blogging, but I can’t say I’ve been able to find the time to just sit and read a whole blog, but I just wanted to let you know, you made my night! what a treat your blog truly is!!
Thanks for a wonderful hour ( I plan on more peeks ) and such beautiful inspiration and charm!!! You are super talented and each post was a testament to your blog title: Warm and Happy. :)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! stop in and visit if you get some time!
Hugs ~ Cynthia ~
Hi Ruthann,
I came upon your blog by another blog and another :) ya know how that goes :)
I wish you could have heard me scream with delight! I am so happy I found you! Hmmm, where to begin?? well first, I could write a book about how gorgeous your home is and how every post had me drooling, but let me try to put it simply ( lol, Im not good at that ) Your blog and home are FAB-U-LOUS! I feel like I’ve met a long lost sister :)
With the Season as busy as it is, and wonderful at that, your blog had me hooked now for a solid hour! and I don’t even think I got half way through.:) I love blogging, but I can’t say I’ve been able to find the time to just sit and read a whole blog, but I just wanted to let you know, you made my night! what a treat your blog truly is!!
Thanks for a wonderful hour ( I plan on more peeks ) and such beautiful inspiration and charm!!! You are super talented and each post was a testament to your blog title: Warm and Happy. :)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! stop in and visit if you get some time!
Hugs ~ Cynthia ~
Hi Ruthann,
I came upon your blog by another blog and another :) ya know how that goes :)
I wish you could have heard me scream with delight! I am so happy I found you! Hmmm, where to begin?? well first, I could write a book about how gorgeous your home is and how every post had me drooling, but let me try to put it simply ( lol, Im not good at that ) Your blog and home are FAB-U-LOUS! I feel like I’ve met a long lost sister :)
With the Season as busy as it is, and wonderful at that, your blog had me hooked now for a solid hour! and I don’t even think I got half way through.:) I love blogging, but I can’t say I’ve been able to find the time to just sit and read a whole blog, but I just wanted to let you know, you made my night! what a treat your blog truly is!!
Thanks for a wonderful hour ( I plan on more peeks ) and such beautiful inspiration and charm!!! You are super talented and each post was a testament to your blog title: Warm and Happy. :)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! stop in and visit if you get some time!
Hugs ~ Cynthia ~
I just can’t say enough about how your blog inspires me. Your home is so cozy and inviting, and your sweet spirit embraces us all. As I scroll down to each new entry, I feel like I’m wrapped in a warm, fuzzy Christmas blanket. Thanks for all you share with us.
BB from Ga.
Ruthann, you’ve decorated your house with such lovely treasures! Of course, I like how cozy every room feels but more importantly, how the love of God is so clearly present in your home. Thank you for having me over! :)
After a long hard day,its a pleasure to surf into your blog….Great post…i may just have to move in :-)
Thank you Ruth~Ann for that wonderful inspiring post! I love your blog and I don’t care what you post about in future, just keep posting okay! You are great girl!
I am Janine, wife to John, and mother of four daughters, Rachel 9, Rebecca 7, Sarah 4, and Anna 2
Take care and Merry Christmas!
Thank you so much….I love looking at your pics…….they are a refreshing pause….
Merry Christmas!
Thank you so much for the encouraging words…my heart was lifted as I sat here with my sweet 5 month old little Ruth Melody soaking in the peaceful words and music.
A lovely post as usual! I really enjoy all your photos. Something I would like to see or read about would be detailed information about how you’ve done some of your displays…you have the knack for it and for the rest of us it doesn’t come naturally.. ;)
Merry Christmas!
Your posts always leave me smiling and wanting a snack! Thank you for beautiful pictures of your home and beautiful words to go along.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays RuthAnn! Oh how welcome your home is! You are truly an inspirational treasure as a Christian and homemaker. Of course you know one works so much better with the other included! Your Christmas home is so beautiful. I know many happy memories will be made here this wonderful season.
Thank you for the inspiration on which wind down a busy Monday!
Have a great week,
Jennifer @ Fiddle DeeDee
wonderful post…as always! everything is so beautifully placed in your home, i can tell you put so much thought into everything. here's what i would love you to post about: i would love to have more "advice" and "direction" for younger (i don't think i'm THAT much younger than you, but my children are younger) mothers about mothering…you seem to have such a precious place in your heart for your children and i believe the world needs more of that contagious inspiration, especially in the area of mothering….Godly mothering…i could go on. everything you post is wonderful girl! wish it was more often! love & blessings this christmas!
Your Christmas decorating is just beautiful! I love everything. Icicles on the mantle are so cute.
Ruthanne, I always feel the warmth of your posts and it always makes me smile. Thank you for the time it takes for you to prepare your pictures and writings. I wouldn’t even know what to tell you to blog about, because you always find the most beautiful way to present your thoughts. So… I will pray that you always feel inspired, because I know that you touch so many hearts. Thank you! :)
Just found your blog via a link in Home on the Range’s blog. Wow, your decor is stunning. It makes my primitive loving heart smile. Also, it’s nice to see I’m not the only one who goes crazy decorating anything that will hold still at Christmas. Love everything about your blog, including where you live. I’m from Kansas City, Kansas, so guess we’re neighbors of sorts. Best of Christmas blessings to you and yours.
Sweet Ruthann,
Your home is as sweet as pie! Detailed beautifully! I always find warmth & comfort when I visit you!
Wishing you a blessed Christmas and hope your little sweetie is doing much better.
Hi Ruthann,
Please just continue spreading your love for God, it is just so inspiring. I look forward to always seeing what you have to say. Thank you! Happy happy Holidays!! :)
BEAUTIFUL POST Ruthann! Your house looks wonderful! Your spirit shines soooo bright! You are ministering to so many hurting women. What a blessing you are! I hope my blog will do the same one day….I know you are one busy woman but I nominated you for an award tonight. Drop by my blog http://www.delightedheart.blogspot.com for the details. You are such an inspiration girl! Have a delighted Christmas!
Dear Ruthann,
I came across your blog recently and have been browsing through the archives. For me, the best parts are where you write about “life in America”, most recently the post where you took us on a little “walk” through your town, to where you voted etc. – you take lovely photos and it’s so great to see what life in the Ozarks is like!
Ruthann – so glad you posted and as always, very touching, comforting, and inspiring.
I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas.
God Bless,
What a lovely post for a lovely person!You make all feel welcome an happy when we drop by.Isn’t that what God has told us to do,showing hospitality to others.You are doing that so well even though most of us have never met you or walked into your lovely home!I see a common theme here in these posts of other precious ladies.Women need encouraged,mentored and prayed for.As I read I see this is the cry of their hearts.Ladies we need each other.It only takes a minute to lift up that dear one to our Lord.Let’s give the gift of love this season like Ruthann and bless others.Thank you Ruthann for taking the time to encourage and mentor us.Merry Christmas!
Hi RuthAnn
I was just like a little kid when I checked your site this morning and found part 2 of your Christmas Home! I wish I could see it all in person! Thank you for what you do….you have no idea the impact you are having here….. I wish every woman could have your ideals and values and love of God, family and home. You inspire all of us to do better. Blessings to you and yours.
Cheryl from Canada
You are SO talented in decorating! Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us!
Merry Christmas!
Oh my…
Everything is sooo beautiful.
This year I have hardly any decorations up. We have had some painting done and are waiting for a new window (a big bay) to be put in… So basically all I have up is my tree..
Thank you so much for posting these wonderful pictures of your beautiful home. It has made me feel much more “Christmasy”..
Ruthann… Your blog is the first one I check every morning. I, like others, wait in anticipation for the next. You have such a beautiful home and a wonderful sense of creativity. I love all the “nooks and crannies” that you have nestled something in. I, too, would love it if you would share some of your decorating tips, especially how you store things in off season. I have so much but don’t want to put things in the garage or attic because of the heat in the summer(Las Vegas)
Putting all of that aside, I delight in the way you share the Lord with us and others. I think so many are afraid to speak out and I love the fact that you aren’t. After all, He IS the reason we celebrate this wonderful season. And I almost forgot the music. I many times pull up your blog and let the music play as I work in the office.
May you and yours have a beautiful, wonderful Merry Christmas. May you be blessed with all the wishes of your heart. You have certainly blessed this reader.
Morning Ruthann,
I love your front porch, that little stove with the pot is adorable! Thank you for starting my day with such warmth :)
Thank you for a beautiful post. I live in Texas and I’m a stay at home mom to an 8 year old boy and a 5 year old girl.
Love your blog. I especially love when you post recipes and cooking tips. I love to cook! I have only gotten around to trying your Snickerdoodle recipe (they were fabulous!) but I plan to try more.
And I have always meant to post about Southern names. One time you were posting about that. My sweet Louisiana Grandmother was named Mittie Grey (that was her full first name!), and her best friends were Clelis, LaRue and Pearl. She had a sister Sally Bea and brothers named Perkle, Lacey and Randolph. Talk about good old southern names! She is resting in the arms of Jesus now, but she was the epitome of a hard working yet, lady like proper southern lady. Just thought I’d share!
Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Hi again, speaking of the southern names, I wanted to share my grandma’s name…I live in Texas, so this fits just right…it’s Lillie Bell…she goes by Lillie. I love it.
Always refreshing to visit Warm Pie, Happy Home. If you could see me start to tear up… It goes without saying that so many of us are busy, busy, busy these days.
I loved what you said about the little girl who grew up to be the prayer warrior in the family falling asleep every night with the Bible at her side. Some have felt guilty for falling asleep while reading or praying, but is there any better way to fall asleep?
Have a very blessed Christmas, Ruthann. Hugs…
Your home is truly amazing. It exudes warrmth and love. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Ruthann, I must say I ALWAYS enjoy your post. I think you should keep on doing what you do. Sharing everyday life and reminding us who is in the center of that life. Jesus!! Even when it was not Christmas you pointed us Heavenward. Thank you for that! By reading some of the comments here, it is clear that you touch and encourage many lives daily. I always look forward to your new posts. Thank you for what you do and thank you for the boldness you display in sharing your faith. Janice
I love the wonderful things you share with us. The beautiful home you have made with your family.
I would love to hear more on taking care of our selves. I know a while back you did a post on beauty and I think a refresher course for the new year would be wonderful.
Thank you for welcoming us all into your home and heart. Hugs, Bobbi Jo-AZ
Hi RuthAnn,
I am Angela from Saint Francis, Wisconsin!
I’m a young homemaker, staying home to raise our two-year old son who happens to be called JJ. Great minds must name alike.
Thank you for applying God’s message of love to everything from sweeping the floor to baking a pie.
I keep a collection of vintage imagery very similar to that which you use in your posts–it’s always fun to see what lovely illustrations you include in each post.
Do you collect vintage cookbooks? I’d love to see your collection if you have one, or perhaps just a few of your very favorites. I’m a collector myself. I’m partial to the ones that have personal notes and stained pages. ;)
Keep up the good work and may God bless you and yours in 2009!
Hi Ruthann, I live in snowy Vermont and just love your blog, I visit often as it makes me feel warm and blessed. My dhsuband is away alot and I am disabled so the computer is my way of visiting with people.
The onlt thing I would like to see in the future is more posts, of your life , your home and your travels!
If you ever get to Vermont…look me up, I would love to meet you..warm loving hugs Mona
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Maybe that’s what I said last time…but that’s all I can say when I look at the georgeous picutres of your home all decorated for the magical holiday! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you so much for the wonderful tour and uplifting words. I have been blessed by reading your blog. I now decorate for the seasons. My family said that this Christmas is the best on our decorations! I wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas!
Oh, on the blog, I would love to continue to see decorating inspirations. I also enjoyed seeing the pictures of your trip with your sister-in-law. It was nice to see some neat places to try to visit sometime.
Kim In Ga.
It is beautiful! You did a wonderful job, so cozy. I love the lamp you have on, below the John 3:16 quote. I’d love to find one like it.
Hi Ruthann, you are very inspirational to me also. I’m Jennifer a SAHM from a small town in Pennsylvania. How did you balance older kids friends and family time? Really any advice blog for ex. on beauty, decorating, housekeeping, husbands,organizing etc. I love the way you combine faith in your blog. I to am so happy when I see you’ve posted. Thank You
Your home is incredible. I always love your posts and wonderful pictures of your cozy home. Thank you for such sweet inspiration and have a Merry Christmas.
I can’t believe your house its adorable! I would love to meet all Yal’l family. You enspired me to choose a diffrent style. I can’t wait to see your next post.
Sally White
Dear Ruthann,
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful home, and decorations. I enjoyed reading your post so much! I love the picture of your Grandmother, very sweet. I pray you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. Many blessings to you!
I had a link to your blog after your first Christmas “Open House”. Even I was surprised how many people popped over to view your wonderful house. :)
I just love seeing your home and reading your words.
Thank you for your blog entries. They are a work of art! Thanks for the invitation to know what topics we’d like you to address.. ANYTHING to do with the home and the keeping and guarding of it, your schedules/home help, your day to day life with details, grooming, your interests, your church,how you’ve coped through ‘bad times’, how you met your husband, your life story, cooking; your thoughts, hopes, dreams, plans, accomplishments, ideas, how you become inspired to do such a good job of loving your family and home, the more specific details the better… I know any subject you address is always encouraging and very inspiring. Thanks for the effort you expend in all your writings! Much appreciated! Love, Linda.
Dearest Ruthie Babe, I feel like we are the best of friends( even thou we don't know each other & you only found out I even exsisted like a week ago LOLOLOL) but hey we are going to be neighbours cause I've asked God for the Mansion next to yours when we get to heaven…no seriously!
I Love & Adore your Blog and the things that make it work for me are.. that Christ is centre, I find the words you speaking healing to the soul…that your real( even if some people don;t actually get that you keep your home like THAT lol)I get it, so don;t stop that hey!
I love a good recipe( actually I'm recipe obessed..so keep them coming girl.
I have mentioned that I am slightly obsessed with your home(its ok your to far away for me to stalk you..so your safe LOL) But I really would love to see thru the bedrooms and the bathroom and any other room you wanna show.. I have just open a new blog maybe you would like to have your home featured there??? its called Mind your Manors a home tour Blog
Christmas Blessings to you & Your Family
I have so been looking forward to part two of your Christmas Open House! Your home is amazing…I told my husband, it looks like a little store that I would love to visit and shop at! LOL
I love being a homemaker and I always enjoy anything on decorating, cooking, baking, time management, etc. I’m a faithful reader no matter what the post is about…just keep ’em coming! :)
Little Rock, AR
Hi Ruthann,
I have been following your blog for a month now and have enjoyed everything I read. Our family just moved to Missouri from southern California in October this year. Talk about a change from a population of a million people to less then 400 people. I love the small town we live in. The people are so friendly here.
Your blog is so refreshing to my spirit. We have had a hard year with our business in California, due the the real estate market decline. My husband needs to get a job now after a 4 year leave. I know God gives us seasons and we have been very blessed to both be home with our 4 children these past 4 years.
You have inspired me to make my very first homemade pie.
Please keep my family in your prayers.
Breath taking!! So Beautiful!!
Pamela from NE Ohio
I’ve only been by twice, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything about your blog! I look forward to coming back and hope you don’t change a thing, I love it just the way it is! :-)
Hi Ruthann,
wanted to stop by and wish you and yours a lovely Christmas.
and to also let you know about my new blog:
(I still have my gardengoose blog..this new one is simply geared totally towards gardening)
and wanted to invite you to the Small Town Living forums in case you haven’t been by:
I’d love for you to add my Garden Goose blog to your blog list..I have your blog listed in my blog list.
Have a wonderful Holiday..all of your decorations are simply lovely.
Oh my goodness, thank you for leading us to your blog. It has to be the cutest named blog of all time! I’m looking forward to getting a spare moment and looking through it. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!
What a comfort your blog is to read and remind us of the true meaning of Christmas.
Thank you for allowing us to have a peek of your warm and beautiful home.
Like everyone, I love this blog.
I am so thankful that I saved your blog to read till last. Your home is beautiful, warm, and welcoming – your post is calming and lovely.
I always leave your blog feeling better in my soul and inspired in my heart.
Thank you. God Bless. Merry Christmas.
What a lovely post, your home is beautiful all decked out for Christmas.
Such a warm and inviting home you have Ruthann! Especially on this cold and blustery day here in my Omaha town. I love your blog. So special, welcoming and beautiful! Thanks for pointing it in my direction. I’ll be back!
Teresa McFayden
Hi Ruthann,
I wouldnt change a thing~whatever you are doing keep on doing it!
Thank You so much for your blog!
I hope you and your family have a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy new Year.
psst. maybe a post on where you shop for some of your treasures?
I love your snowflakes!
Ruthann, I have been a reader of your blog for some time now and I love, love, love it! I can’t wait to get a few minutes to myself to re-read your older post and be inspired to be a better wife, mom and Christian. I love your home pictures and I would love to hear more about how you celebrate with your family for the holidays. I would also like to hear about how you stay so positive and upbeat.
I have a funny story about a past entry on 2007. I thought you might enjoy knowing how you inspire people all over. I live and work on a cattle ranch. My husband and I have ran the ranch for twenty one years. I work cows, handle the books and drive a tractor ALOT! Well, I was chosen in the summer to be on the cover of a national magazine about the country life. I flew to Wisconsin and had a photo shoot. One of the pictures that will appear in the magazine is on a tractor. I was looking at your blog one day when my husband came by and saw the entry about Beulah Louise Perkins (Sweets) and he said that it was just like me and now he refers to me as “Beulah” We laugh about how my picture and hers are alike and how we both have GRIT. The magazine is going to be out in January for the Feb/March issue.
I’m not a blogger but, I feel like I have been blessed to find yours and I know that you will be blessed for touching so many peoples lives.
Ruthann, come decorate my house. I make a really good pot of coffee and a great coffee cake. I’ll call all my best friends and we’ll make a real party of it!
Thanks for sharing all this eye candy with us. Have a Merry Christmas.
Wow what a beautiful home you have. Love all your decorations and your front door is so pretty!
Have a Very Merry Christmas. Looks like you are all ready for visitors!
absolutely beautiful! wow!
Hey Miss Ruthann!!
I am with the others…I love your home and thank you for opening it for us!!
I would love to see more of the day to day stuff, time org., homekeeping, etc.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!!
Much Love from a Southern Girl!!
Hi Ruthann, your beautiful faith and spirit, are an inspiration to me.
What a lovely home you have, and how generous of you to share it with all of us.
May you and your family have a blessed Christmas.
Absolutely love your blog – and your home! Yours is the *only* website with music that I haven’t automatically shut off the volume. Your choice of music just “fits” your website and is so tasteful!
I have to say that when I found your blog several months ago, my house was rather sterile and plain. *yawn*. I am now trying to stretch my homemaking from food/budgeting/parenting/wifering to also sprucing up the place. We have THREE Christmas trees, no small thanks to you this year! My house is now cozy and wonderful, and I love it. Thank you for inspiring me!
how about staying out of a rut when you are a stay at home mom to school aged children. thanks
Hello Ruthann,
I just love how you decorate. This year I brougth the fake snow out for my village. Boy was that a mistake. I have a little 19 month old boy who just loves to decorate the whole house with it! Sighhhhhh! My dear hubby just shakes his head wondering what was I thinking. You know I didn’t have this problem with my sweet little girl. Also, my christmas tree just looks sad. I go all out every year with decor. But here comes my sweet little boy who brakes like 6 of my glass ornaments. He threw them across the room like they were softballs. So enough of that! and took all of them down and only left a few up. Sighhhhhhhh! Again, I didn’t have this problem with daughter. Hopefully next year he will completly ignore all of them decorations. Did you have this kind of a disaster when your boys were little? Love to hear it! Have a Merry Christmas from my house to yours you sweet doll. ~HUG~
I have to tell you this is the best Christmas post I have came across this season. You have out done yourself so others visiting here can enjoy these beautiful pictures. I love the picture of your grandmother. Thanks for sharing and I would like to wish your family a very Merry Christmas.
I always say “I Love your blog” when I post, and it’s true..I do!
When I need a little mommy/wife/Godly inspiration I pop over to see what Ruthann has posted. You inspire me and I thank you so much for that!
My family, like so many others, has had a rough year, but we keep moving along.
Thank you for your posts. They brighten my day and help me to refocus on my family and let God handle the problems that surround us.
How warm and inviting. Your christmas decorations are just lovely!
Vintage Lily
As you like to say – oh, honey! Did I ever need this post! Thanks!
I stumbled on your blog while visiting my dear friends Gigglesandgrace blog. I was so excited to see that you passed so close to my home in Indiana this past summer:)
I feel like I know you and your family through your writings and pictures:) What a beautiful family you have.
You are such a godly woman and I love how you share that with all of us out here in “blog-land”.
Your home is so beautiful both insde and out…just like you! I am an interior designer and appreciate all of the hard work you put into your home. What I love about it more than anything is the way you make it so personal. Not magazine”ish” for lack of a better word. It is unique and I am sure loved by all who live there and visit.
I pray that you are blessed by His love this Christmas and for the year to come.
Christmas Hugs right back to you! You bless and inspire me every time you post…I seriously want to move right into your house. :) You have been so gifted in the area of hospitality, and thank you so much for opening up your home to us and letting us get a glimpse of the love you put into it. You don’t need to change a thing about what you post…you we will love whatever you put out there!
Dear Ruthann
Thank you for the scripture and words of encouragement. I, too, needed to hear those words. Thank you for the glimpses into your home. Your words and pictures always warm my spirit.
Shea in GA
Simply amazing. Just want I needed after a long,stressful day. You are gifted and your home is beautiful.
Hi Ruth! Congratulations, this post is really adorable and the magic of Christmas can be felt. All the beautiful details.
The violin is one of my favorite instruments, its sweet sound is comfortable for the soul.
I leave a greeting it from Argentina.
Merry Christmas!
Pd: pardon by my English evil.
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for welcoming us into your home!
Merry Christmas!
Oh how beautiful your home and decorations are! I just don’t know how you store all those decorations! WOW!!!! It looks amazing! Thank you for inviting us into your home and sharing this all with us! :)
Hello miss Ruthanne! I know you have many commentors and it’s a busy season of year for sure, but I wanted to let you know that i did do a Christmas decorations post, and i wanted to say a sincere thank you for being a big dose of encouragement and inspiration for a newbie homemaker. They are simple and my first real crack at it, but i’d be honored if you stopped by to check them out at:
Merry Christmas!
Oh my gosh, RuthAnn! Your house is so deleriously stunning. Where do you store it all? -How- do you store it all? You must have a huge attic! How messy does your house get in the middle of all that decorating?! If I had that much stuff, there’d be bits and pieces of things -everywhere-!
Hello from Temecula, CA! Keep on doing what you are doing! As nice as a daily post would be, don’t even think about it!! You are all about quality, not quantity. It must take you HOURS to put your inspirational, beautiful, meaningful posts up that we all treasure. “Family first”… that comes through in every one of your posts and is why I just drink in every word! When I check a couple times a week and there isn’t a ‘new’ post, I know you are off caring for your loved ones or taking a good, well deserved rest… good for you! We’ll all hear about it the next time you post….it keeps us all wanting more…
Your house always makes me feel so comfortable and welcome. I love your decorations. Thank you so much – you bring me joy!
Thank You so much , your blog is wonderful. Pure pleasure,My time is enhanced by your pictures and lovely words. I am new to blogging, please visit me, I am in sunny California, just finished a snow wow been a long time since the last snow. Just beautiful, so I can understand your joy at your move. Merry Christmas. brook
Thank you Ruthann, for sharing your lovely home with us. I am sad today because my grandchildren moved away today. You reminded me that decorating and baking can be my way of celebrating Jesus. The Lord must be smilin’ big at the party for Him at your house! Thank you.
To my new kindred Sister :)
Ruthann, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet visit! and yes, you are welcome here anytime! Thanks for your sweet comments !
I love that Red pantry door too, it’s in the process of being built right now, I couldn’t find that exact one, so I sent a picture to my carpenter and left it in his hands :) Hopefully the pantry will be finished after Christmas sometime. I just love Pantry’s, they are my favorite little nooks :) plus they evoke such nostalgia and charm too! :) and yours is so adorable with the Apron hanging too, what a fabulous idea sweetie! Plus , I have so many aprons, I’ve even framed some of mine because they mean so much to me :)( I have them on older posts )
Anywho, I just stopped in again to wish you a Merry Christmas and much love for the New year!! Blessings to you and yours! xox
With warmth and hugs, Cynthia
To my new kindred Sister :)
Ruthann, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet visit! and yes, you are welcome here anytime! Thanks for your sweet comments !
I love that Red pantry door too, it’s in the process of being built right now, I couldn’t find that exact one, so I sent a picture to my carpenter and left it in his hands :) Hopefully the pantry will be finished after Christmas sometime. I just love Pantry’s, they are my favorite little nooks :) plus they evoke such nostalgia and charm too! :) and yours is so adorable with the Apron hanging too, what a fabulous idea sweetie! Plus , I have so many aprons, I’ve even framed some of mine because they mean so much to me :)( I have them on older posts )
Anywho, I just stopped in again to wish you a Merry Christmas and much love for the New year!! Blessings to you and yours! xox
With warmth and hugs, Cynthia
To my new kindred Sister :)
Ruthann, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet visit! and yes, you are welcome here anytime! Thanks for your sweet comments !
I love that Red pantry door too, it’s in the process of being built right now, I couldn’t find that exact one, so I sent a picture to my carpenter and left it in his hands :) Hopefully the pantry will be finished after Christmas sometime. I just love Pantry’s, they are my favorite little nooks :) plus they evoke such nostalgia and charm too! :) and yours is so adorable with the Apron hanging too, what a fabulous idea sweetie! Plus , I have so many aprons, I’ve even framed some of mine because they mean so much to me :)( I have them on older posts )
Anywho, I just stopped in again to wish you a Merry Christmas and much love for the New year!! Blessings to you and yours! xox
With warmth and hugs, Cynthia
To my new kindred Sister :)
Ruthann, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet visit! and yes, you are welcome here anytime! Thanks for your sweet comments !
I love that Red pantry door too, it’s in the process of being built right now, I couldn’t find that exact one, so I sent a picture to my carpenter and left it in his hands :) Hopefully the pantry will be finished after Christmas sometime. I just love Pantry’s, they are my favorite little nooks :) plus they evoke such nostalgia and charm too! :) and yours is so adorable with the Apron hanging too, what a fabulous idea sweetie! Plus , I have so many aprons, I’ve even framed some of mine because they mean so much to me :)( I have them on older posts )
Anywho, I just stopped in again to wish you a Merry Christmas and much love for the New year!! Blessings to you and yours! xox
With warmth and hugs, Cynthia
Hi Ruthann, I love your blog. When I am feeling bad about “just being a stay at home mom” when it seems like those around me have “important jobs” I appreciate the reminders you have about how important my job really is. I love your tips on everyday life, keeping the house up, and mothering your kids.
Ruth Ann
Just wanted to leave you a quick message … these next 3 days leading to Christmas will be busy and full for everyone so Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Many Blessing to you in the new year. Finding your blog was a highlight of my year, even tho it was only a few weeks ago….Looking forward to spending time here in the new year. Happy Holidays and God Bless.
Just stopping by to say hello and to thank you for all your wonderful post. I love reading all your endearing words as well as taking a peek at your beauitful home.
I wish you and your family many Christmas Blessing.
Just beautiful! Merry Christmas,
Thank you so much for a lovely post! You have such a gift for creating a loving, cozy, and blessed home. And we love that you share it with us! It is very refreshing – thanks for the hot chocolate and for letting me sit and put my feet up for a bit!
Have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
Hi Ruthann! Your home is so cozy and warm I love it! Do you mind keeping my Mom in you’re prayers. We have recently found out that she has Lung Cancer, and I am asking all fellow Christians to pray with us. On a lighter note….Do you mind sharing with me where you found you’re little stove on you’re front porch with the logs, the long icicles on you’re mantle, and faux pies. So cute! Please email me and we can chat! I would love to meet another Christian Mom! Thanks, and Merry Christmas! Marta
*Sighs dreamily* I so wish I could be you… What a beautiful home you have – so immaculate. Your peppy and optimistic attitude makes me wistful to wonder what I have done wrong…. I am a Christian wife and mother who unfortunately must work out of the home right now. I look at you and your home and see everything I want to be. I hope someday I can have it half as together as you do.
Dear Ruthann,
I enjoyed your holiday postings SO much! You just have a gift for making things special for your family…and for all of us as well. I pray that you and yours will have a blessed Christmas and may the Lord bless you abundantly in the upcoming year!
Love and Hugs,
Amy O.
Thanks for the time you spend just to encourage us. I too look forward to all your posts. Clutter and organizing have always been a struggle for me, can you give us some of your hints?
May God continue to bless you,
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definitely refreshed and ready to celebrate our Lord’s birth. Thanks. Your stuff is beautiful and thoughtfully put together!!!
beautiful site. thank you for sharing your home. and the beautiful bible verses
[…] http://www.sugarpiefarmhouse.com via Theresa on Pinterest Posted in: pin ⋅ Tagged: […]
Enjoyed your site. May The Lord bless you.
What a blessing this site is. I wish everybody could read it and realize what Christmas is all about. Thank you so much and may God bless you especially this holiday season.
May God bless you for sharing your home with so many people! I know that He directed me to this site tonight after such a trying week. It is so comforting to find such a site as this with all the things going on in our world trying to push Him out of everything. I pray that you have a very blessed Christmas and thanks again for sharing your home with me.
As far as a topic-I would love some ideas on how to decorate after the new year until Valentines rolls around.
This whole site is so precious. The beautiful homey photos and the
inspiring words, I so needed them. Thank you, thank you! I never
joined any sites before but I am so drawn to this. Now I just need
to figure out how to get on board. God Bless you and yours,
Your site blessed me today. Thank you for this beautiful labor of love.
I enjoyed reading about that prayer warrior that was your children’s great grandmother. That was just the motivation I needed!
I am so moved by this home and the Holy spirit that prevails Sughout. Perhaps others will see this site and find a need to ask Christ into their heart. We have an awesome God. Let us celebrate year round for all the blessings his birth and resurrection have brought us.
Many blessings to all1
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Your Nativity Scene is beautiful!!!! If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get it from? What brand is it? Thank you for sharing!! ~Tori
Ohhhhhh Ruthie! I have just found you! How FUN! So pleased to “meet” you here online. I just felt compelled to ask you a question that you must have answered numerous times: You living room paint color and brand? I simply must know as it is PERFECTION! As are you Sweet Kindred Spirit! I will definitely have to share your blog with my Sister in Sikeston, MO as she will Love discovering your wonderful self just as I have. Merry Christmastime to you & yours and all our Kindred Spirit Sisters!
Thank you for sharing all you have,
it’s not December,
but everyday can be Christmas for those who accept Jesus Christ and his great gift of salvation to us.
This was so needed, so refreshing, keep doing what you do. What a blessing you are.