Well…the old phrase is true…
There’s no place like home….

Although, Getting home was like Mr. Toad’s wild ride!

Seriously….although our trip home seemed like a combination of The Amazing Race and Survivor, it was actually a day of miracles. We had a flight booked from Las Vegas to Springfield, Missouri. So, we had to drive from San Diego to Vegas……problem was, due to a severe snow storm, part of the highway was shut down. We then drove to Ontario Airport, once we secured a flight on-line, to Vegas. After checking in my suitcase (everyone else had carry-on’s, they obviously do not need the amount of hair product or makeup that I do) we realized our arrival to Vegas would not allow us enough time to catch the next flight to Springfield….a slight scheduling oversight by someone I should not mention….okay…it was my husband Gary…I divulge this because he turns out to be the hero in the end…..
Anyhoo, after a quick prayer……Miracle #1….Gary finds a flight to Tulsa, Oklahoma, leaving in 40 minutes, where we would rent a car and then drive to Missouri, only 3 1/2 hours away.
Not a bad idea…but what about my suitcase with all my stuff, not to mention a box of See’s Candy…we are talking yummy chocolate here! My poor lonely suitcase……( with my 4 essential hairbrushes, hair blower, must-have flat iron, much needed make-up, clothes, ugg boots etc…)…..is going to be circling the baggage claim conveyor belt in Las Vegas without me there to get it! Well, I was not thrilled with this idea, but we had to get home, suitcase or not. In my last post I talked about being thankful, and thinking positive thoughts…although it was darn-tootin‘ hard, (I didn’t say it would be easy!) when I felt like pouting, I kept telling myself… There, there dear-self, everything is going to be alright…when we get home we’ll make pie… no, actually I told myself to put my big-girl-pants on…..there are worse things in the world than losing your suitcase.
We got to Tulsa only to find out that all of the Car Rental companies were completely booked… virtually all cars reserved….except the last company that we talked to. Thrifty Car Rental. They had one car left. A van, big enough to fit all six of us. Miracle #2….. Thank you Lord!
We finally got on the road. As darkness fell, shards of lightening flashed across the sky every 10 seconds. It was so spectacular and beautiful! At first it was just in the distance, but as we got closer to Missouri it got bigger and louder. Rain pelted our car, and the wind swirled and shoved the car from side to side. We turned the radio on, only to find out that there were Tornado warnings in the direction we were driving!
I’m from California, I don’t do tornadoes…..(well, wake up sister and say hello to your neighbor Dorothy and her little dog Toto!)
We were just 2 hours from home when we decided to pull into a gas station for cover, pray for protection and decide what to do. Gary felt it was too dangerous to drive home, so we found a motel and stayed the night. Miracle # 3 …..The next morning we found out there were 35 tornadoes in Missouri that night. What?!! 35 tornadoes?? (That’s crazy-talk! )There were 17 tornadoes along the highway toward home. Thankfully, we were safe and sound.
So again, we said “thank you Lord!”. It turns out that our original flight from Vegas to Springfield was diverted to Tulsa, of all places, because of a tornado touchdown at the airport. Miracle # 4 was that we were not on that airplane if it had landed in Springfield during a tornado. If we had somehow managed to take that flight, we would have landed in Tulsa at 8:oo that night, without a car to rent. We got the last car at 5pm. That was Miracle #5.
So the moral to my very long story is….even when things don’t turn out the way you had planned, maybe there is a good reason…so don’t get miffed at your husband (I’m speaking to myself girlfriends!). God may be orchestrating a change in your plans for your own good. He may allow an obstacle to detour you, because He knows the future and we don’t. Times like that provide an opportunity for us to trust God for His provision and protection. So when Gary clicked on the wrong flight, little did we know that miracles were in the works and that he would be the hero that would save his family from certain harm. That’s my man.
As for my suitcase….Southwest Airlines delivered it to my door yesterday….
Miracle #6. So even though I had a few bad-hair-days, that was a small price to pay for arriving home-sweet-home,
Gary, my hero…the man I love.
Disneyland …..
the place where I want to live,
but they won’t let me…..
….was wonderful!!
Enjoy our happy moments…

Adventurous Canoe rides
with a view of the American Frontier…

You actually have to paddle…
well, you are supposed to…I took pictures.
I love this cabin scene!
Wonder what Granny is fixin‘ for supper?
Probably, Fried Chicken, Fried Okra, Fried Potatoes,
and Fried Apple Hand-Pies.
Sounds good to me!
My Sweetie Pie Summer Rose
and sweet little Pooh

The back side of the Cinderella’s Castle…
…simply gorgeous!
I love this General Store!
Especially the antique telephones
where you can listen in on
Turn Of The Century conversations.
So quaint!
See, why can’t I live above the bakery?
What’s the big deal?

The rest of our trip was also filled with lots of fun…

Ice skating…

Spending time with my parents…

eating homemade cannoli’s
Seeing my sister Sherry (Prairie Home)
All my Italiano cousins that I grew up with…
…we had a girls night out at a very colorful Italian restaurant.

And we got to hang out with my college boy J.J.
and his adorable girlfriend Tiffany!
But now I am Home-Sweet-Home!
I have lots to do to get my home back in order.
We left the day after Christmas
so all the decorations were
waiting for me when I got back.
(What?! No elves to do that for me??)
Clearing away the glittered clutter
gives me a chance to do my spring cleaning early.
I like to rearrange things a bit,
to give my home a fresh look.
I’ll let you take a peek on my next post!
Thanks for stopping by for pie!
Oh, my! That is quite a trip home! Glad you made it safely and avoided the tornadoes. There was a tornado 15 miles from my children’s elementary school the other day. Scary!
Thank you for the reminder that God knows what He is doing when He changes our plans. Silly that we need that reminder, but I know right now I am struggling with that.
I’m a little jealous…LOL First, I’ve NEVER been to Disneyland and we live in Vegas… Secondly, I am from Oklahoma..OKC.. and everytime someone mentions Oklahoma.. I tear up… I miss the midwest so much.
All kidding aside, it looks like you had a wonderful trip. Glad you made it home safe and that the “luggage” made it too.
I had a similar situation happen to me coming back to Vegas a couple of years ago. I dry iced as many half gallons of Braum’s ice Cream that I could get in a cooler, along with J.C. Potter sasuage and the airline lost my luggage.. two days later, it showed up at my door step. Thank you Jesus for dry ice. Everything was still frozen and safe…Isn’t it wonderful how God takes care of EVERYTHING… Blessings to you and your family
Whew! What a trip home! Glad you made it safely. Living in the south I’m used to tornado warnings (had one last night) but they are soo scary!
I just adore your blog! It is now my offical favorite blog :) I love reading about your life, your home and family!
Hi just love reading your blog. Denise hopetreestudio.blogspot.com
Hey Sis! Ahhhhh!!!! Miss you and the Fam. already!
Great Post!!!!!
I love reading your blog and looking at your wonderful pictures. Im glad your home :)
Welcome Back Home! Ruthann! Whew! Yes God is GOOD! Praise him!
I am so very happy for you that you had a knee-slappin-good-time! The photos are fab!
Thanks for all the photos I felt I was right there with you on your trip…psssst…I used to live above a bakery! It is fantastic! LOL!
I would live there if I could too! I live in So Cal and we go at least once a year…I have to say it’s my favorite place in the whole world. That store on Main Street is one of the best places in the park!
Glad you made it home safely.
What a wonderful vacation! :-)
“The best place on earth.”
And great pictures.
it wasn’t a trip – it was an adventure! God’s hand was certainly in the details, wasn’t it? i’m thankful you’re home, safe and sound, toasty and cozy and doing what’s right: pj’s, slippers and a warm beverage.
welcome home – i look forward to seeing pictures of your new, improved nest. :o)
Thank God you arrived home safely. I have a similar tale from 1976…
We were driving toward Estes Park, CO, for a vacation. When we reached Boulder, CO, my 3 children were begging for supper. My husband (now my EX) was angry that they were hungry, but stopped anyway. Well, that saved our lives. We were scheduled to stay in a KOA Campground for that night until we were able to move into Rocky Mountain National Park to a campground space we reserved.
Our God-appointed delay kept us from being victims of the huge Thompson River Flood that killed approx. 175 people. We saw the KOA Campground later and it was destroyed and even the vehicles in the campground were washed away.
So things DO happen that have a huge impact on our lives that we do not realize until later.
Betty in Oklahoma
Loved your post. by the way, you wouldn’t happen to have the recipe for those homemade cannolis would you? This is something that I have not mastered yet and would bring ultimate pleasure to our family. I lived in Italy 4 years but I wasn’t smart enough at the time to learn cannoli craft!
So glad you decided to stay in a motel. My DS lives in Springfield near the airport and has lots of hail & wind damage. Someone upstairs was speaking to your DH that night.
Oh, what an amazing journey home. It is amazing to see how He makes our way so safe no matter what. Glad to hear you got your bag safely home! I’m the same way about my hair and makeup products. Can’t wait to see what you’ve done after taking everything down. You inspire me so!
Welcome Home! Glad you all arrived home safe. Loved all the pictures.
Look forward to new pictures on your next post.
Have a great day,
Oh yes…God is soo good!
So glad you made it home safely….
Boy..your vacation looks like it was soo much fun!
That’s what I need right now a vacation…hmmm…
That was just me…can’t spell tonight…
As I was saying, Welcome Home!
Dear Ruthann,
This is my first visit to your wonderful blog! You have a lovely family and your home is just gorgeous…you’ve become my decorating hero!!! I can’t wait to visit with you more.
Love, Kim
Dear Ruthann,
You are killing me here! I keep checking back for an update. I can only imagine you are baking pies!
I recently found your blog through another and I am addicted! I love your positve attitude!!!
Your house is soooo beautiful. I have a million questions. Will you ever consider an ask and answer session? (Not just about your house but how you keep your sunny spirit, etc.)
Welcome Home Ruthann! I’m glad that you and your family made it home safe.