Heap on more wood! The wind is chill: But let it whistle as it will, We’ll keep our Christmas merry still.
~Sir Walter Scott
My father, Armand Mattia, built this faux fireplace for me out of scrap wood and gingerbread trim. ( He is a man of many talents, he worked with a team of engineers to design and develop the Tomahawk Heat Seeking Missile used in the war, and he can build cute things! How cool is that!)
I love the way it brightens the corner with a wonderful warm glow. The people who bought our house in California before we moved to Missouri wanted to keep it. I don’t blame them! It warms the hallway to my bedroom now, so I get to enjoy it as I walk by it everyday. Thanks Dad!
Let the trees in the woods sing for joy before the Lord.
~ 1 Chronicles 16:33
Jesus is the reason for this glorious season!
Frosted windowpanes…candles gleaming inside….
This adorable antique little girl is my husband’s Grandmother. Her name… little Miss Naomi Agatha Madsen. What a dreamy picture of pure sweetness!
Oh Honey!!
(If you don’t know me yet, this is what I say when I see something so stinkin’ cute!)
She grew up to be the prayer warrior of the family. She fell asleep every night with an open Bible and prayers for her children and grandchildren fresh on her lips. What a legacy and a priceless gift, to blanket loved ones with warm prayers of goodness, mercy and grace. Oh, that we would do the same, with fervency! If we don’t pray for our loved ones, who will?
“The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16B
Well, little miss “NoNo” as she was endearingly called, was the baker of many delectable, made-from-scratch, sweet and golden confections. One of which was her spicy, sugared, Gingersnap Cookies. A must-have on our holiday table. I would like to honor her this Christmas season by sharing this heirloom recipe ( which she would be thrilled and humbled that you would want it.).

Grandma’s Gingersnaps
3/4 cup butter (softened, not melted)
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup molasses
1 egg
Mix together above ingredients until well blended, then add:
2 cups flour
2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ground cloves
1 tsp. ground ginger
Beat all ingredients well. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and chill in refrigerator at least an hour. Then roll into small balls (large marble size). Dip balls into a bowl of white sugar, and place on a cookie sheet. Bake in a 375 preheated oven for 8 minutes (not a minute more, you want the cookies to be crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside.)
Just wait until the buttery-spice aroma of these cookies meander it’s way through each room of your home, it’s so heavenly…you’ll wonder if Angels may have fluttered by. 
And how about something to warm your tummy when the wind is whirling with a shivering chill. This delicious hot orange spice tea promises to warm you from your sassy hair-do, down to your cute little red painted toes! It is so scrumptious that it would be a great little gift to give.

Just mix and pour into canning jars, add a fabric square, a tag, and maybe a little ornament, like this frosted snowflake from Wallmart.
As you can see there are “Red Hots” (cinnamon candies) mixed in. It really adds a festive touch as well as extra flavor.
Here is the recipe:
2 cups instant dry tea
2 cups orange Tang
4 cups sugar
1 cup lemonade mix
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ground cloves
1 cup cinnamon candies
Mix together in a large bowl and ladle into glass jars. The serving instructions on the tag should read: Stir 2 heaping teaspoons into a mug of steaming hot water. Enjoy with a good book in front of a warm fire!
In the November issue of Good Housekeeping magazine, Reese Witherspoon talked about a similar recipe. She says it is southern. So, I would like to hear from you southern gals, are you familiar with this cozy tea?
“For somehow, not only at Christmas, but all the long year through, the joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you.”
~John Greenleaf Whittier
Stay warm and sweet!
Thanks for stopping by for pie!
P.S. I will be sharing my peach pie and pie crust recipe in a future post, thanks for asking!
I just love your site!!! The only thing I wish is that you would update more often. Selfish, I know. hehe!! I have sent your link to a lot of my friends and they think your house is so beautiful. Can’t wait for the pie recipe.
I agree with Rachael update more PLEASE! :-) I just jotted down those wonderful recipes and will try the cookie one tomorrow. My mom is coming to visit so I hope we will able to bake toghter with the kids. What a beautiful fireplace mantel your dad built. Love stopping by! Have a Great Day!
It is the best of days when I see a new post on your site. Every single one of them are “Oh Honey” moments. I savor every delicious word and picture and want them to go on forever. I completely agree with Rachael and Decorating Queen on wishing you would be able to update every day (or even several times a day). LOL
I just stumbled onto the blog world a week or two ago and now am totally hooked. Just wish I knew how to create my own. Maybe someday.
You are a blessing to us all. Thanks so much.
I will be trying your precious recipe this week..I can almost smell the spices now. I adore your fireplace…I wouldn’t have left it either. Dianntha
I’m from southwest Louisiana and we had the spiced tea mix there when I was growing up. Can’t wait to get your peach pie recipe. That’s my favorite!
Thanks for your wonderful post. It always makes my day. You are very fortunate to have that incredible mantle from your father. What an heirloom. I’m from Iowa originally and know that spiced tea recipe very well.
Oh my goodness… what a legacy! to be a prayer warrior! She is sooo cute!
And well, gotta give a nod to Daddy for the cozy fireplace!
What gifts and blessings you have to warm your heart AND home!!Thank you sooo much for sharing them.
May you and your precious family have a blessed Christmas.
I found you through Diane at Petticoat Junction..your blog is beautiful and your home is gorgeous!!!
Oh yes, we Southerners definately know this recipe. In fact, I didn’t know it was Southern. I thought most everybody knew about this.
It smells and tastes wonderful!
Thank you for visiting my blog! I just love your blog, your home is lovely, decorated beautifully and your posts are so cheery! Pie is my favorite dessert too and I’m looking forward to your yummy peach pie recipe!
You have the most amazing blog (and the most amazing house)! Definitely a favorite!
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that you have such a beautiful blog and a beautiful home.
Your site is beautiful! I will make the cookies, and the spiced tea! thanks for sharing your recipes! your dad made a beautiful mantel! Merry Christmas!
Where in the Ozarks are you living?
I am originally from Poplar Bluff, MO but now I live in Boonville, MO
I love your blog and your house.
I found you in a note from Judy Laquidara with the cookie recipe. I love the pictures but especially the faith inspirations. You made my day. Love the baby Jesus and the straw in the manger idea. Oh, Honey1 I’m glad I found you. And what we say is: ” Bless your heart”
Ruthann! Well you did it again to me! I am tear’n up cause your post dear heart! I love this post! Reminds me of my sweet grandma Sara! Bless her heart! she was a dear! And everyone loved her! thanks again for sharing such a wonderful piece of your history with us! Hugs!
I had to come back and tell you that the cookies and the Spiced Tea was a “HIT”! Hubby loves the cookies. Thanks again for sharing some yummy recipes. I love coming by…and check daily for new posts. Blessings, Nicole
Your blog today was like a trip home somehow…. Thanks for warming my cold, far-from-home Saturday night!
May God pour out His very best for you and yours this Christmas….
In Him,
My Messy, Thrilling Life
Hi there! I’m another who just discovered your blog AND LOVE what you write, who you are and how you decorate! I can tell I’ll be like the others and check daily to see if you have updated. PLEASE!?!
I am such a homemaker but even at my age I hesitate making pies. I just don’t do well with the crust. High hopes here that through you I can learn, gain confidence and be able to say “easy as pie”! I’ve always thought that was such a silly expression because they aren’t easy for me!
Ruthann – the warmth of your home and your heart come through in every post you share – what a lovely, serene, fun setting, and what incredible treats you’ve shared! I simply LOVE coming here – ahhhh – such a nice place amidst the hustle/bustle. Be blessed there in your sweet, happy home my friend – and many, many thanks for so graciously sharing it with all of us!!
Hugs and blessings,
Becky S.
Ruthann – the warmth of your home and your heart come through in every post you share – what a lovely, serene, fun setting, and what incredible treats you’ve shared! I simply LOVE coming here – ahhhh – such a nice place amidst the hustle/bustle. Be blessed there in your sweet, happy home my friend – and many, many thanks for so graciously sharing it with all of us!!
Hugs and blessings,
Becky S.
Ruthann – the warmth of your home and your heart come through in every post you share – what a lovely, serene, fun setting, and what incredible treats you’ve shared! I simply LOVE coming here – ahhhh – such a nice place amidst the hustle/bustle. Be blessed there in your sweet, happy home my friend – and many, many thanks for so graciously sharing it with all of us!!
Hugs and blessings,
Becky S.
Ruthann – the warmth of your home and your heart come through in every post you share – what a lovely, serene, fun setting, and what incredible treats you’ve shared! I simply LOVE coming here – ahhhh – such a nice place amidst the hustle/bustle. Be blessed there in your sweet, happy home my friend – and many, many thanks for so graciously sharing it with all of us!!
Hugs and blessings,
Becky S.
Ruthann, your blog is the best!!! I can feel your enthusiasum through the computer, girl! I love all the recipes and history you’ve featured. I’ve always made the spiced tea but never with red hots ~ I love the idea! xxoo, Dawn
Your fireplace is so beautiful! I can’t wait to make the gingersnaps and the tea! Tomorrow.
Hi, Ruthann, I just loved this post! Yes, we have spiced tea down here in the South…have been gifted with one of those mixtures a few times, although I’ve never done it myself. I think it’s a great gift idea! It’s such a homemade, thoughtful thing to give someone.
And what a legacy with your prayer-warrier grandma..I have a mama like that & I wouldn’t trade her for anyone in the world! It’s a rich heritage. Love your blog!
What a wonderful gift this will make and the little tags just make it that much more precious. Thank you for sharing it. Your site is so cozy and inviting :)
Your fireplace is gorgeous! Nice job, Dad!!! I love your blog…thank you for sharing your lovely home with us.
I just have to say ..OH HONEY…and I LOVE Sugar Pie Farmhouse so much I Want To Marry It!! :)
dear Aunt Ruthie said, “”What a legacy and a priceless gift, to blanket loved ones with warm prayers of goodness, mercy and grace. Oh, that we would do the same, with fervency! If we don’t pray for our loved ones, who will?”” AMEN….!!! <3 That is the real, best gift, blessing, talents to pass on/ down to the descendants/ generations! :-) Thank you!
[…] Christmas Spiced Tea from Sugar Pie Farmhouse […]
Hi, thanks so much for sharing your great ideas!!
I was hoping to make the spice tea jars. Where do you get instant dry tea? Thanks so much!! Your work is awesome!!
This tea sounds very familiar to what I’ve always called Russian Tea!! We use the instant tea mix with lemon, Tang or orange powder, & ground cloves, & some sugar…..It’s awesome in the winter to sit down to a cup of Hot Russian Tea!! I’ve always used as many teaspoons as I’d like in mine. That’s just me!! Look it up, It’s delicious! ! I’m a southern gal, but don’t know if it originated from here!! :)
I am born and raised in California, and I remember this tea being popular back in the 1970’s—when I was a kid-so I’m not sure how “southern” it is…it’s been around for awhile in my neck of the woods!
OH, thank you and God bless you for passing on your family recipes. I know people who will not part with their family’s “secret recipe” and then it literally goes to the grave with them and no one knows how to make this item anymore. All those memories of their Grammas’ yummy ______, will be silenced as no one can make it anymore to carry on the tradition. Seems sad to me. Let the recipes live on!
Woo hoo!
Hi, This holiday season I took a trip back to the 60’s and 70’s. We made Holiday Spiced Tea in California! What a treat! After telling my boys about it I decided to make this my Holiday present for everyone who helps me out at dialysis! I will call it my Friiendship Tea! To make an individual cup, just put 2 heaping tablespoons of tea into a cup with boiling water! Adjust to taste! To all my friends,
ENJOY! ❤️ Ricki
The tea is a wonderful staple in our home. My grandmother had this at her house all the time. When I was growing up and spent the night over there, she would always read to me while we had this tea. It is so special to us, and when I had children she gave me the tin she kept it in.