Well, howdy there Sugar Pie Darlin’s! How thankful I am that you’ve come here to Sugar Pie Farmhouse for a little o’ visit! From the ZilliOnS of blogs that y’all can choose to read, it blesses me so much that you’ve taken your precious time to stop by here for some farm-style happy-home-pie!
My heart is just bursting with delight that spring is here! It’s that time of year we get to fling open the windows and let the fresh air breeze it’s sweetness through the rooms of our home. It’s also the time when our nesting instinct usually kicks in to start our spring cleaning, getting organized, and planning our gardens. It’s when we begin gathering canning supplies in preparation for when the “Good Ol’ Summertime” yeilds it’s fruitful bounty and we get to fill sparkling jars to the brim with homemade plum, strawberry and peach jams! Yummy!
But, what ‘s a gal to do when she feels overwhelmed by life’s disappointments, worries, failures, hurts and discouragements. What’s a gal to do when there’s so much on her plate that she doesn’t even know where and how to begin? Why can’t we “cowgirl-up” or “farm-girl-up” and get motivated? Sometimes it’s our hormones causing our emotions to feel downhearted ( be sure you’re eating healthy, drinking lots of water, exercising, and ask your Dr. about B12 suppliments and natural Progesterone Cream). Sometimes it’s because we say “yes” to more activities than we can handle along with all of our other responsibilities. Sometimes it’s because we’ve been dwelling on our problems more than our blessings. Sometimes it’s because our soul is thirsty. We feel completely drained. A thirsty soul drains our enthusiasim, dulls our creativity, and steals our peace and joy.
“Sometimes it’s like you’re a big pie settin’ on the table, and everybody runs up and gets their piece of you. When it’s over, the plate’s empty.” ~ Loretta Lynn
We often feel pulled in so many directions. It’s easy to get distracted by the difficulties we face in everyday life, let alone the heartbreaking events happening around the world. Life seems so complicated at times. We can get off-track in our thinking and often end the day looking at all the hard things not the good things.
If that sounds like what you are going through, then, cheer up buttercup! I’ve got good news for ya!
We have a rescuer! The lover of our soul! He’s got the kind of water that will quench our thirsty soul! His name is Jesus.
“Now on the final and most important day of the Feast, Jesus stood, and He cried in a loud voice, If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink! He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water.” John 7:37,38 Amplified Bible
“Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]” John 14:27 Amplified Bible
A thirsty soul is a result of forgetting to put God first in our life. To spend time with Him, talking to Him, reading His Word, offering our thanks and praise to Him. We forget to “cleave to, trust in and rely on” Him. Oopsy-Daisy! I’ve been guilty of that in my life from time to time, and boy-O-boy does it lead to a dried up, fruitless, no-fun, no-peace, dead end.
We forget how absolutely blessed we are, and forget to thank the Lord! If we look at our lives compared to the tragedies that people are facing around the world, it puts things in proper perspective.
photo credit: Ashley E.
We need to get back to simple down-home basics!
It’s NOT about making things perfect. It’s about creating a life at home that’s comfortable, loving and joyful.
Here are ten steps to a happier heart and home!
1. God first: We need to put the Lord first in our life! We need to make Him the first person we go to when we need help ( or we’ll end up having a “Help me Jesus!” kind of day!) We should begin and end our prayer requests with Thanksgiving and Praise to the Lord. By God’s amazing love and grace He meets our needs. We have food on our table, shelter for protection, a warm bed to sleep in every night, ears to hear, eyes to see and God’s promises to look forward to. Psalm 23 is a great reminder that God takes care of us, and He is always with us and has goodness waiting for us.
Psalm 23 (Amplified Bible)
“THE LORD is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack. He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters. He refreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him–not for my earning it, but] for His name’s sake. Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my [brimming] cup runs over. Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place.”
Oh what a beautiful promise!
Remember the old southern phrase “Well, I do declare!”? Well, to declare means to acknowlege, affirm, announce, confess, and proclaim something. Every morning, as I open my eyes “I do declare” these scriptures: “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!” (Psalm 118:24) and then “I do declare, ‘Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever!’ ” (Psalm 23:6) We need to renew our mind everyday with God’s Word and acknowlege that His Word is true by proclaiming it! I do declare!
2. If it is to be, it’s up to me! (with God’s help that is!) When my kids were little I would always tell them, no matter what, you must “do the right thing”. As makers of our home, we too must do the right thing, even if we don’t feel like it. Our family depends on it. If we don’t make our home cozy, who will? We have that built-in nurturing gift that our loved ones need. We have that “woman’s touch” that can create a wonderful feeling of HOME! We honor God when we honor our home and family by taking good care of them. Get your apron on girlfriend! It sends a sweet old fashioned and comforting message of our tender, loving care.
“Home is the nicest word there is.” ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
“Well, I do declare! Today I will honor the Lord by taking care of my most treasured possessions…my family!”
3. Create a Welcome Home feeling: Make your house a place your family wants to come home to! There is no doubt in my mind that our emotions are affected by our surroundings. Especially as women, being born with the nesting instinct, when our home is in a mess, it irritates us. It’s hard to be irritated and welcoming at the same time! We don’t want our family to feel like they have to walk on egg shells around us! Start in the kitchen, it’s the heart of the home. The Flylady, Marla Cilley, author of Sink Reflections, says in her book on housekeeping, to begin the task of cleaning your home at the kitchen sink. It’s a simple concept but it will get the ball rolling. “If the sink is full of dirty dishes, empty the sink and scrub it clean and shiny”. Just that little task alone will bring a feeling of accomplishment that you’ll want to proceed by washing the dishes and clearing the clutter off the counters. Isn’t it a great feeling when the kitchen is shiny clean? Amen sistah!
To get a spark of motivation under your heels, create what I call a “Happy Home Atmosphere” by tying on a cute apron, light a yummy candle, pour yourself a glass of your favorite icy drink in a crystal goblet and put on some perky music (1940’s era is perfect!). Get busy! You can do it darlin’! Just wait until you feel the joy of a kitchen that gleams like a new penny!
“Well, I do declare, today I’m gonna make my kitchen sink so shiny I’ll need my sunglasses just to look at it!”
4. Be a Mama Bear! Guard your time with your family… don’t say “Yes” to an activity if it’s going to cause you to neglect them or taking care of your home. Whatever that activity is, if the end result is chaos at home, it’s not worth it. If you can fit it in and still keep things running smoothly, go for it!
As Mama Bear, guard the hearts of your children by limiting T.V., video games, computer, and cell phone use. Be sure to plan for family fun times!
” Well, I do declare, I am going to take charge of my home! Nothing’s going to get in my way! Not discouragement, not fear, not laziness, or lack of motivation. I’m going to step up and be the happy-memory-making mama bear my family needs me to be!”
5. Find joy in the simple things: Domestic bliss does exist! As long as we have the right attitude! When you are doing laundry for instance, instead of grumbling at the mountain of dirty clothes, use that time to pray for your family members. When throwing your hubby’s shirts into the wash, thank the Lord that he is alive and well ( if he’s not well, pray for his needs). Pray that God would give him wisdom and strength in his job. Pray for your little ones as you pair up their sweet little socks, that God would raise them up to be mighty men and women of God someday. Thank the Lord if your washing machine is working! Feel the goodness in the task at hand, that you are making life better for your family. Take joy in the simple and lovely smell of clean cotton!
“To live with joy is to see God’s goodness!” ~unknown
“Well, I do declare, I will look for joy in the simplest of my domestic tasks. Being thankful for the blessings of modern conveniences…like running water, a washing machine, refrigerator, ice-maker, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, electricity, and indoor plumbing!” (Imagine trying a week or two without these things, and how much joy you would feel when you got them back!)
6. Dress the part of a happy Farm-mama at heart! Start with a smile! Put on an apron! Have the confidence that the seeds you are sowing into the well being of your family is pricless and life-lasting! Practice being the happy mama that you want your kids to remember when they are old ;) Our attitude affects everyone around us ( we all know, “If mama ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy!”)
Think of creative things that you can do to bring that down-home-happy-goodness into your home to benefit your family.
“Well, I do declare, I will add beauty to my home by putting on a smile, and speaking words of kindness that will bless my family”.
7. Nurture: Savor those tender moments with your children (and grandchildren) and your hubby! Bless them in little ways…cook a favorite meal…make them an after supper treat…give backrubs…play games…hide little love notes. Be generous with your hugs ‘n’ kisses and words of encouragement and praise! Live in the moment and enjoy your homelife for too quickly our little ones grow up and fly away to make their own nest, leaving ours empty! (Boo hoo! Whaaaaaa! I don’t like that part!! Until the grandbabies start coming that is!)
“Well, I do declare, I will intentionally think of little ways to show tender, loving care to my hubby and kids. I was born to be a nurturer. I am a nurturer, that’s what I do.”
8.Value Family mealtime: The family meal is more important than we realize. ” Studies show that the more often families eat together, the less likely kids are to smoke, drink, do drugs, get depressed, develop eating disorders and consider suicide, and the more likely they are to do well in school, choose abstinence, eat their vegetables, learn big words and know which fork to use.” ~ Time Magazine
The family meal also builds a sense of belonging and a strong family bond. It’s a great way to connect with our loved ones. Communication preserves families. My dear friend Cat from The Vintage Housewife says that her family plays the High/Low game at the dinner table. Everyone goes around and shares the High point of their day and their Low point. This is great way to see into the hearts of your family. It also produces an opportunity to pray about the “Low” things that happened and praise God for the “High” things.
Sometimes our family has crazy schedules and you may not be able to eat supper together every night but try your very best to do it as often as you can.
One crucial thing I have to say…please make your meal time a pleasant experience. It’s not the time to scold your child about his dirty room or the low grade on the report card. Tension at the table only causes difficult digestion, stress and sad memories. Instead keep the conversation lighthearted and happy!
“Well, I do declare, I will value suppertime with my family and make our time around the table enjoyable, insightful, and memory making.”
9. Prepare: Keep your home stocked with the basic necessities
for any unexpected emergencies. This includes food, water, medical
supplies, paper goods, personal products, self-powered flashlights and
radio, matches etc. If you do this it will make you feel like such a good
“Well, I do declare, I will get my home prepared and stocked with needful supplies in order to protect and provide, for my family, come what may.”

10. Fresh Air: When the weather permits, take some time to go outside and get some fresh air! God for a walk. Meditate on God’s goodness. Listen to the birdies sing their sunshine tunes. Look up at the sky and at the beauty all around you! It will do wonders to refresh your spirit. Breathe deep and exhale three times…it will make you fell so much better darlin’!
Plant something! For several years, I’ve grown tomatoes, parsley, basil, and peppers out on my deck, just outside my kitchen door. It’s so fun to go out and gather fresh picked goodness or our salads at suppertime! I’m also growing some apple, plum and peach trees along with a Boysenberry and Blueberry patch. Everytime I go outside to see these fruit-bearing lovelies, I’m thinkin’ boy are you gonna make a good pie! Uh, huh!

Well, I do declare! If that ain’t ol’ Aunt Ruthie in her piggy tales and straw hat!
Yeppers that’s me! Don’t tell my daughters I put my hair in braids. When I mentioned that I wanted to try it for fun, they were like… “Um. No. Mom. Don’t even think of it.” Well, I did think of it! Hey, let me just tell ya! First of all, it goes with my Farmgirl at heart look. Secondly, I live out on a VERY WINDY ridge, and if I didn’t tie back my hair in some way it would be whippin’ around in front of my eyes, lookin’ all crazy like and stickin’ to my lipstick! That, my dears, ain’t a pretty look. So even though I’m past the age for braids…according to two certain young ladies…I bid them never mind! I say YEE HAW instead! (I’m a wild one ain’t I?!! LOL!)

Anyhoo! I’m I’m standing here under my dear plum tree finding joy in the sweet white blossoms…dreaming of homemade plum jam! Yummers!

I just have to show y’all my Chicken Wellies! I shared about them on FACEBOOK a couple weeks ago. They make joybells ring in my heart! (I have the source and link down below). Since I live pretty much on the edge of the wilderness (in the country) we do have an occasional Copperhead snake. So these are my protection! Watch out snake…these chicken boots are made for walkin’!
I also found my vintage farm-wife apron at a local antique store here in the Ozarks, for only $3.00 ‘s! Sa-weet! Can I just tell y’all how much fun it is for me to dress the farm-girl part? It puts such a happy spring in my step! I’m lovin’ it!
Ever since I was a little girl, I always dreamed of living on a farm, now mind you, I still don’t live on a true working farm…but a girl can dream can’t she? Now, I hope I don’t step on any toes calling myself a “farmgirl” when I don’t actually live on a real farm. Aww shucks, I only mean I’m a farmgirl at heart…a wanna-be. Just like I’m a Southern Belle wanna-be! Fortunately, my dear Sugar Pie Sistah, Miss Betty (Amy’s mama) from down south in Georgia, well, she made me an honorary Southern Belle…God Bless her darlin’ heart. Why, that blessed me like goodness knows what! Well, like I said, a girl can dream can’t she? “If you don’t got a dream, how ya ever gonna have a dream come true?” ~ Oscar Hammerstein
As for me, I’ve got farmgirl dreams! Some day I’ll have chickens to go with my boots!
My own Boysenberry patch…that’s another dream, that did come true! I’m definitely not an expert at growing things but I do know that when a long berry vine finds the ground it will take root. You can cut the vine with the attached roots and replant it. Check out the root ball on this Boysenberry vine! I had several shoots that took root so I’m gonna share some with a neighbor friend.
Boysenberries are a cross between Blackberries, Raspberries and Loganberries. Let me just tell you their delightful story! They were the delicious result of the experimental efforts of Mr. Rudolf Boysen. Mr. Boysen’s berry farm did not prove successful and so he abandoned it. A farmer, whose name was Mr. Knott, heard about these aMaZinG berries. It was almost too late by the time he found Mr. Boysen’s weed-choked farm. Fortunately there were a few frail vines that survived. They were transplanted and put in the care of Mr. Knott on his farm in Buena Park, California.
Mr. Knott and his wife Cordelia (isn’t she adorable?) ” began selling the berries at his farm stand in 1932 and soon noticed that people kept returning to buy the large, tasty berries. When asked what they were called, Knott said, “Boysenberries,” after their originator. Mr. and Mrs. Knott’s small restaurant and pie business eventually grew into Knott’s Berry Farm. As the berry’s popularity grew, Mrs. Cordelia Knott began making preserves, which ultimately made Knott’s Berry Farm famous.” ~Wikipedia (Leave it to a farmer’s wife to make the best jam ev-ah!)
Knott’s Berry Farm grew into an amusement park… sort of like Disneyland, only a little smaller. It holds so many wonderful memories for me! It was the place my hubby and I went to on a million dates. And the place we took our kids to when they were growing up.
We would always end the day with a hearty meal at Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner Restaurant. Talk about home-grown farm-wife cookin’! Hot, fresh, homemade biscuits with Boysenberry jam, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, sweet and tender-cooked rhubarb and Boysenberry pie for dessert! Oh HoNey! Take a look!
Yes-sir-ree-bob! The memories are as delicious as the meal was. That’s why I am so thrilled to have my own happy-memory Boysenberry patch. The amazing thing to me is that every Boysenberry plant is traced back to Knott’s Berry Farm. So I have a piece of Knott’s Berry farm on my own land, way out here in the Ozarks! How fun is that?!
Can’t wait to cook up a batch of my own Boysenberry Jam this summer!
Here are my Chicken Wellies! And here’s the scoop! They’re on sale for $24.99 (reg. $49.99). The company Gardner’s Supply decided to call them “Factory Seconds” because some of the printed chickens and roosters got stretched a little (down by the foot), making them a little elongated. Who in the name of corn-on-the-cob cares about that?!! I got ’em and they are wonderful!
They also have Tomato Wellies available at the same low price! Sa-Weet!
I also wanted to share a few good books if you’re needin’ a little more inspiration to help spur you on that Happy Home Trail! Yee Haw!
Life Manangement Busy Women: By Elizabeth George
Home Economics: By Jennifer McKnight Trontz
This little book is very vintage-y! AdOrAblE!
Home Comforts: By Cheryl Mendelson
Big fat book with Tons of great housekeeping info!
Well, I do declare darlin’s, I sure hope these helpful hints were helpful to you! I really believe that if you do them you’ll be on your way to a happier heart and home!
As always I sooooo appreciate your comments. I love them! Keep ’em comin’! I really do need your feedback! If you do stop to say hello, I would love to know what State or Country you live in!
God bless your darlin’ hearts!!
Aunt Ruthie
P.S. Please come and visit Sugar Pie Farmhouse on Facebook! I share little homemaking tips, inspiring videos that I find and a little chit-chat!
Well YeHawwwww! Sista girl…you are the sweetest darn thing i evah saw!!! You are the most amazing up liftin’ farm gal i evah met!!
You look so stinkin’ adorable!!! I am so happy to see ya in piggy tails…awww…now i don’t have to wear’em all by my self!!!!!
I know your farm girl heart and hard workin’ attitude and gal…it blesses me so! Thank you for your heart ,dreams, and sweet hearted attitude that make me wanna be the best darn mama/ home down gal that i can be…We Love you aunt Ruthie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your blog always warms my heart. Thanks for all the lovely tips!
Well, I do declare that was a fantastic post!
The values you’ve described are tried and true, they are time tested and Biblical at their core. Now why in the world do the bookstores need entire sections for self help and homemaking when you’ve summed it up in ten simple steps?
Thanks again for sharing a beautifully written piece–Angela from Southeastern Wisconsin (where it’s still too cold to head outside in my pigtails to prune things!)
Dear, Dear Aunt Ruthie,
I really, really needed this today. Such great advice and spiritual guidance! Can’t tell you how much you bless me. I think I will be reading this one over and over until it sinks in for good. I am a very busy mother who homeschools and had my last little darling when I was about to turn 40!….I have to remind myself that love is the only motivation that really matters and Lord knows I love Him and my family. Thank you for your words of wisdom!
Loved this post! What a blessing! I love the boots! This mama buys very little for herself, but I may have to order a pair of these!
My life is very different than most, being an (almost) 55 yr old widow with an (almost) 5 year old son. Even tho our little family is not typical, I want home to be full of wonderful memeories for my son. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the seemingly endless list of things to do, and sometimes I get a little “down”. This post was just the push I needed to get me back to lovin’ my home and making it the best it can be in my situation! Thank you!
And may I say, you are so darn cute! And your skin is flawless!
Bless your heart, honey!
Well…I am so blessed to be reading this post tonight! It is full of such great biblical advice for all of us other farm-girls at heart!! Some of these are very timely for me right now too!! I am going to forward it to some of my friends b/c I KNOW they will love your helpful tips. BTW, I read your FB post when you bought your boots and I got some for myself…they are ADORABLE and I can’t wait to get outside and do some work with them on.
Oh, and I think your braids are fun. If they make you feel good, then that’s what matters!! I might have to try some out myself :)
Loving Your Blog,
Renee (livin’ in the middle of Oklahoma!)
I know your girls meant well BUT your braids are fun and adorable!!
We have to trust our own thoughts and go with it and not allow
anyone else to make fun of us for wearing aprons, and being
old-fashioned. That is what builds a family!! This was a wonderful
The braids and cowgirl look, adorable!! And advice, great! Thank you for all your advice! :D
Good post…my commandments to live by too! :D
You are the cutest farm girl I have ever seen! Seeing you in your cute hat and new chicken boots makes me want to be one too! In fact, I ordered some of the cute boots last week! Thank you for all the countless hours and much prayer you put into every post to encourage your girlfriends. I needed to be reminded that our job is worth every bit of love and effort we put into it. Well, you have got me inspired to count my blessings and make my home a place my family wants to come home to. Thanks a million sweet Aunt Ruthie!
Lots of love from Texas,
Beautiful thoughts– thanks for reminding me to put God first. And it is all about my attitude! I wanna be that mama, I do declare. :)
Oh, Aunt Ruthie I cannot thank you enough for your never ending fountain of encouragement. You are such an inspirational/amazing woman. You deserve all the good things that happen to you. :) May the Lord continue blessing you and your family……… And how adorable are you in your straw hat, in your garden? Very! Happy spring!
My, My My, Aunt Ruthie. Just what I needed to hear today. Your words are always uplifting and very inspirational. Girl, this is your ministry. I always enjoy your blog. Sometimes I will go back and re-read just for inspiration. So, keep up the good work.
By the way, you look adorable with your hair in pigtails. We have never met in person but your hair in pigtails, rolled up blue jeans and rubber boots is exactly the way I had you pictured in my mind. Maybe someday we will meet in person. I would be thrilled.
Thank you for sharing a little bit of your life through this blog.
Debbie from Ft. Worth Texas
What wonderful, inspiring advice and tips! This is one of my favorite posts from you! I DO live on a farm–here in Florida! My hubby raises watermelons, beef cattle, peanuts, and hay!
My sweet friend, you don’t know how much I needed this today! Thank you, for the inspiration, encouragement, and wisdom. It’s easy to forget our priorities sometimes, and so nice to be reminded!
Hugs from GA!
As wives and mothers we are the ones who set the tone in our homes! Thanks for this fun post – I agree with you!
As for Boysenberries! Ah, I grew up in So. California and remember Knott’s Berry Farm and that wonderful jam! I miss it. Where did you buy your boysenberry canes?
Have a wonderful day!
Oh Aunt Ruthie your blog is so inspiring!! How is you all ways seem to post the right thing at the right time? Someone else said this is your ministry and I really think it is, sometimes I feel the posts were wrote just for me.
Because of your blog I have taken more pride in myself, home and am trying to be the best mother and wife I can be. I wanted to tell you that before your blog I didn’t really believe in the Lord I wasn’t raised to really have any beliefs, but I always felt something was missing and because I found you I looked into the Bible more and now I am a true Christian and proud.
You are such Titus 2 woman you should be so proud.
Anyway I have babbled enough, Thank you for everything Aunt Ruthie.
Laura – UK x x
This was such a great way to start my Monday morning! It’s a rainy day here and I needed a little extra motivation to get up-and-at-’em with my house work. Thanks for the sweet reminder that our chores are really opportunities to bless and time to pray for the ones we love. Love the pigtails. When my hair gets a little longer I’m gonna braid mine too. Wannabe farm girls unite. We’ll start a pigtail revolution. That and bonnets. I’ve also had the itch to wear a bonnet. Thanks again for a great post. Have a wonderful day!
This was just what I needed to get me going this morning! I’m gonna go clean my kitchen sink right now. You’re right; get that done and you realize the cabinets need cleaning, then the upper cabinets, floors, windows……I’m so thankful to have a home to clean! Love your advice; busy-ness with thankfulness. Us midwesterners are still somewhat housebound with the cold temps! More time to do inside ‘schtuff’!
G’morn, Ruth ~ What a wonderful share again … you always make the heart fill with warmth. I so love your shares, beautiful words & heart filling fun … Thank you.
I love boysenberries but have you tried Marion berries … they are the best ever, particularly in a pie or on warm homemade bread smothered in butter!
Now I am going to go clean my sink … truly!
Have a beautiful day …
Love your blog and photos of your home. Makes me just want to jump into your blog and immerse myself. Wondering if you are planning on making your printable into a book, or if not, if you will be offering the print out on sale again to your friends. Thanks for inspiring me!
PS Where do find all of your great pictures?
Thank you Aunt Ruthie for today’s post. Without going into details, coz if feels like a pity party of one :), your post was just what I needed today! Bless you! Now I feel the motivation to, first clean the kitchen sink and second get out the Easter decorations for my little man. xoxoxo
Well, I do declare, Aunt Ruthie, you are the cutest thing evah! Not to mention a great inspiration. I get SO weary of all the dreary and downright worrisome information that floods us day in and day out, so your posts are such HUGE bright spots in our nothin-but-bad-news world! Now, can I ask of you just one more favor? When you think about all of us, your blog readers, would you whisper a prayer that we will be able to actually implement your ideas and not just be inspired? I want to be a DOER and not just a reader. Know what I mean? Now…I’m off to get that kitchen sink spic-and-span, cuz I do declare, I’m gonna be the best mama in Oklahoma today – all because Aunt Ruthie inspired me to be so.
Ruthie you’ve given me some much needed motivation to get my Spring cleaning started! I love your bright and cheerful Wellies..I’m going to check to see if the tomato print ones come in my size. :)!
I hope your boysenberries do well –m I’m looking forward to your jam recipe this fall.
Happy Spring!
Aunt Ruthie, whenever I see you have a new blog post it is just a little like Christmas for me! Thank you so much for taking the time to inspire homemakers all over with your wise words and cheerful attitude.
Absolutely love this post. This is so needed today; no matter how closely we all try to walk with our Lord, there are some days that our human side distracts us from our “saintly” side. Thank you, thank you, for these reminders….and I agree with the others: the pigtails are just right! After all, that’s another of our jobs, isn’t it? to occasionally embarrass our darlings? LOL Happy springtime to you, from a true daughter of the south (born in the capitol of the Confederacy) to an adopted southern belle….we are happy to have you!
Jacque in SC (transplanted to South Carolina)
You make me want to b a better person! I so look forward to your posts. Thank You
Aunt Ruthie…your blog just puts me a good mood! I always look forward to your posts! I’m a farm-girl wanna-be myself!! I am from Louisiana, and I will be passing through your neck of the woods this summer! I will throw you a smile and a wave as I go through! Hope you have a great day!!
Hi Aunt Ruthie, As always you are the uplifter we need every day. Always enjoy your blogs and thanks for always keeping the Lord in them all. All your advice is inspired. I love your braids. I wore them as a child and my hair is too short to braid right now but would wear them if I could. We all need a little motivating talk. It keeps us focused. God bless you!
Aunt Ruthie, you just don’t know how much I needed this blog post right now in my life. I’m printing it out so I can refer to it daily. Thank you!!!
Dearest Aunt Ruthie,
My Dear, I so needed your post today. Last week my house was nearly consumed by a brush fire. The Good Lord preserved our home but it is truly a miracle when one looks at the path and scope of the fire.
Today I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Although it wasn’t a surprise, I know that my home will never be “perfect” now….I also work outside the home.
I needed your post today, Dear Aunt Ruthie. Thank you so much from the bottom of my South Florida Countrygirl Heart!
This post was a God send to me. I am feeling very down waiting for Spring to come. I will be taking your 10 lovely pieces of advise. Please pray for me.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Just loved everything about your post. I live in Claremont, California (not far from Knotts Berry Farm). After reading your post, I want to go there for that great dinner very soon. God Bless You!!!
Well this was as darlin’ as ever! And you look GREAT in those pigtails aunt ruthie! Seriously- I think they make you look younger! No disrespect to your daughters but… you keep putting your hair in braids you look adorable.
I love all your wonderful advice here, and its why so many just love your blog and YOU. You have a real ministry to encouraging us moms and wives. Thank you for all you do.
I want to say I agree completely about the apron getting you in the mood- I just feel “nude” without one on and as soon as I get it on I feel ready to go to get my house in shape and be a good wife and mamma. I cant wait till my baby girl is big enough that I can make her a little mini apron!
And to answer your question I live in Ontario, Canada. God Bless!
How do you do it? How did you know I needed a post like this one. I’ve printed it out so that I can savor your words later also. I spent last week in tears, trying to decide if I should continue in PTA again next year. I want to help our dear school so much but not at the cost of my family. I feel that everything in my home has gotten out of control since I joined in Nov to help out. While I have been voted onto the board for another year, I am going to keep this post in mind as I move forward. Thank you so much for being there for all of us moms who need some kind words every now and then.
This was a wonderful post received in my email this morning! Just what the world needs to hear and what I needed to hear this morning. I am in the process of taking emergency precautions for my family – its a big job but one we must do in these crazy times. Thank you for your website and your encouragement!! God bless you today and have a great week.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I LOVE when I have a “Sugar Pie Farmhouse” post in my inbox! Another lovely post with such good advice. I do declare I’m going to get off my computer now and freshen up my darling house that I am SO thankful for.
God Bless You Aunt Ruthie!
Love from Livonia, Michigan,
Patti H.
What a wonderful post! Thanks so much – it will really help me stay motivated this week. I’m off work and plan to spruce up my house for Spring!
Hello, Aunt Ruthie! So glad to see another post :)
Up here in RI it’s coooold, but I’m thankful for the warmth of home. Glad you posted about Cat again; wanted to see her blog again. All of us vintage-at-heart women scattered around the country, and world, for that matter, just love to see what each other are doing *grin*. May God bless your beautiful family abundantly. Our oldest is just leaving, voluntarily for a year in Afghanistan with the army :( I know that God is in control, but boy will I miss him! Got 2 little foster babies and our other kiddos to keep me busy.
Take care!
Gina in Rhode Island
I love ya! Thanks for pouring your time and love into this post! What a way to start our Monday morning!
Howdy Aunt Ruthie !! Thank you so much for the breath of fresh air that you are !!! God is using you mightily and I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog SO MUCH!! This one expecially is my favorite. Oh, by the way, Love those pigtails!! You got the country cuteness going on Girlfriend !!! : )
Well I LOVE your braids! They are adorable! Love the hints and tips and encouraging words!
Aunt Ruthie,
You were talking right to me today! Thank you for reminding me of God’s love and goodness, as well as encouraging a thankful heart. I love your cheerful blog, your beautiful home, and how you share all that you are doing. I, too, am a farm girl at heart in many ways, and I love all the ways you encourage our love for home and family while attempting to do the most we can with the resources God has placed in our hands. God bless you!
Hi Aunt Ruthie! Thank you for this wonderful post! You have made my day! As always, you know just what to say to warm a mother’s heart with your words of encouragement and fun ideas. I just love you with all my heart!!!
Great post. Thank you for such sweet advice.
Read every word. Do ya have any gray hairs to go with all that wisdom. Yeehaw !! Fabulous blog darlin cugina. Hope all our daughters take your wisdom to heart
Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing the the cheer and wisdom that God has planted in your HEART!! It was a beautiful blessing to read this post – and oh my goodness what a lot of work went into that blog post! Thank you! :)
Thank you so much Aunt Ruthie! Your blog post was just what I needed today! I was feelin’ a litttle blue and stretched. I’m going to go and empty that dishwasher, put on a yummy candle, and make a yummy dinner for my family! I grew up near Knott’s Berry Farm and loved going there and having the chicken dinner at the end of the day..great memories! I live in Maryland now…still waiting for that spring weather here! :)
Dear Aunt Ruthie,
Thank you for such an inspiring post. I am a single mom who is getting ready for her only child to fly the nest. We are having such fun dreaming/collecting for decorating her first place. Your post reminded me to make precious memories in the month remaining before she leaves. I love all the scriptures and a reminder to declare God’s promises. I am dreaming of the day when I find my new husband and can make a wonderful home for him! God bless your heart! Hugs, Victoria from Middle Tennessee
O my seeing that picture of the fried chicken and mashed potatoes from Knotts Berry Farm brought back many memories. My son who is 29 now still talks about those mashed potatoes being the best he has ever had. He was only about 8 when he had them. Your blog always brings out the farmgirl in me too.
Aunt Ruthie… thank you for these words! I am a momma hen nesting with 3 boy chicks all under 8. Sometimes a need a good talkin’ to! May the Lord direct my path!
Well, you did it again. Things are troublesome in my life right now and your blog was like you knew everything and knew the right thing to say to me. That happened in your last blog, also. I can only assume the Lord is speaking to me through you.
I, too, love vintage aprons. I have a lot from the 30s, 40s, and some 50s. I just love wearing them. I got a lot on ebay. A gentleman was selling his grandmother’s aprons that she had made her self in the 30s and 40s. I just love them.
I’m so appreciative of this post and your blog! I DO live on a semi-working farm in KY – we raise grass-fed beef cattle. We just got our first chickens and are getting ready for a few goats. I’m an older mom who graduated a homeschooler last year and have one in 4th grade. My very-hard-working husband has had several health issues this past year to deal with, which has been quite stressful. Without my faith and trust in the Lord, some days I would just dissolve into a puddle of self-pity and frustration.
I, like you Aunt Ruthie, love growing things. We raise a large garden and have several fruit trees and berries. I love taking care of my family and home, but at times it sure becomes overwhelming. The world does not measure success by homemaking, so it can be easy to see ourselves as lacking and question our decision to stay home.
The encouragement and ministry you provide means so much to people like me – thank you and may God continue to bless you!
Your blog makes me smile, and I am always inspired by your words! Thanks sooooo much!
Your website tickles me! I am a bonafied Farmgirl and I am so glad you promote my familie’s lifestlye with such class and dignity. I am always telling my friends to check out your site. Thank You from one Southern Bell to another .
You are turning into a fine farm girl, Thanks for the story about Knotts Berry farm. I did not know all that. I’m gonna have to get some of them berries and try to grow them here. I love my blackberries so I’ll probably like them too.
Your pony tail braids and your daughters comments reminds me of my dear sweet neighbor Derry Brownfield who recently passed away. He was the guy who always did the national farm market report across the radios for this great nation. Prolly heard him before and never knew it. He always said “pony tails are cute only on little girls and little pony’s”. He was quite the character.
Love you Aunt Ruthie, you are a classy blessing.
As usual, your post has encouraged and inspired me. I also feel like many of the other gals that said you must have written this post especially for me. I needed to hear what you wrote. Thanks so much for sharing your heart and seeking to motivate us to be better homemakers. You are like a breath of fresh air!!!!!
I do declare…You’ve done it again!! Amazing blog!!!!! I grew up in So. Cali too and spent many a time at Knotts! Panning for gold and the doll house were my favorites! Hollar if you come down this way to Canton. I’m working at an amazing shop there now. http://www.laurieannas.com You would LOVE it! Vintage, cottage, farmhouse, industrial and french all rolled up into one amazingly creamy white place! It’s just open Canton First Monday weekends. And I can testify to the hormone thing too! Till I found till I found the bio-identical hormones they insert under your skin. But that’s another amazing story!!! Have a great day!
Blessings and hugs!
Look forward to your new posts and gain such encouragement and great ideas. Thank you for taking the time to create such an amazing blog! I live just down the road from you in Ozark. Thank you so much and Happy Spring!
Howdy! Love your post. I love to visit your blog because it’s like a breath of fresh air. I am a stay at home mom to 3 busy kiddos. We love the lord with all our heart and we are thankful for our blessings. My roll as a mom is very important to me and I also believe that setting a warm and loving home is crucial. There are so many distractions in this world it can be a scary place. As I am typing this I have my busy little boy climbing on me. :) I apologize for my post to be a bit scattered. You inspire me to be a good mom and your words have such power. God bless you Ruth~Love Nicole down from Cedar Creek TX YEHAWWW~ :o)
I got some of the wellies, and I love ’em! They will be put to use in the garden…and the chickens are perfect! We’re getting a new batch of chickens in April! I have done a lot of cleaning this spring but I still have a ways to go! But we still have snow, so I think I’m okay!
Thank you so much for this blog today. I sure needed to read it! Discouragement came upon me suddenly with some life issues that came up. Me, who is always upbeat and positive has has a hard day and it is a Monday to boot! I prayed all morning for God to direct my steps and lift me up. Well this blog sure did!!! Thank you and blessings back at ya!!!
Howdy from Farmington, MO!
I love your blog..all of them! I look forward to reading them every month and the way you have your home decorated especially your pantry. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and giving us all insperation.
Hello again, Aunt Ruthie. Today I was re-reading this post, and well, your words are always busy singing in heart that I have to take another look because I always find new things that my happy heart somehow skipped the first time. You always ask us questions, and I always see it after the fact. So, to answer you, I reside in sunny California. I also just wanted to come back to ask you about your makeup. :) You and I, have about the same skin tone, so I was wondering what type of makeup you used and all that. Another random question I have is about canning. I have never canned, but would like to try. I know you have it posted on how to do it, but what about the jars? Do you recycle your old jars or do they have to be new each time? Thanks ever so.
A springtime hello from southern CA :)
Thank you soooo much for your blog. Our family loves Knott’s also and we go there every year (almost) on Christmas Eve. It’s the best with carolers and plays at the “Birdcage Theatre”. My dear father-in-law passed 15 mos. ago, and we celebrated what would have been his b-day at Knott’s in Dec…..chicken dinner and all. Happy memories. thanks for encouraging us to spend more time with family and to keep things simple and look to the Lord for strength and wisdom. Suffering from half an empty nest and (sniffle, sob) know that it kids grow waaaay too fast. You are a joy and am blessed because of our Christian faith we are not strangers but ‘sistas’. Thanks for the blessing you are…..fran
Always so uplifted by your posts! some very tried and true advice, now I must have a pair of those boots, so adorable!
I’ve been reading your blog for years now, right from the very beginning. I don’t often comment, but really felt I needed to this time. You see last year, when I was 38 weeks pregnant with my third child, my marriage ended. I’m currently raising a 6 year-old, 4 year-old and 1 year-old on my own. Last year I also had a traumatic skin cancer surgery leaving me with a big ugly scar on my face. My oldest son has a learning disorder and was diagnosed last year as an asthmatic, he also has a speech disorder, as does my 4 year-old daughter. We’re living in a house that is old and run-down, with paint peeling off the walls but it’s all I could afford to rent. My ex got everything in our separation, so I had to start again and was blessed by many people with second-hand furniture and appliances, but they aren’t pretty to the eye. I’ve been struggling with depression and stress and have been comfort eating to the extent that I’ve become obese. I’m a christian and am raising my children as christians, but lately I’ve been struggling with my faith. Life just seems so hard.
Reading this blog post, it was like you were speaking straight to my heart. I’m going to read it many times over until it all sinks in. I have had my world ripped out from underneath me and lost the ability to find joy in the small things. But I love the children God has blessed me with…His children, they are my reason for living. Falling in love with my newest blessing last year helped take the edge off the pain of losing my husband (who I have since fallen out of love with and have come to realise my life is so much better without him in it). God has it in His hands and I need to remember that.
Hi Aunt Ruthie,
I really needed to read this today. It was meant to be on the very day I needed to receive it. God always works in three’s with me to get a message across to me and I got the three in this one post. Talking about the hormone’s lol since I’m going through that and the red barn because I love them and the Norman Rockwell plate of the mama tucking her kids in bed because I have that and love it. I really appreciate you so much. Thank you for sharing all that you do and for being a wonderful inspiration.
Love you Aunt Ruthie! XO
I just love reading your blog! Everytime I get that little email that there’s a new post, I get excited. You are such a positive person and hapiness just radiates from you. Your posts are like homemade applie pie for the soul. I’m from Ohio, but I like you have always loved the south. I’m a southern girl at heart. I just think that’s great you followed your heart and wore the braids. You look so darn cute because you can tell that you just love being the farm girl. Its so inspiring. Thanks for celebrating what it is to be a wife and a mother.
Every post is a gem to live by! Thank you for providing inspiration just when it was most needed!
I am sitting here wondering how you got from Knott’s Berry Farm country in California to Branson MO! Being an Air Force wife myself and having been stationed in several California cities then
coming back home to the south I can understand how you would
love both. My husband and I ran away to Branson last weekend and it was cold! brrrr……Spring needs to re-spring again! ;-) Love,
love, love the vintage pictures on your blog!
Hi Aunt Ruthie! Oh my the wonderful memories you bring back for me about Knotts Berry Farm! I grew up in southern Calif (I’m from the south too hee hee) in the 1960’s and we spent many weekends at the Berry farm as kids with my parents. Oh those were the times!! One of my fondest memories was feeding the goats there… remembering them chase my little brother to be exact LOL! Thank you for bringing back those times…. now I’m off to Bless my House with a little Lovin’ and a Sweepin’! Giant Country Hugs Miss Mary Rose <— I live in the country mtn’s near Yosemite now :)
What wonderful words of encouragement. I do believe this post is going to be life changing for many homemakers who read this.You mentioned the tragedies that people are facing all around the world and how it puts things into perspective. I was having one of those days of feeling overwhelmed – mainly by repetitive housework and a poor ‘woe is me’ kinda attitude. Then I opened up an email from a friend in Christchurch, New Zealand. Her home will have to be demolished and they don’t know if they will be allowed to rebuild on their land. She was rejoicing in the fact that after 3 weeks the water was restored – still needed to be boiled mind you but she called it a ‘luxury’. And they now had port-a-loos for the street, 1 for every 8-10 houses. She said her home was now devoid of all the nice things that make it look homely. Her husband has kept his sense of humour and says it is like living in a bachelor pad! She says they are the best of campers! They went on to tell us about life after the earthquake. The aftershocks that continue day and night, the trips to the bank or shops that need to be carefully planned because of the cordon in the city and the craters in roads. The dust that is everywhere.
Talk about a jolt from the Lord for me – how blessed I am to have running water, a toilet (two actually!) that I do not have to share with most of my neighbours that you have to queue for in the rain. I should be happy that I have toilets to clean, a proper stove to cook meals on and my ‘nice things’ out on display around me. So when I am tempted to sigh as I pick up the toilet brush I think of my friend and thank the Lord for my loo!
I also thank my Lord for you Auntie Ruthie – its raining here on my patch of paradise in Australia today but after reading this it feels like the sun just came out. I’m going to put on my fancy gum boots as we call them here (essential here too, on account of venomous snakes) and go out into garden – who cares about the rain! I think of you every time we make your snickerdoodles – my 13 year old daughter has memorized the recipe and makes them often and calls them ‘Auntie Ruthie’s’! You encourage me to be an encourager/inspirer to the mothers and homemakers I know here – your Godly influence is reaching right across the world.
Awww, Aunt Ruthie you always bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart. I am so thankful to have a place where someone understands, encourages, and supports what is not longer looked upon as important in today’s world. I have learned so much from you. You are appreciated more than words can express ♥
Shelly ~ Living in the heart of Amish country, Pennsylvania
Your blog makes me want to get out there and dig in the dirt! Pansies and primroses to get in the ground and asters to transplant before they take over the south forty. Hubby is making me a trellis for the clematis that is leaping out of its pot. Clematis are one of my favs and have 7 or 8 around the yard, up in a tree and one that is suppose to be growing along the fence heading to the west but it is going east!!! Gotta go with the wind. I grew up on the “farm” with chickens, cows, pigs, horses and lots mud. The closest I want to be to the farm are the ten big buckets of steer manure we have rotten out back. Manure tea is the greatest. Try it and don’t forget to compost whether in a commerical container or a heap on the ground.
i love your post, just in time thank you Aunt Ruthie♥
Aunt Ruthie, Your words have blessed me so. I needed to hear these things. This is such a wonderful reminder of the important things we need to do as mothers and wives. Things can get so hectic and over- whelming. I needed this reminder!!!! I can not begin to tell you how much this post means to me. My life is so blessed and I need to stop and praise Our Heavenly Father more often. Thank you and God bless you.
Asheville, North Carolina
I am always so blessed by your blog. Your words truly are such a gift to me. Thank you!!
from Illinois
Just today we got home from Fl. for my hubby’s Dad’s funeral. He was 97 and ready to go be with Mom, but it is still very hard top lose him. I have a prayer right here on my desk that reads, “Dear God, whatever you want, whatever you need, where ever you want me to be, I AM WILLING. It is called the Whatever Prayer. I try to say it every day. Thank you for all the wonderful tips!!!!! I love your posts and SOOOO look forward to them all. XO, Pinky
Oh my! Aunt Ruthie what a blessing you are! I always look forward to your posts and this one is sweet as pie. I think you look too cute in your farm girl getty-up and those braids…whoooeee ;-) I too have spring fever and was able to get outside today and clean out my herb garden, I really needed that fresh air!!! Lookin’ forward to what you have up your sleeves my dear ;-)
Hugs from Montana!!!
Erica ;-)
Howdy. My mom just recently passed away, it was unexected, and now I am in charge of my father who has Alzheimers. This has put me into a different routine and world. I’m trying to keep everything going for my family as well, making sure my attitude is good and being an example to my children. To show them how you take care of family. Thank you for your post. Sometimes I don’t feel like keeping up with everything right now. Some days are good, some not. I appreciate you encouraging my heart.
Thank you for your wonderful posts.I often try to think when I am doing chores that I have a blessed family to care for and look after. Last week I said to my daughters my son’s guitar playing was loud but I was grateful he could play, no disabilities or problems. I remember you said in a past post you pray for by name the ladies and people who drop you comments so I want to say thank you and I now remember the special people when I comment and so enjoy their blogs. Thank you so much for your encouragement and caring. I am from suburbs of south Jersey . Always my hometown is Charleston SC where I am third generation! I enjoy your southern refernces too, Emelia:).
I am so happy to see that you have posted again. Thanks for all the information you put in your blog. Love it! Also, your braids and garden boots are so cute! Thanks for the inspiration you give to all of us. We need that on a regular basis.
I am now living in Tennessee, near our 10 grandchildren, for the past almost 4 months. Love it. I lived most of my life in Oklahoma and loved it. Born and raised in Tulsa, OK. In early April, we will have our FIRST great-grandbaby born nearby. Praise the Lord for the opportunity to live nearby. Branson is still a favorite vacation spot and is only 5 hours away… which the trip is worth the distance!
God bless you, Ruthie, and I eagerly look for your every post. Thanks for your efforts!
Betty in Tennessee
Aunt Ruthie, I just adore reading your blog. It’s sooo uplifting and inspiring. Keep up the really good work. I also wanted to tell you how beautiful your home is though I’m sure you’ve heard it a thousand times before. You really have a special talent for decorating and creating the most welcoming home. I especially have fallen in love with your Anchor Hocking Glass jars with red lids and have tried to get them here in Australia but it seems impossible. I can get them with black lids here but it’s just not the same. Not sure what I am gonna do now.
Anyway, your blog always brings such joy to me and I thank you for that.
Blessings from Queensland, Australia.
Hi Aunt Ruthie, again you have inspired me to take care of my loved ones and my home. Thanks for all you do to inspire us that we have the most important job in the world.
I loved this post. I love that you’re a Southern Belle wannabe! I am in Texas and not around very many people that want to be Southern Belles. You make it look so appealing. I grew up in the country but have since moved “to town”;) My son actually got to milk a cow at school this week and I felt bad that a farmer had to load up his dairy cow for my city kid to see where milk comes from. He didn’t believe me when I told him I had a cow and chickens in my back yard growing up. Your posts help remind me that we need to get back to basics at home!
Thanks Bobbi
Dear Aunt Ruthie,
I so loved and needed your latest Farm House blog ! Everything spoke right to my heart. I share the beliefs you touched on. I have been feeling overwhelmed and anxious of late and I want to thank you for lifting my spirits today ! God bless you, patty
Thank you again for the blog. My favorite way to start the morning. A cup of coffee and good advice for this mama bear. Your words are gold! PS..you looks o cute in your farm girl pictures. They radiate “this is where I belong”.
Hey, Aunt Ruthie!
Love the blog, as always. Seeing the posts above, you really do touch many lives. Thankfully, your words are inspired by THE Word. May God bless you, Aunt Ruthie for all your efforts on HIS behalf! I must say that your blog was something this sleep deprived mom of 6 (3 months, 4, 5 6, 9 & 13) needed to hear. I am the opposite of most in that I tend to dread the coming of the warmer months as it just seems to add on more work (yard work, taking care of the pool, etc.) We live in a semi-rural area of the Garden State (NJ) and we have lots of little newcomers roaming around our area; baby turkeys, lambs, gosselings, etc. – cute as can be, right? But I tend to just feel overwhelmed instead of enjoying the spring like most folks do . Well, your blog helped me to feel a little more hopeful. I have seeds which I have been wanting to plant 4-ever w/ my young un’s, so maybe this year, we’ll really give it a try. It would sure be nice to see pretty sunflowers surrounding our house & to harvest some pumpkins when my favorite time of year rolls around this autumn (well, second favorite – I do so love that Christmas cheer!). Well, any old way, sorry to be so wordy & chatty. I just had to tell you how your words really do encourage & nurture. Thank you, Ruthie. Hugs. ☻♥
Love this post well all of your posts. Very inspiring. I needed a motherhood lift, thank you. Being a farmgirl is a state of mind. I was a farmgirl in my dreams for many years until I met my husband and became a farmgirl, farmwife and farmmama. I ordered the tomato boots because they were out of the chickens ones. I love my chickens but I love growing tomatoes too.
Have a great day.
Just what I needed. Was feeling overwhelmed and blue. What you said it soooo true!!!Thank-you and God bless you. I live in Minnesota and we still have some snow on the ground. High of 40 today. Come on,Spring. Robyn
Hey there sweet Ruthie, I just gave a shout out to you on my blog :) http://allaboutdv.blogspot.com/
Plus, I am all about the chickens! We have 4 and we LOVE them!!! If you can do it, nothing else feels more farmgirl than a basket full of freshly gathered eggs. They are easier than dogs to take care of. I promise :)
I do declare Miss Ruthann, you have done it again! You have gone and pulled at my heart~strings one more time! And I must say, it sure made me feel wonderful and a bit touched. When rais’in my 4 little chicks I did many of the good words of wisdom you have expressed and I am hope’in that my now little hens are do’in the same. Put’in the Lord in the center of ones life is the key to a happy marriage and family. We as grandma’s still need to set the example…our work is never done and we need to endure to the end! No matter what age one is, your blogging post will touch hearts and all will want to be better women for it! Thank you Miss Ruthann from the bottom of this tender old heart!
Love, Miss Maryjane xo
P.S. It sure was fun writ’in simple! Just flapp’in in the wind! heehee!
Thank you for the blessing of encouragement! I so appreciate the dose of inspiration I always find on your blog. Keep it comin girl!
Courtney from sunny Cali :o)
What a true blessing you are. Thank you for the encouraging words.
Hello again sweetie!
Many thanks back to you for your sweet words. :) I need your address again because I am going to send you some more dishcloths! I crochet them ALL the time! Here is my email:
As ALWAYS, I am so HAPPY I stopped by! I have to tell ya, YOU Cracked Me Up talkin’ about those braids and all.. LOL! :)
LOVE,LOVE,LOVE Sugarpie Farmhouse & you, Aunt Ruthie!
* I’m FROM GEORGIA *~woo hoo….I’m a Southern Belle ;)
Dear Aunt Ruthie,
Once again, you have blessed my socks off. This posting was exactly what I needed to hear! I appreciate the time and effort you put into everything about this blog. From the beautiful pics to the time I know you spend in prayer. Thank you!!!
As usual, your lovely blog is a heartwarming mood lifter for me, Aunt Ruthie! Thank you so much for your positive encouragement!
I do declare Aunt Ruthie, your blog puts a smile on my face and a spring in my step each and every time I read it!
It’s nice to see that the plants and trees are starting to flower down your way- things are still pretty frozen and icy here in north eastern Pennsylvania!
Your blog is a true blessing to all who read it. Thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us.
You look absolutely adorable in the pictures of you under the plum tree. I don’t know what you’re doing, but you’re looking younger and younger…..and it’s not just the braids.
Precious devotional for me to read today! I am Melissa and I am a mama to 4 precious children and 1 scrumptious husband!! We live in the south… Alabama!! We live on a little farm in the middle of over 30 acres, we have no neighbors that we can see! It’s amazing!!!! However, (this is our little secret-k? :)… I am not a southern born girl!..I am from Cali also.. and my cousin and I were raised at Knott’s Berry Farm..lol! Such fun memories of that place!! We are Southern by Choice!.. grafted in!! But I LOVE the South… bluegrass festivals, glass of good ice cold sweet tea.. in a mason jar, bare footed in the community grocery store after a day at the river, grilling out.. dale’s steak sauce.. the smell of manuer (yes, i love the smell), fresh cut hay, slow talk……..LOVE the South!!!!
Dear Sweet Ruthie…I stumbled on your blog this morning…well I know the Lord led me here…I am a Texas girl planted in Fort Collins, Colorado…thank you for the inspirational words..I am a mother of six..have three beautiful grandchildren..my children have grown up hearing…over and over…just do the right thing! We are a family that loves Jesus so much…but some times this ole world has a way of gettin us down…we’ve had a tough month..but the Lord will be glorified in all things! My husband and children/grandchildren are the loves of my life..but I am that pie in the middle of the table that just got devoured..Jesus refill the pie plate! thank you again for your “sisterhood love letter”.
Hi there Ruthie. Been followin’ you for a while now and always love your posts. This one has been amazing. Timing couldn’t have been better. Just had to share my little Knott’s story. When I was a youngster (single digit stage) lo’ those many years ago, my family was at THE Berry Farm. I had a run in and had to go the first aid station and who should be there but mister and misses Knott themselves. They were there getting their check up. They were so precious. They talked to me and comforted me while my mom had to go find the rest of the family. I can only hope that I can be so loving at their stage as they were.
AUNT RUTHIE! I am so excited that you left a comment on my blog and sent me your way!!! I am in LOVE with your site…it is just beautiful! You’re a girl after my own heart! I can see we love the same things!
Hi Aunt Ruthie!!
I LOOOOOOVE your blog!! Every time you post, my sister and I always email each other about all the wonderful and encouraging things you share! I know that if I’m ever down, your site is where I need to be because it is so uplifting and reminding me Who I need to be focusing on!!
(I’m a Georgia peach here!!!)
PS- I think your braids are adorable!!! I say keep them!! :)
Oh, my… you never cease to amaze me!!! I dearly loved reading this post, it truly hit home & I JUST went to purchase B12 & the Natural Progesturane Cream this week… so excited what they are about to do for me. Thank you so much for what you bring forth in your blog & for just being you… I have followed you for years now & will continue to cherish the moments you share… I feel as if we are surely true friends!
Hugs from Kentucky, Pamela =]
Aunt Ruthie, I’m in sunny Californy (High Desert-Silver Lakes), it’s 88 degrees today but the temp will change. I have been to the Ozarks many times and thought we might relocate but the Lord had other plans. I have enjoyed your blog for some time since my sweet daughter (Mindi-whom you have met) told me of you. You are a blessing to so many and the Lord uses you to uplift all of us as we take care of our families. Please keep up the encouragement. Bless You!
Ok Aunt Ruthie I have followed you silently and from afar long enough! I live in the same town as you and admire you from a distance. However, after reading this post today I must confess….you must have had me in mind when you wrote it:) Thank you so much for a beautiful blog and for the inspiration that always comes when I need it most.
A fellow Ozarks farm girl:)
I love this post! Thank you for your inspiration and encouragement. It means more than you know.
Hi, this is Nick from the DaySpring Affiliate Program. After looking over your blog, I think you might be a good fit for our program. You can learn all the details on our website or email me with any questions you may have.
Aunt Ruthie,
Amen, sister! And thank you so MUCH for your wonderful, beautiful, encouraging blog. I’m the mother to thirteen wonderful children, wife to my fine husband, and I love how you encourage us as women to nurture and love our families. I also love the vintage pictures and the pictures of your pretty home. We also live on a rural acreage and enjoy learning more and more each year how to garden, can, make sorghum, and in recent years we’ve been learning to make all our dairy products since my hubby bought me Jersey cows. We also have a flock of chickens and way to many cats, but the little ones sure do love ’em! Oh, we also turn on your play list when we have a big cleaning project to do cause it’s so cheerful. The work seems to go faster that way! God bless you and your family.
I so needed this little Pep Talk. I was feeling overwhelmed, and admit not seeing all my blessings in the “work” both at home and at work. Thank You for your inspiring words.
I now live in Texas but lived in California till my mid 20’s and grew up going to Knotts, I so miss it.
Dear Aunt Ruthie,
I needed to hear this good ol’ advice today. I have been letting my nest slip and feeling guilty about that. I sure am glad for your Pep Talk, I always feel pepped up after reading your posts. Keep em comin! Now on to the sweeping and flinging of the dust rag :)
Happy Spring,
Dear Aunt Ruthie, wanted to share something with ya. First of all, thanks for the idea of using the muffin tin to fix snacks for kids after school. I tried it this week and its a BIG hit. I had been concerned about my 9 yr old not getting enough fruits and veggies and I have no trouble at all with that now…a simple idea but a very good one!
Secondly, this blog really did inspire me. This evening our neighbor’s two little girls were over visiting my daughter and I invited them to stay for supper. They are 7 and 5 and have a very unstable home life. Mom and stepdad drink and when she goes to work in the evenings, the girls are with their stepdad. The girls come to my house when their mom and stepdad fight and we have started taking them to church. anyway, I fixed them a nice little place at our table, with a table clothe and flowers and made them the kind of meal I thought would appeal to children and they seemed to enjoy it. I was pretty tired after a long day but I thought about you and how you talked about creating a home of blessing and I realized I was ministering to those little girls by simply giving them a place to be and experience a happy home. Again, thanks for the inspirtation. Love you.
Thank you for another wonderful post! Your blog is such a place of refreshment… I’m always happy to see something new pop up in my reader! :) You are such an encouragement to me to create a welcoming home. Blessings!
I adore your blog. Simply beautiful and so inspirational. Your posts make me miss “home” which for me, is part California and part Louisiana. Oh, and the pig tails are awesome, you look beautiful! Reading all the way from Christchurch, New Zealand!
AH! I check your website here and there and am never disappointed!! I love your words of wisdom:) GREAT blog!
Thank you so much for this post. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately and your guidance is so spot on. I actually look forward to cleaning the house this weekend and making a nest!
p.s. love the pig tails!
Hi Aunt Ruthie! This was a wonderful post! I start my day the same way, and it makes all the difference to set my mind on the goodness of God first thing in the morning (and last thing at night). I enjoyed reading about what you grow on your porch, and about Knott’s Berry Farm. I have fond memories of my visit there, even though it’s been 40 years ago! Thanks for sharing so much encouragement with your readers! And I like the pigtails! :-) Bess
Aunt Ruthie, I wanted to let you know that in my April 10 post I linked to, and encourage my readers to read, your March 27 post. Hope that’s OK! I really enjoyed it and appreciate all the hard work and valuable time you spend on creating your posts. Bess
Every single day I HOPE that you post a new blog. Here’s hoping we don’t have to wait much longer. I really miss your encouraging words. :)
Our first great grandbaby, Emma Jane, was born April 5th, and she is a beauty! We love her so much.
Betty in Tennessee
Howdy! Rachel from ol’ Virginy! We southern born welcome you. My husband is a naturalized southern… by marriage.
How would I be able to get a copy of your e-book???
Hi Ruthie –
I’m a Southern girl, born and bred in Mississippi. Wandered away for bit, but for me there’s just no place like home. I’m also a BUSY working Mom (and nurse) and have been struggling a little lately with schedules and keeping our home in order. I want you to know your post truly ministered to me. You are a blessing. For me it’s not the “want to” that keeps me from creating the home I desire for my family, but the time. I’m praying about that and know that with the Lord’s help I will find the time to get things in better order and bless my family! Thank you bunches for your sweet words and your heart of gold.
Much Love!
I just found your blog, and I didn’t know it, but it was just what I was looking for! The advice you gave was spot on for me! My family (myself, husband, and 3 year old daughter) are living in Virginia while my husband attends law school, but we are dreaming of the farm we want when he finishes up next year! Well, after those student loans are paid off, of course. ;) But this post helped me to realize that I don’t need the farm to make my townhouse feel like a farmhouse! You seem so fun with your apron and boots, and I almost can’t wait to put my apron on and start cleaning and baking! I’m thinking my husband and kiddo will be glad I found your blog! Can’t wait to read more!
I loved your post! I always enjoy your encouragement in loving our families and homes. (John 14:27 is one of my favorite verses. It’s brought me comfort many times.)
My mom grew up in Southern CA, and has memories of stopping at the Knott’s fruit stand when they would go out driving. My husband and I lived in Buena Park a few blocks away from Knott’s Berry Farm. I drove by there on the way to work every day…sometimes I would be caught at a red light so the stagecoach could cross the road! It was fun! We went there several times too, and enjoyed eating breakfast (or lunch, or dinner) at Mrs Knott’s Restaurant. :) We haven’t lived down there for many years now, but have some good memories!
God bless you for all you do!
I think this is my most favorite post you’ve ever done! I’ve been a lurker for awhile now, but I’ve gotta come out now and tell you that I appreciate the message and this weary heart needed it tonight! God bless you, sister! :)
You are a blessing. Thank you. Happy Easter to you and your family. What a beautiful grandson you have!
God bless you, Pam
Refreshing like a spring Breeze – Thank you Cugina!
I could read this post over and over and over. It speaks volumes.
Just a quick note of thanks for your wonderful, happy and loving words.
Whether or not you are a “real” farm girl, or a “real” southern belle doesn’t “really” matter. You are a real and true gift, a woman that can inspire others to “remember” what this journey is all about, and your words are uplifting those of us who may be having a difficult time looking up! Thanks for the reminders and Happy Easter and may God bless you always.
Happy Easter …
Aunt Ruthie, you are my inspiration. Please read my post below on how you encouraged me with this article of yours to ‘keep the house’! I love your blog, and I also love pie and the south!
Ruthie Ann,
I love your testimony and the fact that you quote the bible, I just wish it were The King James Version. I don’t even know what the Amplified version means. I guess I could research it on the internet, but I will never change from The King James version. I love your blog and your decorating style is so similar to mine.
God bless you